Neo Samus Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 you will be amazed at how many people thought it was an original I believe those would be the people that have never played a Kirby game in their life.....or don't give a shit about game music in general.
MechaFone Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Okay, here's a character I'm pretty sure no one has mentioned or has even thought of...I'm not sure how it goes, if it's Wex or Dex, but the main character from Wild 9. He's got that Rig weapon, the grabbing beam weapon that can grab any character, no matter it's size or weight, and use it to kill, maime, or otherwise torture them. It's probably a little graphic for Brawl, but man, what fun you could have.
Thalzon Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Wild 9 was a Playstation game, though. Sure, it's fun to fantasize, but maybe that's why nobody thought of it.
Strike911 Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 neato. 3 minutes isn't much though. Not much at all. I guess camera mode in Brawl will have a video recording option instead of just snapshots. So is that what you think that blurred out option was during the camera update a few weeks ago?
atmuh Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 after playing halo for a month and having it pretty much fully records every single match you play with full freedom of camera when replaying it this is weak so yeah replays are great and everything but three minutes ARE YOU KIDDING ME once again nintendo tries to do what other companies have done but does it terribly
Gerbah Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I believe those would be the people that have never played a Kirby game in their life.....or don't give a shit about game music in general. Hey, I played Kirby Super Star! Just not the Gourmet Race a whole ton to recognize it... And yes, I knew it was from Kirby, not original. And... I like game music... Man, hopefully no one has it out for me now? (Some emoticon)
MechaFone Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Nobody cept Kirby. He's gonna whip out his cooking pot and roast ya alive for not knowing that one song! Also, he's going to undercook some pufferfish and force it down your throat.
Zup Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 after playing halo for a month and having it pretty much fully records every single match you play with full freedom of camera when replaying it this is weakso yeah replays are great and everything but three minutes ARE YOU KIDDING ME once again nintendo tries to do what other companies have done but does it terribly Yeah, that crappy motions sensing thing they stole from Sony really sucks. The D-pad was a horrible choice (they stole it from sony and joysticks were really better anyway) and rumble was stolen from that kid who had too much coffee while playing Super Mario Brothers. Yeah, Nintendo tries to do what other companies have done and fails miserably.
Arek the Absolute Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 he hella burned you there atma i gotta agree with him man also, three minutes is a LONG time in smash bros. most matches i play last around 1-2 minutes. the only matches that i play that last longer are just fuck around ffa matches
Linkjing Donuts Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Man I liked the character-specific break the target stages. Oh well.The restriction of 3 minutes is probably because of the small size of the wii's storage. If it had a hard drive it wouldn't be much trouble. aww what. i was under the impression that everyone had their own 5 stages. target isn't as fun when you can do a certain map faster with a certain character.
atmuh Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Yeah, that crappy motions sensing thing they stole from Sony really sucks. The D-pad was a horrible choice (they stole it from sony and joysticks were really better anyway) and rumble was stolen from that kid who had too much coffee while playing Super Mario Brothers.Yeah, Nintendo tries to do what other companies have done and fails miserably. lulz they hopped on the online scheme and managed to make it suck now theyre adding replays and limiting you to a ridiculous degree 3 MINUTES? thats 1 MAYBE 2 matches i probably have hours of halo matches that automatically saved and yeah you can send those too as well as take screenshots right in the middle of a saved video oh and in halo you can FULLY customise EVERY possible option in multiplayer matches, and save tons of custom configurations if nintendo doesnt do the same ill be pretty pissed all of you wont because youre really good at justifying the really shoddy jobs nintendo does in some respects and yeah only having 5 break the targets stages is retarded BUT ITS OUTSIDE NOW oh ok nintendo good job
Necrotic Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 lulz they hopped on the online scheme and managed to make it suck now theyre adding replays and limiting you to a ridiculous degree 3 MINUTES? thats 1 MAYBE 2 matches i probably have hours of halo matches that automatically saved and yeah you can send those too as well as take screenshots right in the middle of a saved video oh and in halo you can FULLY customise EVERY possible option in multiplayer matches, and save tons of custom configurations if nintendo doesnt do the same ill be pretty pissed all of you wont because youre really good at justifying the really shoddy jobs nintendo does in some respects and yeah only having 5 break the targets stages is retarded BUT ITS OUTSIDE NOW oh ok nintendo good job Only problem is it's never going to change in this case because the game is still going to sell no matter what we get out of it. If the game was in jeopardy in terms of sales, Nintendo would have to compete harder. Sucks that that's not really the case now is it. I think part of it has to do with the fact that the internal storage in the system is so limited. But uhh, duh Nintendo why do you think SD memory cards exist. I have a 2GB card in my Wii and I'm waiting for a game to actually take advantage of it. (I bought it for multi-purpose use but it really gets no use otherwise so I just keep in in my Wii, you know, 'just in case'.) It's terrible and stupid just like their online system but it's Smash Bros so we're pretty much condemned to getting it unless the gameplay is terrible by some fluke. -Nick
I-n-j-i-n Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 I actually expect the online aspect to be riddled with problems as it was the case for just about all Nintendo online games so far. But it obviously doesn't need it. I played single player just fine for majority of SSBM matches. If you can just go online and even use the horrible friendlist to do so, it'll be good enough.
