The Author Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 A few ideas:-That OMG HUEG beam she fired in the E3 trailer -a power bomb -5x seeker missile -Some missile combo. Super missile maybe -I like the idea of her Gunship coming, but have we ever seen it shoot in any of the games though? I believe the gunship fires in the Zero Mission false escape. And well, I remember reading that when you used Samus's final smash, she switched to Zero Suit... Although I doubt she overloaded her powersuit like that ever. The most probable final smash are the Power Bomb. Other than that I just see the hyperbeam. However it is too similar to Mario's final smash...
eternal Zero Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 It's easy to see how you could differentiate Mario's and Samus' final smashes if it is really the "hyper beam." Mario's could travel through characters, but Samus' could stop at contact with a character or possibly be more concentrated. The whole stripping of the armor with her final smash is merely speculation due to how they presented Zero Suit in the trailer. I am still against the idea that Zero Suit will be an additional identity on Samus similar to Zelda and Sheik. It would be lame to be stuck having to hunt for a final smash to get Zero Suit, or to totally avoid them in order to maintain Shiny Suit.
Penfold Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 Damn, every week I check the site, I get more excited for this game. I'm loving the music, and the looks of the game thus far. I think it's pretty cool how they change the look of the barrels and crates depending on the stage. Samus' character model turned out really well, and I'm digging the Fox redesign (never played Starfox Command though).
dsx100 Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 Samus looks awsome. I was worried about how she would look when they first revealed that CG render of her way back at E3 last year. I thought she was going to look dull and plain like she was in Melee. Now, her suit looks much shinner and the colors are more saturated. It also looks (just speculating) like she moves more elegantly. I actually thought I was looking at Metroid Prime 2 screens the first time I saw those screens. Also, as some said before, the polys look really good on her. I don't think they are dropping the polygon count.
eternal Zero Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 I just remembered. The hyperbeam is actually an attack Samus implemented and it does go through everything, including enemies. That being said, I don't think my idea of being able to use another player as a shield will save you from Samus' final smash, but I do believe it will be a more concentrated blast compared to Mario's which seems to fan out.
friendlyHunter Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 Yeah, at least now I can't possibly be dissapointed with how Samus looks =) The most probable final smash are the Power Bomb. Other than that I just see the hyperbeam. However it is too similar to Mario's final smash... Don't mean to argue or anything, but... who says the thing in the trailer is called "hyper beam"? If the name comes from some very reliable source, I'd be willing to bet that's her final smash. The Hyper Beam from Super Metroid (the one you get during the last boss) would be an AMAZING final smash. Unimited super-powered shots for 10-20 seconds! Even if you can only shoot it in 1 or 2 directions that would be amazing. Or they could do a similar thing with Ice Beam - or a limited ammount of missiles that you can fire off as fast as you want =D Or an even better idea: the Missile Tank could be an ITEM =o 5 rapid-fire missile shots, available to any character!!! Imagine the stategy! The dodging! The adventure! The romance! (Well, maybe not the romance.....) ...By the way, I've never really liked the "generic blue circles" they have Samus shooting all the time... what is it supposed to be anyway?
eternal Zero Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 I'm inclined to think that they're going to call it the new hyperbeam as they've come to have their own style of Samus' blaster. I don't know if I like the idea of missle tanks as a weapon...but I do think it is possible. Biggest issue I have with it is that you already had (maybe have) the screwball as an item and I personally think it a little unfair for Samus' weapons to be available as items like that. Regardless, triple screw attacking someone was always funny.
Neo Samus Posted June 15, 2007 Posted June 15, 2007 And to think, people were complaining about the graphics not too long ago. LOL!!
Theory of N Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 Thats not a lightbulb, thats my auntie! Butter and eggs! BUTTER AND EGGS!!!! Your auntie checks the cheeze-it factory for some cookie blankets!
AMT Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 Am I the only one who's been really dissapointed with the music so far? The Yoshi's Story one is the only song so far that's actually pretty good. The menu music is just OK, and Ridley's theme sounds terrible. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but given the list of musicians we got, you'd think it'd be much much better.
friendlyHunter Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 Yep, I'd have to agree with you about the music. Seriously, if someone submitted any of those songs to OCR, would they make it past the judges? It's hard to tell from the 30-60 second clips, but I think only the Yoshi one would have a chance. Of course, I'm not talking about the "main theme" songs that play during the trailers - they both sound amazing. They got my hopes WAY up for the rest of the game's music, as did the impressive list of composers. If you're an optimist, you can hope that they've only recently started the music, and the first few songs to come up on the site were relatively hastily thrown together - or simply posted unfinished for various reasons. "Your Ridley arrangement features a suitable sense of cruelty and tension! I'm gonna post it tommorow, Japan time!" "Um, sir- we're not done it yet, and it sounds like crap. It's still using an FL Slayer on the default settings and-" "It’s magnificent! I-I... I want it!" "But sir-" "Be careful what you say, or you'll get knocked for a loop by a box madly rushing downhill!"
Thylacine Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 I didn't mind the Ridley music. It wasn't spectacular, of course, but it wasn't bad. And I'm wondering if it's a case of "too many cooks" or something. A remix project without any WIP commentary, in terms this board can compare to? If that many artists are on board, I have to wonder who is going through these and checking they sound good. Or if game designers are taking a hands-off approach to things.
defender!! Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 "Your Ridley arrangement features a suitable sense of cruelty and tension! I'm gonna post it tommorow, Japan time!" "Um, sir- we're not done it yet, and it sounds like crap. It's still using an FL Slayer on the default settings and-" "It’s magnificent! I-I... I want it!" "But sir-" "Be careful what you say, or you'll get knocked for a loop by a box madly rushing downhill!" this is fantastic
L.T.W. Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 which stage do you guys think this is? It looks kinda like a Metroid stage to me, what do you guys think?
Final_metroid Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 which area in metroid has elegant temple-esque buldings in the background, as well as a sunny background
L.T.W. Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 I said kinda like Metroid, not exactly like. And If Zero Mission would have been on 3D, I would say some Chozo like structure. during the day
ILLiterate Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 which stage do you guys think this is? It looks kinda like a Metroid stage to me, what do you guys think? It's the stage from the trailers in the sky where the platforms break and turn into clouds, probably a Pit stage
KakTheInfected Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 I wonder what kind of Metroid stages we'll get. How fucking awesome would Sanctuary Fortress be...or green Brinstar from Super Metroid.
Vidilian Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 It's the stage from the trailers in the sky where the platforms break and turn into clouds, probably a Pit stage I just noticed that. That means Pits got 2 stages in the game. This one and the one with a statue of Atlas in it. Quite a dent for someone who's been out of action for so long. Sakurai must think of him as an important character, despite that.
KWarp Posted June 17, 2007 Posted June 17, 2007 i want a deedeedee boxing ring stageplease We've already got Metaknight and the Halberd. Nothing else is necessary.
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