Scufo Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 I thought it was Klubba. Y'know...cause he holds a club. Or maybe that was the boss who looked the same.
Hum4n After All Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 I don't remember. I think it might've been Krusha, it's been a while since I've played DKC2 I think you are correct about Klubba. I'm thinking of Krusha from DK64. But Klubba was that one krock that you had to pay to get to secret place. Kudgel was the exact same thing but gray and he was the boss. He jumped around and TNT crates fell down. Shooooot. It's all coming back to me now. I think I gotta buy DKC 1&2 on the VC when I get home.
TheCatPhysician Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 i know this is late but i just want this clarified Gamers using all at their disposal to win is not very professional at all.why not? the whole point of banning things is to regulate what you can and can't use. everything allowed can be used, and one of the main things about playing a game competitively is learning for yourself to make the very best of your options.i didn't discover wavedashing for myself, but i have discovered a few little things with my characters after thinking logically about how things work in the game and with lots of experience, and that's a really cool feeling. it feels a lot cooler than simply leveling up in a game like WoW, where you get better by logging more hours in the game. playing a game competitively like this, you get better by learning and thinking. the only limit to how fast you can learn is yourself. i dunno, i find it pretty fun. also, exploiting is FUN, people (don't take this quote out of context please). get the negative connotations of the word "exploit" out of your head or use a different word if you have to, but exploiting is necessary even for casual players. if you never exploited anything, than you wouldn't be any better than you were the first time you played the game. in smash, you and your opponents start with the exact same options, and the winner is determined by who can use these options better. if you can figure out how to use something in a new and useful way, exploit that shit. obviously broken tactics and glitches are bound to come about, and that's why things are banned. if it isn't banned, it's fair game to use.
MasterSenshi Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 I agree. The whole point of competitive gaming is a little anarchronistic to me... we play games for fun. If you want to bet, or whatever, that's your business, but basing how a game should be MADE so that a small number of gamers can have a more efficient fighting system flies in the face of the purpose of gaming. Playing against friends, or strangers is obviously fun, but honestly, random elements that can turn a game in favor or against are fairly spread, if you play long enough. The idea of turning off items, just so you can see who's better may be great in theory, but I like the insanity of smash bros to the more subdued, usual caste of fighting games. Why mess with what brought us to the series in the first place... there's always Tekken for purists, or even Street Fighter, if you want to go old school. Some games, like a lot of RPGs I've played, are made for the accomplishment of finishing a compelling and difficult objective. Others are fun simply because they are meant to be fun. Smash Bros is the kind of speculative "What if" type of game that goes into the latter category. Even the Smash blog is irreverent, so I say, put in anything and everything in the game; if you don't like it turn it off, but the idea of excluding things because it 'might' screw up the game is ludicrous to me.
Global-Trance Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 The more options we have to play the better. If it appeals to someone in every group then that works for me. Edit: Kong sig.
Bigfoot Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Haha, nice work GT. I loved that in the video.
Fb=MC2 Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 i know this is late but i just want this clarifiedwhy not? the whole point of banning things is to regulate what you can and can't use. everything allowed can be used, and one of the main things about playing a game competitively is learning for yourself to make the very best of your options. i didn't discover wavedashing for myself, but i have discovered a few little things with my characters after thinking logically about how things work in the game and with lots of experience, and that's a really cool feeling. it feels a lot cooler than simply leveling up in a game like WoW, where you get better by logging more hours in the game. playing a game competitively like this, you get better by learning and thinking. the only limit to how fast you can learn is yourself. i dunno, i find it pretty fun. also, exploiting is FUN, people (don't take this quote out of context please). get the negative connotations of the word "exploit" out of your head or use a different word if you have to, but exploiting is necessary even for casual players. if you never exploited anything, than you wouldn't be any better than you were the first time you played the game. in smash, you and your opponents start with the exact same options, and the winner is determined by who can use these options better. if you can figure out how to use something in a new and useful way, exploit that shit. obviously broken tactics and glitches are bound to come about, and that's why things are banned. if it isn't banned, it's fair game to use. . o O ( Marvel vs Capcom 2 would be boring as shit if I didn't exploit everything there is in that game......lame.) Me and my brothers play MVC2 all the time and do the "cheapest" things we can think of. We pull out all the stops, pick the best of the best characters and win at all cost. Before we used to "play fair" and it was boring. It was limited. there was no freedom. But when we started doing everything we all developed different ways to play, and the fight got alot more interesting. You get stuck in an infinite combo....well that's your fault for not seeing the obvious coming. You're trapped? big deal. The best part is that when I play them I even have fun if I lose [which is the point isn't it? to have fun.]
TheCatPhysician Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 . o O ( Marvel vs Capcom 2 would be boring as shit if I didn't exploit everything there is in that game......lame.)Me and my brothers play MVC2 all the time and do the "cheapest" things we can think of. We pull out all the stops, pick the best of the best characters and win at all cost. Before we used to "play fair" and it was boring. It was limited. there was no freedom. But when we started doing everything we all developed different ways to play, and the fight got alot more interesting. You get stuck in an infinite combo....well that's your fault for not seeing the obvious coming. You're trapped? big deal. The best part is that when I play them I even have fun if I lose [which is the point isn't it? to have fun.] haha cool, i've never played MvC2 but i've heard all about it. people on SRK call smash "mvc junior" anyway as someone said, yeah it would be stupid of the developers to make the next brawl only to cater to the competitive gamers. we're like 2% of the people who are going to buy the game. in melee they managed to make it awesome for both though, but in brawl it looks like they might be ignoring competitive play altogether. yes, it's too early to tell though.
