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I thought the Worst Game Sequel thread was pretty interesting. I like seeing what's important in a game to other people. And it's fun to reminisce about terrible sequels. Even if hard to pinpoint the worst one overall, you can't deny there's a lot of them.

Which got me to thinking about what sequels did it *right*. What sequels went beyond its predecessor(s) in awesomeness.

A big example that pops into my mind is Mario 3. The first Mario game isn't bad by any means. It's a classic, and can still be fun to this day. However, Mario 3 blows it out of the water in my opinion. It takes everything that was great about the original and greatly expanded upon it. You don't just have 4 stages per 'world' anymore, you have many stages in a world, different paths to choose, and the worlds are themed and less generic. There's items you can collect and a lot more powers to wield.

And who didn't love the giant world!?


Good sequels are a no brainer!


  • themed stages (Western, Jungle, Haunted Graveyard)
  • multiple areas in levels (like going inside the train)
  • really good music (especially stage 2)
  • variations on levels (when redoing them after beating the game)
  • a tribute to the original Mappy (the Haunted House)


Really, really, good sequels?

-Super Smash Bros. Melee

-Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (as compared to Sealed Sword/Binding Blade)

-Kirby's Dream Land 2

-Pokémon Gold/Silver

-Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (as compared to Phantom Hourglass)

-Megaman 2

-Mother 3

-Super Mario Land 2

-Wario Land 3

-Super Metroid

-F-Zero GX

-Sonic 2

-Sonic 3 & Knuckles

-Advance Wars 2

Maybe I exaggerated?


From the top of my head (proly forgetting half of them):

Ace Combat IV & V

Arc the Lad III

Bonic Commando 2009

Breath of Fire III

Contra III / Super Probotector

Dead Space 2

Demon's Crest

Devil May Cry 3

Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden 2 (SFC)

Fallout 3

Fantasy Zone 2 - Tears of Opa Opa

F.E.A.R. - Perseus Mandate

Final Fantasy VI & XII

Front Mission 3

Gradius III and Gradius V

International Superstar Soccer Deluxe

Megaman 2 and Megaman Zx Advent

Metal Gear Solid 3 and Peace Walker

Rage Racer

Raiden III

Resident Evil 2 & 4

R-Type III - The Third Lightning

Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2)

Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master

SnK vs Capcom 2 - Millionaire Fighting 2001

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (master system)

Splinter Cell 3 - Chaos Theory

Street Fighter II and SF III 3rd Strike

Streets of Rage 2

Super Castlevania IV and Order of Ecclesia

Super Metroid & Metroid Fusion

Syphon Filter - Dark Mirror (psp)

TLoZ Links Awakening and TLoZ The Minish Cap

Thunder Force IV

Wonderboy III - The Dragon's Trap

Zone of the Enders - the 2nd Runner

*braces himself for impact*

Absolutely no contest Donkey Kong Country 2.

One was awesome, and still 2 took it to a whole new level with design, music, atmosphere...

this and

Pokemon Gold/Silver introduced a HUGE amount of improvements, and it was early enough that they hadn't started to run out of ideas much. Still the best generation of pokemon IMO.


Almost all of my all-time favorite games are sequels, so...pretty much any sequel I've played is the best.

But just to add something (not) original to the thread, Donkey Kong Country 2 and Mega Man 2. I will love those games for the rest of my natural life.


Street Fighter II + the alpha series

Xenosaga III

Resident Evil 3

Jet Moto 2

F-Zero GX - one of the best games ever

Castlevania Dracula X for PC Engine

Castlevania Symphony Of The Night

Capcom Vs Snk2

Thief II The Metal Age

Zone Of The Enders 2


Legend of Zelda 2: Adventure of Link

I don't understand the level of flack this game gets. It's different than the original, but it's intended to be - as opposed to to Super Doki Doki Mario Bros. 2.

However - best sequel of all-time I'd have to say is Super Mario Bros. 3.

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