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Okay, I gotta say that during eval, I was raving about this song. Sure, there's some timing issues as a result of so much being done in a live-feel style, but none of the shortcomings take away from the SHEER UNIMPEDED AWESOMENESS of this song. It is smooth, funky, in your face, and will wrap you up and toss you onto the boogie with slick bass, great brass, and killer synths.

Without a doubt this is my favorite track on the album, and I can not agree more that I want to hear more from SirJord. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go dance.


Oh boy, this is awesome. I must admit when I heard this song on the video preview, I was like "whaaaa?" so I made it a point to listen to this song first from the album. I absolutely love it. The vocals are over-the-top ridiculous, but in a great, too awesome to comprehend kind of way. I'm also a big fan of jazz, so the instrumentals are spot on in my book. Great job!


How can you not like this? Seriously. I don't think this will be polarizing -- it's way too good.

I think the most common complaint with vocal remixes is that the execution is usually pretty poor and the lyrics are either poorly written or try too hard to be relevant to the game. This on the other hand, is different. It's kind of like when KatetheGreat submitted that FF9 remix a couple years back (Has it been a couple years now?), except better.

This sets a new standard for future vocal mixes, I think.

(Edit: ok i didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. they're pretty cheesy, but I don't think that detracts from the overall sound of the remix.)


I'm trying really hard to get past the cheesy karaoke feel of the vocals, but I don't know if I can, which is a shame because I love cheesy lyrics (Hello there The Ken Song) and I love everything else about this song.


This is one of the braver mixes I've heard in a long time. Ridiculous guts to debut with a track like this, and I salute you for it.

As Dave writes, there are some issues here that we could discuss regarding intonation...but you transmit so much raw fun to your audience that we become very forgiving very quickly. Really surprising to see this one on the album -- nice work.

I nominate this for O-Clocked's Best Debut 2011.


This track has pretty much been stuck in my head since I've heard it. Which is 100% NOT a bad thing.

Also, I nominate this for the Track-I-Show-My-Friends-To-Get-Them-Interested-In-OCRemix Award.

I look forward to anything you do in the future, congrats on the FUNKAI BEETS!


So I posted the album over at Rockman PM. Finally getting some responses. Why am I posting this in the Smooth as Honey thread, you ask?

Smooth as Honey is the best track by far. I almost jumped out of my seat when it first came up but I listened to it till the end and whoa, did not expect something like that from OC Remix. Ever.

And Smooth as honey is surprisingly awesome.

That's why. I like it too, but more on that in the review. Once I write it. XD


Great track, probably the best in the album. Sure, every song in the album was amazing, but they were all too predictable, and didn't really try to explore outside of the genre box, despite having multiple opportunities to change up their style based on their respective stages, whereas this track really captures the feel of Hornet Man while being a real remix. There were a few problems I had with the vocals, but I think that has more to do with the style than his voice. Vunderbar.

  • 3 weeks later...

This mix has been entertaining the hell out of me for days now, excellent, unique stuff. I really can't hand it to Sir Jordanius more for just laying it all on the line and doing his thing on this one... the enthusiasm, energy, and humor just shines on so many levels, definitely my favorite track from the album, and a very unique mix any way you slice it.


This, The Skull Fortress, and Astro Fusion are my favorite songs on the album. Great job on both the vocals and the instrumentation! BiB is definitely the best album yet, in part because of this song.

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