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I was beginning to wonder if OCR would ever be graced with Grandia 2 remixes. This is a great start, and hopefully the remix to open the doors to more Grandia 2 remixes for the future.


Ahhh, finally some Grandia II. With GIII coming out, I've actually been on a nostalgic run with GII, so this is almost exactly what I wanted.

Instruments are nice, arrangement is pretty good, too. Although, my only gripe is that it sounds like it's just a bunch of solos followed occasionally by the theme. The chord changes at about 2:50 are nice, though. Very different, and spices up the song a lot.

Good job Darkesword. 8/10.

Ahhh, finally some Grandia II. With GIII coming out, I've actually been on a nostalgic run with GII, so this is almost exactly what I wanted.

Instruments are nice, arrangement is pretty good, too. Although, my only gripe is that it sounds like it's just a bunch of solos followed occasionally by the theme. The chord changes at about 2:50 are nice, though. Very different, and spices up the song a lot.

Good job Darkesword. 8/10.

What part of the theme is "occasional?" The only truly original melodic part in the entire song is the 16 measure section at 1:44. Everything else is A Deus.


Y hello thar GREAT SONG!

Beautiful engaging melody that is extremely well mixed. Arranged very comfortably, like a gently painted easter egg laying preciously on soft plastic grass in a whicker basket. I'm on my fourth re-listen in a row.


Yeah, not the best analogy. Still, too bad I didn't remember the source very well; guess it's just been too long. A triumph DS; one of your best imo.


Awesome remix,Remind's me of snow.I was a fan of this game but since it's been so long,i do not recconize the tune,It does however go with Guild War's snow area's quite nicely ;),Never the less,this remix rocks and i have listened to it..countless time's.


Ooo, look.

Another totally awesome piece from DarkeSword. I am as unsurprised as I am pleased, which is to say a hefty helping of both.

Thanks for the change in the middle... I was just thinking the track was beginning to go stale, and the change came in with excellent timing.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

darke, this is beautiful! i'm not familiar with the source, but you've really captured mystery and enchangment in this 5 1/2 minute mp3. i can't really provide much of a specific review--it all blows my mind. some particulars i guess i liked most were the drums and that part with the chimes that are accented by the cymbal crashes starting around 3:22 or so.

this is definitely going into my favorites folder. i look forward to your future work. :)


  • 2 weeks later...

This is a wonderful remix by DarkeSword for Grandia 2 nonetheless. It makes me wonder why there are so few Grandia 2 remixes in the first place. A lot of the subtle nuances from the game are carried over without directly imbedding in the source audio. This is a difficult task indeed for something as mellow and gentle as this particular track.

I play this song whenever I feel like I need to relax or just chill out. Sadly, the shuffle on my player doesn't bring it up as often as I'd like.

  • 1 month later...

I've had this for a while but I'm only commenting now.

I like this. Not just because it's pleasing to the ear, which it is. But also because it accomplishes something that, in my mind, many melodious songs fail to do -- not be campy. When you start with a source tune like A Deus, you typically run into two types of dangers:

1) making something already laid back even more laid back and thus boring, or

2) try to add elements to spice things up and end up going overboard with the bright instrumentation and harmonies

For some people this is fine and I'm not knocking it. But for me there has to be a delicate balance. And this song does exactly that. A beautiful rendition of the source tune using angelic instrumentation choice and chords, underpinned by a subtle drumline that ebbs and flows with the melody. Only the section at 3:34 with the cymbals (?) hits me as slightly overbearing.

Great stuff, great job by DS.

Only the section at 3:34 with the cymbals (?) hits me as slightly overbearing.

Yeah I thought the same thing. I think that section would be a lot more powerful emotionally if it didn't try to beat people over the head with it.

Otherwise I thought it was pretty cool. Loved the drums.


First time Trygon played this for me I just went, "OH MY GOD," because it was just that awesome to me at the time. It really is nice to hear a remix of a Grandia 2 song considering I don't see/hear much mention of it. It's definately one of my favorites. I feel like the song itself could have been used for at least the staff credits. It also kind of had a Chrono Trigger/Final Fantasy sort of sound at first to me. It's also sort of ethereal in a way as well. Very cool.

  • 1 year later...

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