Fb=MC2 Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 haha cool, i've never played MvC2 but i've heard all about it. people on SRK call smash "mvc junior"anyway as someone said, yeah it would be stupid of the developers to make the next brawl only to cater to the competitive gamers. we're like 2% of the people who are going to buy the game. in melee they managed to make it awesome for both though, but in brawl it looks like they might be ignoring competitive play altogether. yes, it's too early to tell though. I really don't think that they're going to neglect the competitive gamers. Nintendo's not that stupid. They make their money be appealling to everyone and dishing out a quality product.
The Derrit Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 oh hai guys, so i was reading gimpyfish's E for All impressions and he says that l-canceling occurs if you're fastfalling while doing an attack, you must be fastfalling before you use the attack, but if you do lag is canceled. at least by the demo. If true its certainly a step in the right direction.
Kiyosuki Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Thats interesting. I could never fastfall because its so hard to do on the Wii-Remote for some reason.
Bigfoot Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 So I was at my local arcade when I saw something familiar with Brawl.. Peanut guns, haha.
Brushfire Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 What the Cha? That is zanier than any light gun game we got in Japan.
Paratha Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 It makes me wish they brought back Donkey Kong in a true platform game like the old DKC series... QFT. DKC2 remains the pinnacle of the platformer genre in my opinion. And yeah, Klubba was the guy to whom you paid Kremcoins to enter the Lost World.
Azul v2 Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 So, recording gameplay videos and sending them to your friends. Bet you would have never thought of that, eh?
Binjovi Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 "It feels great to use all of your knowledge and techniques to shave off a hundredth of a second." There you have it, folks. Sakurai himself approves of taking advantage of exploits. Also further proof that he reads the OCR forums daily. By the way, replays FTW!
Arek the Absolute Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 i can see easyp sending me like 100 movies a week of his replays
Effef Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I wonder if you have an SD card you can save more than 3 minutes of replay
DuskyFerret Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Just when we thought Brawl couldn't get much better, they keep delivering. This replay thing will be awesome, so when once in a while something awesome does happen in-game we can save it whenever. I can still remember this one time when playing Melee with a friend when this option would have been so good. We're on battlefield, and there is a mine on every platform. My friend is over 100% and I hit him into one of the mines, he then collects every mine on each platform and goes flying into oblivion. It was absolutely unreal...we pissed ourselves.
friendlyHunter Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I can still remember this one time when playing Melee with a friend when this option would have been so good. We're on battlefield, and there is a mine on every platform. My friend is over 100% and I hit him into one of the mines, he then collects every mine on each platform and goes flying into oblivion. It was absolutely unreal...we pissed ourselves. But now you can piss yourself again and again! =D I have to say, I'm very happy about this update. It looks like there are 5 "break the target" maps in total (as opposed to 5 per character). There are probably too many characters to make a whole new target breaking level for each Also, more generic target levels will let you be a lot more creative, rather than following a pretty-much laid-out path (though there were exceptions in the previous games... I don't think I've actually played much of Melee's Break the Targets though). In SSB for the 64, Luigi was unlocked by setting records in those little stages, no? Was he unlocked this was in Melee too? If I recall, Falcon was unlocked in SSB by beating single player mode really fast. For anyone who's itching for a Falcon update: wait 'till the game comes out and then beat Supspace Emissary as fast as you possibly can! Whether they have a website update for him or not, he's guaranteed to be in there. And saving replays?! =D I wonder how that will work... I hope you don't have to play short 3-minute matches if you want to save something that happened at the start of the match.... perhaps you control what is saved from the pause screen? (e.g. when you pause it, you can save the previous x seconds of the match). Probably not though, because then it would need to store game states, as opposed to just the inputs... unless it stores state data temporarily... or something..... Oh yeah, remember the first Brawl trailer revealed a "walking while crouching" thing? Can you still do this in the demo? If so, does Samus turn into a ball? Ah curiosity, you captious trickster. I'm also curious about DK's Final Smash... in the video I saw, it looked pretty weak (probably the guy didn't know what he was doing, or simply couldn't hear the music over those cacophonous crones.) Ah thesauri, you frolicsome tomes.
SilverStar Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 With Snake, SSBB hit legendary status. With Sonic, it hit perfection. With replays and recording for proving your pwnage, it has transcended its own limitations and become something so much greater. And there's still 4 months to go.
Gerbah Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Oh man, replays are gonna be awesome! I too have a time when that would have come in real handy... On the fountain of dreams level, where it plays that kinda epic orchestral music (you know), me and my friend both played as Yoshi. It was so weird, 'cause we each just quietly decided to not attack right off the bat but to just crouch and stare at eachother. And then right as the music picked up we charged at eachother, we even managed to hit eachother on almost every note! If that wasn't enough, one of us also managed to grab a mushroom a couple times when the music went low in pitch. I would've loved that replay... It was just so, weird.
Mr.Roboto Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 With Snake, SSBB hit legendary status. With Sonic, it hit perfection. With replays and recording for proving your pwnage, it has transcended its own limitations and become something so much greater.And there's still 4 months to go. They have yet to release Captain Falcon. It's still imperfect.
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