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Oh.. neat! (Just found this project/thread)

I love the concept. I loved Milkyway Wishes But it was started a while ago. Is it still on?

Sigh... sadly I think even by this point we're going to be waiting a loooong time :|


I see this project is still going...

Arek, I think you've invested too much time into this project. What's it been, four years? Five?

Release it and get it behind you.

We don't care about a storybook or any other bonus features: we just want to hear the music.

Quoted for truth and great justice. It's all about the music, man. Bonuses are all well and good, but it shouldn't be what holds back some awesome music for release. I'm sure the people who took part in the project have been waiting eagerly for their stuff to be released, so you've got the listeners AND the artists wanting this thing to go.

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Quoted for truth and great justice. It's all about the music, man. Bonuses are all well and good, but it shouldn't be what holds back some awesome music for release. I'm sure the people who took part in the project have been waiting eagerly for their stuff to be released, so you've got the listeners AND the artists wanting this thing to go.

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

I second this. If need be, we can release the music first, then put up the album arts later. If I were in the same situation, that's what I'd do *Expects a response like, "then you wouldn't make a good director because...."*


I completely agree with all the postings here the past weekend. now we just need to figure out how to light the fire under Arek's ass. Hopefully some updates will happen soon.


As much as I wish to be able to continue having the project run, things have just made it impossible to go on without a full reboot.

Things that I have been planning for this have been falling through bit by bit, which has been prolonging the release of this far longer than it should have. For that, I apologize.

Any artist that have been involved in this are more than free to release the tracks they have done for this. I shall be contacting each one of you specifically about that as well as a few other things.

I apologize to everyone that has been following this project since it has started. I wish I was able to give the project that I promised, but due to many set backs and complications, I was unable to, and for that I am deeply sorry.

This project is now canceled until further notice.

  • 2 weeks later...

Since the thing is gone, I've been wanting to see everyone's drawings (or what's been finished). If we don't get a complete project, might as well make a nice little album of the pictures

unless someone's got all of them saved

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