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Sounds like something you'd play on Donkey Konga, everything is interwoven spectacularly. I especially like the drum work. I'm pretty sure those are all SampleTank2 samples, you used some of the brass samples really well. I usually hate the ST2 brass samples but you make them work here. I also like the way the blues guitar and 1920 piano come across as really humane.


This is incredible. Took me a while to realize it wasn't live.

I was little confused at first when the song started, because I hadn't expected to hear music from SML. The writeup doesn't mention it and nowhere on the page does it say this remix contains music from any other game than SMB (other than the songs list, which don't say anything about which games the songs are from, only the song names). The name of this thread, however, lists all the games. Weird.

Anyway, back on topic, awesome job. :nicework::nicework::nicework:



I'm happy to hear some Super Mario Land love in this, first of all. The Main BGM theme from that game is just as iconicly Mario to me as some of the old school stuff, but I always get the feeling people pass over that game and the music. I'm just as happy with the brass parts of this mix as well. I usually hate trumpets and the like in stuff because it doesn't sound authentic or it sounds too... tinny or just outright bad. I can't vouch for complete authenticity, but it sounds legit and pleasant enough to me to be enjoyable.

This mix also strikes me as being decidedly *not* repetitive. Nowhere did I feel a sense of deja vu, and before it started to recycle old ideas, the song was over. So I found myself listening to it a couple more times. It's interesting and has a high replay value.

Mario fans will love this, I believe. Especially if they dig jazz.


This is really cool! I don't care about the sample quality at all, but maybe that's cause I think this is really well arranged. The hyperactive big band thing works cause things still sound very musical despite the goofily fast pace and some iffy samples.

Really well done, dude! I'd love to see more mixes like this.


I should post this song in the "And it made me smile thread" Cause its just what it did..

and its 5.30 am.. ive been up for three hours there is nothing to smile about.. other than this song..



I love this arrangement so much- music is so fun, and songs like this really emphasize how fun it can be. This is a medley done right and then some. You seriously can't help but smiling while listening to this, unless of course, you are a bitter and hateful individual. I mean look, even Scaredsim likes this one! :<

Super swingin'!


This is just a lot of fun :-D I don't have a problem with the samples whatsoever, though there were a few points that didn't quite click with me. The exposed instruments in the intro sounded a little weird, and I don't like how you randomly faded out the piano towards the end of the mix. Minor gripes aside though, you've created a seriously enjoyable, lighthearted, and a great tribute to some classic themes.

I commented yesterday on your Castlevania mix, and said how I hope to hear more from you soon, so I guess I got my wish! :-D


Man, great read. Honestly, i like elaborate feedback just as much, but just knowing that you infected some people with happiness is about as sweet as it gets.

Sounds like something you'd play on Donkey Konga, everything is interwoven spectacularly. I especially like the drum work. I'm pretty sure those are all SampleTank2 samples, you used some of the brass samples really well. I usually hate the ST2 brass samples but you make them work here. I also like the way the blues guitar and 1920 piano come across as really humane.

Wow Roe, you identified the piano. yeah, there's a lot of ST2 stuff in there, but it's a mixture of that and Kontakt stock stuff.

You really know your SampleTank though.

I have some stuff for Kontakt that surpasses the Sampletank content on paper, but i keep coming back for some samples in there because there's something about them and they're really usable. It's certainly not the realism!

I guess this is what happens when you write all your songs in C

Interesting point :)

Funny though, I sequenced the whole thing from memory (I've been dicking around with these tunes since i started sequencing. I even remember transcribing the SMB2 Theme on a polyphonic cellphone in 2002, 2 years before i picked up a proper sequencer. It probably was pretty horrible.)

Still, I landed right in the key of C! Coincidence? Or maybe it's just the key that Mario tunage is supposed to be in? who knows...

Awesome. This is right up there with Kennen Sie Mario.

Hahaha...owell i suppose this needs linkage.



I think Mario had a little too much caffeine. This usually is a hyper active problem, but in this instance it equals lots of fun. I feel like I was just on a roller coaster ride of music. Roller coaster rides are fun, though, just like this mix. It's got a lot going on, and it happens very fast, but it's all good stuff, and you get a lot of little smiles on the way.

Samples aren't the greatest, but as mentioned by others, they happen so quickly that you can't really dwell on the sounds before you have to focus on what's next. I think this would have been nicer (just a bit!) if the sounds could really back up the mixing, but I'm not going to complain on that when everything else is done quite well.

Nice work.


I'm all for electronic instruments, but I don't think they can pull off Dixieland very well. Obviously not everyone has a Dixieland band in their garage that they can make play Mario Bros. music at will, and I commend you for making it happen with what you have, but it could be on a whole different level with real instruments.


This song really has a crazy amount of medleyitis, but it's certainly more creative than most medleys you see in its jampackedness.

I don't think I have terribly much say here other than that - it doesn't stay cohesive enough for me to really enjoy it as anything more than say an impromptu jam-type of song.

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