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OCR02699 - Final Fantasy VI "The Impresario"


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At 1:52 it's just more of the opera stuff but at around 2:54 or so I believe I hear a bit of Aerith's theme from FF7 O.O

The original opera song has a section that sounds ALOT like Aerith's theme. So much so, i always wondered if Nobuo Uematsu didn't just lift and alter when he made it lol.

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[21:04] <Bahamut> kristi posted this earlier btw: Nobuo Uematsu on Jake's arrangement: "I was shocked! I have to buy a glass of beer for this guy!"

[21:04] <Bahamut> on fb

[21:05] <@Liontamer> yeah, Don Kotowski from SEMO shared it with Uematsu, and that was his reaction to Impresario

I want pics of that meetup. Seriously.

I know everybody already said that this equals, if not surpasses Bohemian Rhapsody, but it cannot be said enough. I get goosebumps every time I listen to this. This mix has single handidly raised the quality of OC ReMixes by massive heights. It's going to be a LONG time before somebody can top this. Awesome work!

Do not bet the farm that this can not be topped. I'm hearing a lot of people saying 'Game Over'

I have been continually amazed by this website and the lengths its remixers go. And there are Three or Four tracks in the FF9 album (which i expect in the fall) That have the raw POTENTIAL to turn these opinions on their head. A few to keep in mind.

Disc 2

Cid's Theme - CLAIMED BY XPRTNovice (who just kicked face in FF6.)

Lindblum - CLAIMED BY Another Soundscape (Something says this one's gonna be special)

A Face Unforgotten - CLAIMED BY katethegreat19 We have now three truly AWESOME female vocalists on this website. This is one of those three.

Disc 4

You're Not Alone! - CLAIMED BY Josh Whelchel / Poolside

Melodies of Life ~ Final Fantasy - CLAIMED BY Jovette Rivera / Isao

The only thing i can hope for is that no one scraps their work for FF9 based on the bar FF6 just set.

The entire Opera Suite was truly awesome and listening to these three together is an experience in and of itself.

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I love the Bohemian Rhapsody style used for this! It's unbelievable, and I have no doubt that plenty of both Queen and FFVI fans everywhere will praise this as hard as possible, deservedly so. From section III on, I felt like it would have taken the jaws of life to rip the smile off my face. Well done, Jake. Now, can someone help me find my jaw? I seem to have lost it on the floor somewhere..........

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I really enjoy this mix. :D Very strong Bohemian Rhapsody feel.

I am wondering: why are there no female vocals for Maria? At first, I didn't notice this because I thought it was a re-interpretation without Maria singing at all. But then I read what people said, and now I'm almost certain Maria sings at 6:42-6:52 in a male voice.

It's still a really cool mix. Just curious about that one thing! :)

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I really enjoy this mix. :D Very strong Bohemian Rhapsody feel.

I am wondering: why are there no female vocals for Maria? At first, I didn't notice this because I thought it was a re-interpretation without Maria singing at all. But then I read what people said, and now I'm almost certain Maria sings at 6:42-6:52 in a male voice.

It's still a really cool mix. Just curious about that one thing! :)

I think it's because this part was designed to be this way. The Opera part is divided up in three songs, this being the second one. Jillian voices the third part (much more sombre than the other two) as Maria.

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This is also one of my top six from B&R. I had a lot I wanted to say about it, but after reading everything, I just wanted to say two things.

To quote DJP, "and, and, and... <EXPLODES>." ...yeah. Literally, we could go on gushing about this, but this thing isn't fit for mere words-this is an EXPERIENCE.

The other thing is that songs of this type just do not come along very often, regardless of genre or purpose. Stuff like this is quite literally WHY I started following OCR closely since... 01, 03? Somewhere in there, I remember when the site was BLUE. I don't say much, I'm not a musician, but it's work like this that I'd otherwise miss if I didn't watch you guys, and as an artist (even though of radically different discipline), I don't want to miss more of the amazing things that people make than I will already miss just by being limited to personal experiences.

For me, as a graphic artist, writer, and animator, this is why OCR exists-it is the nexus through which I can witness the work of artists who do things that are soundly different than what I do while giving me a frame of reference of what to expect. And a great once in a while, much like the visual art field, a masterwork appears that I can both relate to AND appreciate. This is the place that, for myself and my interests in music, that can happen.

So thank you, Jake Kaufman, Tommy Pedrini, and OCR at large. Thank you, OCR, for being a thing, for making amazing things, and inviting all of us outsiders to share them with you.

