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OCR01957 - Final Fantasy X "A Fine Place to Live"


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I'd say this is essentially a 20-bit ReMix - just take the PS2's thirty-two bits and the NES's eight and then divide by two.

Nice description. :-D

It doesn't quite feel as chiptuney to me, but still it's quite awesome.

I really like how everything is mellowly drawn out, really feels like some beach getaway music. Highly calming and eternal. Reminds me of, like, a very orange-red tropical beach sunset, the kind a person would watch while holding one of those drinks with a paper umbrella in it.

In the end, it's really cool, and I totally recommend it.

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Thoughts from the Biznut:

I love the mellow light hearted feel of the synths. They are clearly defined while still sounding warm, a great contrast to the wash of fluttering melody lines playing behind most of this track. There are quite a diverse set of instruments in this arrangement, yet they all compliment the overall sound and flow of the arrangement.

And the end of the track had a little swoopy thing at the end. I don't know how to describe it, it was faint, and it was neat.

Nice chill mix halc!

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I am like a giggly little school girl when I see anything by halc posted.

First off, the original theme is prolly may top 3 favs from the entire ffx soundtrack, so the initial sighting of this being the source got me excited.

I absolutely love the way things were kept mellow if you will, akin to the source, yet there are still many things happening at once, which I think halc has demonstrated he can do marvelously in previous work, such as that super awesome Outset mix. The main melody was preserved while a lot of additional components were added to enforce the chippy-ness, but also strengthen the track. I think this was done successfully, not sure what else I can say. Love it.

At this point there isn't a song I wouldn't want halc to get a stab at, and this is just another example of that.

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Hrmmm, I don't know if I'm happy that I don't have the only Besaid Island mix on the site....haha, just kidding. It's a really under-appreciated song, so I'm glad to hear a different take on it on the main page. It took me a few listens to appreciate the chipness of this, but it's grown on me, and it's a fun enjoyable listen. Nice work.

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So nice! Had a nice warm smile on my face listening to this. Good take on it. Really, I love what you do with sound in this. Whereas a lot of people would try to dress it up and make it more complex, you bring it down to that lovely melody and show us just how awesome it is.

No complaints here, keep 'em coming!

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I'll be honest, when I went through and mass-downladed all of Halc's mixes a while back, this one didn't necessarily catch my interest. But now that it's on the front page and I've had some motivation to listen to it again, I've realized what a good example of halc's talent it is. This just goes to prove that you can create a beautiful, lush soundscape with very minimal amounts of sounds if you use your samples right :-)

Keep making sexy stuff like this, man! x)

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I enjoyed this remix quite a bit. The relaxed feel + the chip-tune parts are really my favorite. Also, not sure if this was intentional but that background sound at 1:18 sounds an awful lot like the warp star in Kirby (maybe someone else has already pointed this out, but I try not to read other comments until I post mine to avoid skewing my opinion).

Either way -- nicely done :)

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