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Enemies/moments that scare the **** out of you!

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Definitely gonna second Ravenholm in Half-Life 2 for being a long, scary process to get through. And the black leaper carriers...shudder.

But as for the single worst instant in my life in gaming, it would EASILY be in Bioshock when you enter the dentist's office, see the cool tonic on a counter and go get it, then turn around and Mr. Dentist is standing two inches away ready to root canal your ass.

I do not jump easily. That moment probably made me look like I'd been tasered for a split second.


Did anyone else have a problem getting through that last Ecco game as much as I did? I don't think anything has ever scared the crap out of me as much as Ecco on Dreamcast. (Defender of the future was it?) Something about being trapped under water with a bunch of sharks that you couldn't see until they were on top of you. Coming out of that blue haze.

...must have been a fish in a former life.

Yes. The ocean is terrifying.


To Meteo Xavier - I always thought 7th Saga was creepy too. I've never played it. I just used to watch my older brother play and it just creeped me out.

In-game, you have every reason to be terrified of them. They can take you out in one-two hits without much regard to your equipment or levels.

When I was little, I always kept track of my lives in Adventures of Link. Because, if I died, and I knew the game over screen was coming up, I would sprint to that f@$!ing NES and turn the game off before Gannon's scary ass face and laugh came on the screen.

Do you mean this one?

Hahahah,... that's actually kind of adorable, because as an adult we can see that it's totally not scary at all but I can totally see how for a kid it would be horrifying. You always imagine things bigger than they actually are when you're a kid.


I'm not afraid to admit this but Fallout 3's over world. I felt secure while in the Vault, which is something they made quite clear should be the feeling as you, the player, are leaving the security of the Vault for the dangers of the Wastelands.

When I emerged and characters eyes adjusted, I scoured the landscape, brought up my map and attempted to make some sense out of what I was beholding, then felt dread and apprehension and just...quit.

I eventually returned and enjoyed myself but its that initial shock of seeing such devastation.


Sort of random, but I remember playing the original legend of zelda as a kid (~5 or 6 years old) and getting scared by the message you get from the old man when you visit the last level before getting all of the triforce pieces. Something about the 'what are you doing? you're not supposed to be here' vibe apparently freaked me out.


There was this one time a father thought I had done something inappropriate with his dau...

oh, in a video game.

Well, several games have gotten me immersed and adrenaline-ized, and at times I've been afraid, but the thread is asking about terror. I guess I don't play many games that are trying to inspire terror. The cyberdemons in Doom 1 and 2 count. I guess that's about it.


one word: Re-Deads.

I had never been absolutely terrified of a game until OoT. Just running around, exploring, find the tomb in Kakariko, and see the re-deads.

I thought they were old ladies who were sick. I ran over to help them, got frozen, watched that freaky creeper approach with his horrifying moany thing and I slammed that game off!

To this DAY, that moan still scares me. ooh....

Posted (edited)

This is one for you Sierra On-Line enthusiasts: most of

outright terrified me as a child

those videos don't even show the numerous other character deaths

Edited by Gollgagh
Sort of random, but I remember playing the original legend of zelda as a kid (~5 or 6 years old) and getting scared by the message you get from the old man when you visit the last level before getting all of the triforce pieces. Something about the 'what are you doing? you're not supposed to be here' vibe apparently freaked me out.

I thought you were going to say that "It's dangerous to go alone" scared you. xD


Forgot one - Thanatos' palace in Secret of Mana. The music, the level, the enemies, the boss. Creepy as hell. All of it. The music sounds like a nursery rhyme from the 7th layer of hell.

Posted (edited)

Some of the Haunting Ground deaths.

The game wasn't that good, to be honest. It just seemed like a lot of fanservice is what sold it (which is stupid because the heroine is useless and so unlikeable), but to me some of the death scenes were so scary, especially thanks to the sound design of the game.

Just go to 1:35. That's the one that got me. The others aren't that bad.

Also the idea of being chased by some giant man baby was absolutely horrifying. I could deal with the other people who chased you, but the big ogre guy was just frightening to the point I couldn't even play the game for a couple of days.

Edited by urdailywater

Don't know if anyone mentioned this one yet here but I just played Bioshock Infinite recently so these are fresh in my mind:


The last one in particular made me jump when I turned around and saw it. As well, anything with a creeky wheelchair creeps me out...


This didn't happen to me, it happened to my friend a few weeks ago. It's a video game story worth sharing in this thread.

Few weeks ago, the power went out in several neighborhoods. My friend lives over in this apartment building a few blocks away. He said it went totally pitch black and when he went into the hall, the red light from the emergency lights and the footsteps all around was just damn creepy. He described it like Silent Hill 2. So he went back into his darkened apartment and did what any rational person in this situation would do....Open up the window, listen to the rain outside and play ClockTower - The First Fear for SNES.

There is this one part where you approach a box and either Scissorman or a cat will jump out at you. As far as I recall it's random as to which it will be. So he's just about to walk by the box in the game and just as he does Scissorman jumps out and BAM! At that exact moment, all the power comes back on and the fire alarms in the building start ringing. My friend immediately turned the game off.

I assume he then went to change his underwear.

Yes. The ocean is terrifying.

if i had to just float in the middle of the ocean i would likely be one of the few 23 year olds to die of a heart attack. fuuuuck that.

also i agree with whomever mentioned regenerators from RE 4. the first time you see one , its so disturbing and tense.


Surprised that this hasn't been posted yet.

Still scares the crap out of me to this day. I didn't even dare step into the level as a kid, I was so scared.

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