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The thing I liked is the fact it was lyrically focused on Draco's PoV as opposed to Maria's when you play the game, and in contrast to the track before which is that whole part done (superbly) different.

I still reckon you can hear "those who fight again" in the first part of the trinity you know... >_>

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To be perfectly honest, I don't get much of a Bohemian Rhapsody feel from this, aside from stellar vocal harmonies....oop wait, 5:03. I sit corrected. Heavy influence there.

Even still, what I really DO get from this is a song that is more akin to something that the Trans-Siberian Orchestra would compose. And believe me, that's a VERY good thing. Killer orchestral arrangements, soaring vocals that weave quite the intense picture, and guitar riffs that compliment the entirety of the piece without stealing the show. The solo at 7:49 felt exactly right, as well. And damn, do I love that fading note bend at the end of the solo.

Hats off man. This is a FANTASTIC piece you've crafted. :)

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if this was the only track in the album i'd be pretty satisfied....


No pedestal high enough, as djpretzel said. Before hearing this I didn't even really like Bohemian Rhapsody. This track made me reconsider that view, and quite seriously. Yet it stands on its own as a masterpiece. It almost redefines the word 'masterpiece' - that still seems like not a big enough compliment.

Now to make extra sure I've got all other works by Virt...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will always remember the moment i heard this song. I listened to B&R to to this points with thoughts of "cool , great , well-made" and so on and then The Impressario started. I stopped the chat i was participating in before and my eyes, ears and smile got wider and wider. The 9 Minutes later my conclusion was: "This is the "best" song on the album and even the next ones can´t top THAT." Of course music is subjective. But for me it has proven to be that way.

Enough said. No wait. One more thing: Thank you very much for "The Impressario" Mr. Kaufman!

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I'm a bit behind on my OCR-age, so I only just downloaded the album this afternoon and have only listened to a few tracks thus far, but I still feel confident in saying this is easily one of the highlights of the album.

The Queen homage is both obvious and amazing, well-executed to the point that I feel I could recommend this song to non-VGM fans and, other than the length, they wouldn't bat an eye.

If most of the other songs are even one-third as good as this, I'm very much looking forward to the rest of the album.

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  • 1 month later...

My first post on OC remix. I'm not a contributer; I'm not even a composer. But I am a musician and a fan of music. A co-worker suggested I take a look at this site, and suggested I take a listen to The Impressario.

I don't have a lot of technical feedback, but I'll say this: In the last week or so, I've listened to about a dozen different compositions, different games, different genres, different composers, just to get a feel for the site. This is the one that got stuck in my head.

Please take that as a compliment, as it is intended. Perhaps, what I mean to say is this song is like a banquet. It hits all the taste buds just right. Got a little harmony, a little slow and soft, some rocking guitar and drum, then it switches up to something different and unexpected.

I can only imagine the time and effort it must've taken to put this together. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't signed on to OCR for over 7 years, but this song made me break my silence. Typically I just download the albums and be on my way, but I was listening to Balance and Ruin today when this song came on and had completely blown my mind. I had to listen to it again just to be fully sure I just heard what I heard, and then I proceeded to listen to it another 5 times throughout the day, and I imagine I'll give it another 5 or so listens.

The Opera has always been one of my favorite songs in Final Fantasy VI. Even without the lyrics, it is a song that tells a story from it's highs and lows, from the slow, somewhat melancholic intro to the sort of "false happy" wedding theme to the dramatic fight scene to the heartwarming ending. There have been only two covers/remixes that I have ever felt to get it right, which was The Black Mages version and Distant World's version, every other just tends to fall short.

That was until I heard this, it nails everything perfectly, the pace, the mood the emotion. It's far from traditional, but the Queen/Bohemian Rhapsody homage is absolutely brilliant, and the execution was nearly flawless. The piano/guitar/vocals are amazing, and gives me chills. This music isn't just nice to listen too, it's powerful. It makes me feel. Get get pumped and excited, and the emotional impact is far greater than any song that I can recall in recent memory.

If I had pick any gripe out of this song, it would be a personal one and a rather pitiful one at that. I feel that the lyrics could have been just a tad bit more robust. I like the interpretation Maria and Draco as a Romeo and Juliet, but I feel that something was lost in translation. Also, I can understand the need to keep in line with Queen, but I felt that possibly another vocalist to help differentiate characters within the lyrics would have served better, maybe of hit that Meatloaf Rock Opera feel,

However, the song is far above and beyond what I could expect and is easily the shining diamond in the album. Amazing job.

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