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A few months ago I was thinking a strange thing:

would be funny if after that you eat a great quantity of food, the character become fat, like on Metal Slug...

Every type of food can have a value of fat-ness (I don't know the correct word, sorry) and vitality...

It's a mad idea, I know...

A few months ago I was thinking a strange thing:

would be funny if after that you eat a great quantity of food, the character become fat, like on Metal Slug...

Every type of food can have a value of fat-ness (I don't know the correct word, sorry) and vitality...

It's a mad idea, I know...

Goddammit. Tarma for Brawl 2008. (Yes, yes, I'm passing Marco over for Tarma. No comment.) I want at least one other third-party character other than Snake - and not Sonic.

But neat idea - slower moves, lower jumps, but increased power/damage and less knockback. Bumping up your character a weight class, as it is. Similar to the metal power-up, but more awesome.

Funny as it sounds, I prefer old Andross anyways. I don't understand how anyone would listen to a giant monkey face free floating in space. Andross in Star Fox 64 is quite honestly freaky. I would have thrown up in that Arwing when I got to the brain and floating eyes. I mean, come on. Didn't anyone else have a problem with that?

I had a problem with my pilot being a fox.

Yea, can you imagine a fat version of every character?

Zero Suit Samus, lol XD

zomg a fat Wario.

I had a problem with my pilot being a fox.

zomg a fat Wario.

You clearly have never played Wario Land II, which is one of the best games ever made. Also, haha, the image of fat snake still all serious and all that made me chuckle.


Little late on that there Jam.


<+NeoForte> pokemon trainer woot

<@Nicholas|afk> that is six out of nine

<@Nicholas|afk> they aren't showing some moves

<+NeoForte> yea

<+NeoForte> ok back to Metroid Prime playing hehe

<@Nicholas|afk> like squirtles water gun *assumption*

<@Nicholas|afk> and charizard's up b recovery

<@Nicholas|afk> seismic toss?

<+NeoForte> probably

<@Nicholas|afk> wouldnt be roost

<@Nicholas|afk> fly would just be lame as hell

Let us just hope Charizard's Up B recovery move doesn't get stuck being that instead of something awesome like seismic toss or something of the sort.

Falco: Fox, what does the scouter say about Charizard's power level?

Fox: It's over nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!

Falco: What?! Nine thousand?!



Falco: Fox, what does the scouter say about Charizard's power level?

Fox: It's over nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!

Falco: What?! Nine thousand?!

Okay, that was actually brilliant.

If I hadn't been playing MP3 non-stop, that would've been the highlight of my night. :nicework:


Can someone tell us non-pokemon players what "Rock Smash" does? Does it make the rock go flying at opponents? Pieces of rock flying at opponents? Or is the opponent supposed to be between the rock and Charizard's head?

[fake edit]

A google search reveals that a rock gets smashed into peices on the opposing pokemon... no kidding. Bah, I don't even care, I'll see it when it comes out =p

Pokemon Trainer move set. Fun. Interesting to note that they only showed 2 out of 3 special moves for each Pokemon.

First, each character has 4 special moves, not 3. Second, they've been doing that with every character.

EDIT: Hurr, right. He already announced the down-B. Regardless, my second point still stands.

First, each character has 4 special moves, not 3. Second, they've been doing that with every character.

EDIT: Hurr, right. He already announced the down-B. Regardless, my second point still stands.

Link had all four specials PLUS his throw shown.

Anyway, I'm guessing Ivysaur will get Razor Leaf as his remaining special, Squirtle's be definately be Water Gun, and Charizard's will be something lame.

Rock Smash, geez. Why couldn't it have been something like Dragon Claw or Flare Blitz?


Charizard... smashes rocks... with its head.

...Words cannot express how disappointed I am...

...part of me is saying, "It's beta, they'll change it, sure they will, there's no way they would go with something that stupid..."

At least Squirtle's water effects look freaking awesome... and I am not surprised that Ivysaur has no third jump. At least, I bet he doesn't,

Charizard... smashes rocks... with its head.

...Words cannot express how disappointed I am...

Are you kidding? I thought that was the coolest of the new moves.

At least Squirtle's water effects look freaking awesome... and I am not surprised that Ivysaur has no third jump. At least, I bet he doesn't,

Tether recoveries seem to be taking the place of third jumps for some characters (as already seen with ZSS).

I wonder what Charizard's Up+B will be -- Fly, perhaps? Is there a Fire-related Pokemon move that will send him upwards? I haven't seriously played a Pokemon game since R/B.

My guess is some kind of fly move. It'd be cool if he could utilize his wings some how though. If it does indeed utilize his wings (which it should) I hope it does different things when you're standing and when you're airborne... kind of how Link has two separate version of the UP+B special, one for the ground and one for air recovery. ^_^

Neato though. You know as much as I like Squirtle and Charizard, Ivysaur seems to me the most interesting... and I didn't ever really like bulbasaur or any of its evolutions really. But still, in Brawl that Pokemon seems to have the most interesting move set so far imo.


a couple things:

1: prima says he is releasing his brawl strategy guide a whole month before the game comes out, and already gave the exact page count of the guide. http://www.primagames.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780761556442


2: in the "four special move types update" for side special moves it says "These are bold attacks that launch in the direction you tilt the stick." this is pretty much how it went in ssb/m, but there were a few exceptions, like mario's cape. well, i guess you might be able to say caping peoples' recoveries/attacks is bold, but retreating while caping someone's projectiles isn't. i dunno, though. kirby's forward B doesn't do anything launchy, i guess you could say it is bold because it takes so long to come out, but i dont think it matches the description they've set in stone for forward B moves. anyway, my point is that they havn't shown mario or kirby's forward B moves yet, so maybe they're changing them to better fit the description.


Sakurai is releasing a lot of information lately. Good luck with the 60-some updates he has left to go without completely giving away everything.

EDIT: Though, if the strategy guide is coming out that early, I guess it doesn't matter.


Really now, as soon as the game comes out, or maybe a couple days later, everyone will know everything about the game anyway. I guarantee you that you will get all the secret characters spoiled before you unlock them, so is it that big of a deal about these updates?

How many of you were completely surprised about what you found out in Melee when it first came out?

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