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Because of some family/timing issues I'm actually not really celebrating Christmas until tomorrow so today is just the day when I get and respond to 500 texts and look at the gifts under the tree another day (which burns me up because I know Spirit Tracks and Uncharted 2 are there... booo!)

Regardless, wanted to wish my OCR friends a Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and/ or happy holiday season in general. Whatever you're doing hopefully it's with good friends and family and there's games and music somewhere in the proceedings.


Merry Christmas, everyone! Got a really rich haul of books this year (the remaining RA Salvatore books I'm missing to complete my Drizzt / Cadderly collection, and Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol") from my inlaws, and a Wii Points card...amazing from them as they have no idea how to use it. My wife must have wrote a list for them......

....which is great, and should happen every year. :P

Hope everyone is enjoying their vacations!


Okay, we all want to do it, so...post yer hauls!

Vizio 26" HDTV

Kenneth Cole wristwatch

Umbrellas (random and unexpected O_o)

Bose speakers for my compy

An AirHog plane thingy

Desk chair

$100 Kohl's giftcard

$50 Best Buy card

$50 Macy's card

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