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Normally, I despise rap. I loved this remix. That alone should tell you something. The lyrics are original, funny, crazy good. Lots of Earthbound references for you EB cultists like me :P. If you don't download this, you should be shot.


Hm. I generally avoid confrontation, but I just can't say I liked this one. I don't know, it's okay. To me though, it just sounded... forced. It seems like you guys were trying too hard to be funny and original and stuff. Made it feel kind of mechanical and awkward, for me. It's not that I don't like rap or anything, I just can't get into this one.


I doubt that. There's no person crazy enough to become the game. Earthbound is nuts. Who out there could Earthbound be made of?

...Earthbound is Jack Thompson's appendix.

All hilarity aside, I can't really say I enjoyed this mix as everyone else on a musical level but I'll be damned if it didn't make me laugh hard.


I'll be nice. Congratulations, Mr. Cammissa, on creating such an interesting project based on a great soundtrack from a very very strange game. I enjoyed listening to, and briefly scanning the torrent since I don't officially have a connection at home, but most of it I heard is dang fine in terms of the hip-hop stuff. My only advice I can give you boys is that your raps can be more focused on one particular subject and leaning a little further away than cliche'd freestyling rants (don't be discouraged,pal, I'm working on this improvement myself while in Masters Commision. Once I get a better host for my tunes, we'll see what's going down on my side). I'm saying this regardless of the explicit content found in this good remix...so don't take it personally, guys. It's a good song, MN beats are tight, but other than that...not much else I can say without being biased to my love for Christian rap.


Peace out,



Any fan of Earthboud will ADORE this mix, regardless of the rap element. This is one of those that at least demands a listen, if not a permanent playlist addition. Flik reminds me of Weird Al...


YAY! More hiphop in OCR.

I´m not really a big rap consumer (because most of the rap you hear today.. well.. SUCKS! Ok ok, enough whining.) but the hiphopstuff at OCR seems to have a real sense to style. I like old school(ish) rap, not the moronic stuff you hear today.

AND YAY once again we have a fresh groovy raptune in OCR, this time with a bit darker tone. I don´t like this as much as I like Myth´s "Smooth Delivery" but this is great stuff anyway. And definitely different.

Kick it one time boiii!


Wow... Great rap mix.

I love Poo's part (OMG critical SMASH!) and Flik's part (A chemical analysis proves nothing of hypothesis of which I thought up in the shower while I read Nintendo Power!) are absolutly great, but the others don't fall far from the tree!

Overall great rhymes and humor!

Keep it up, white boys!


This is right up with my favs of the Earthbound: Bound Together remix project, along with Prophecy's - Sweet Dream Lullaby, Cromkrayer's - Paula want a cracked bat? and Mustin's - Flying Man.

This mix is has the perfect beat, breaks at the right time, has the right feel to it and the last "verse" or whatever you want to call it is just so random that it makes me crack up everytime, you just have to love this song - even if you do hate rap.

I'm going to give it a 100/10 because it is the best rap song I have heard, ever.


Unbelievable, definetely one of the most interesting ReMixes I've heard in a while. And it's awesome Rap/Hip-Hop, too.

Great work, guys, even the f-bombs were thrown at the right places (Happy Happy Town "What the fuck?" It's all blue).

Linkman25 wrote:

Keep it up, white boys!

Myth's Sri Lankan.

OOOPS!! Well... Sorry bout that... You gotta admit, he DOES sound white!

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