friendlyHunter Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 When the game comes out, Sakurai will make a correction on the website: Did I say 3 minutes? I meant 3 days! You see, in my job, days seem like minutes, and minutes seem like days. Basically, I salivate at the thought of speed runs. most matches i play last around 1-2 minutes. How on earth do you do that? When I play, more than 1 KO in the first minute of a match is pretty rare. Do you play with stock set to 1? And bob-ombs, motion mines, and hammers set to highest? I greatly prefer drawn-out matches. I'm not sure how long stock matches usually take for me (normally with 5-7 lives), but when I play timed (which is rare), it's usually 7-10 minutes. Hmmm... re-reading the Dojo announcement... it seems to maybe suggest that you can only SEND 3-minute replays? Perhaps it means to say that you can only record 3-minute long replays, but can record as many of these 3-minute replays as you want. Three minutes total just seems..... weird. and yeah only having 5 break the targets stages is retarded Actually, I think it's better. Previously, each character could only play 1 stage. Now, each character can play FIVE stages!! By the way, I'm not being sarcastic. Each stage-character combination will be a completely unique speedrun experience! That is, if you're trying to get a decent time...
MechaFone Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 that was lame there dude I know. I'm sorry.
Broken Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 lulz they hopped on the online scheme and managed to make it suck now theyre adding replays and limiting you to a ridiculous degree 3 MINUTES? thats 1 MAYBE 2 matches i probably have hours of halo matches that automatically saved and yeah you can send those too as well as take screenshots right in the middle of a saved video oh and in halo you can FULLY customise EVERY possible option in multiplayer matches, and save tons of custom configurations if nintendo doesnt do the same ill be pretty pissed all of you wont because youre really good at justifying the really shoddy jobs nintendo does in some respects and yeah only having 5 break the targets stages is retarded BUT ITS OUTSIDE NOW oh ok nintendo good job I think you're taking the whole video recording thing out of context. It, like most of the other additions that everyone is salavting over in this game, is "something extra" or "something new to smash." If you compare SSB to other games, then of course it's going to come up short. Why can't we have 16 player lan games like in Halo? Why can't we record hour long, or at least ten minute long matches like in Halo? Why is the internet play mode so lackluster as compared to Halo, Gears ofWar, or (insert x-box game of choice)? Compared to Melee, these new additions are actually a step foward. That's why we should be comparing the next super smash bros. game to its predecesor, not Halo or some other game on an entirely different system with different hardware from a different company. Now, I'm not justifying the way Nintendo handles their internet or how they designed their system, but comparing different games to one another is often an exercise in futility. Especially when one of those games hasn't even dropped into stores yet.
Hum4n After All Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Hahahahaha. Stupid tart and his rants on the record feature. Why are you whining over that? Of all the things to complain about. "OH NOOOOOO! 3 minutes!!?! FUCK THIS GAME!"
Geoffrey Taucer Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Changing the subject: HOLY SHIT AWESOME REMIX OF THE JUNGLE JAPES THEME IN THE DK VIDEO. That is all.
Effector Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Hahahahaha.Stupid tart and his rants on the record feature. Why are you whining over that? Of all the things to complain about. "OH NOOOOOO! 3 minutes!!?! FUCK THIS GAME!" I agree for the most part. Mainly, think about this. If they hadn't added this feature at all, you might think it would be kind of cool to have it, but once they put anything in at all, everyone finds something to complain about. How silly.
atmuh Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 of course ill get this game of course ill love this game but i seriously doubt i will play anything but local one on one matches i might make an exception every once in a while but, lets say, to play someone online in it, it is a bit of a hassle as i have to contact them in some way and then both be in smash at the same time i am simply pointing out nintendos attempts to do great things but falling far short in some respects over the past year ive pretty much flipped from being a faggy fanboy to someone who looks at everything equally and im pretty critical of any things that i think could be improved
Bigfoot Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 I could care less about online or being able to record matches. I doubt I'll be playing online a lot. I'll mostly just be playing with my friends. If people want to see matches, they'll be on youtube or whatever that people recorded using a capture card/digital camera. These features just add to an already good game. Complaining about added extras is stupid. Then again, everyone would complain either way if you look at it. Nintendo didn't add online/record replays: NINTENDO SUCKS, GAMES NEED ONLINE Nintendo adds online/record replays: NINTENDO SUCKS, THIS ONLINE SUCKS
Hum4n After All Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 I would have to agree with you Taucer. I can't wait to unlock the sound test on Brawl. Well that is if you have to unlock it, which is most likely you will have to do since that's what had to be done in the past 2 games.
TheCatPhysician Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Nintendo didn't add online/record replays: NINTENDO SUCKS, GAMES NEED ONLINENintendo adds online/record replays: NINTENDO SUCKS, THIS ONLINE SUCKS nintendo has their stuff that makes them cool, but you have to admit that nintendo fucking sucks in the online department. they could easily add options but they have to keep it as simple as possible, even though it doesn't take a computer geek to figure out how to start an online match on something with options like xbox live or and they're paranoid about ANY exchange of information with strangers for some reason. you can't even read each other's TAUNTS. it's too bad nintendo has to make their stuff friendly to retarded babies or something. and why wouldn't they just let you choose to record more than 3 minutes if you wanted to? it's your space, you should be able to choose how you want to manage it. hell they could just make the default option set to the 3 minute limit or whatever and then give options to change stuff for people who want them, but they have to keep it as absolutely simple as possible for some reason.
Scufo Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 In this day and age, good online play is STANDARD. Especially for a game with such developed multiplayer as SSB. There's really no excuse for Nintendo's horrible online components. Yes, what they're giving us is an improvement over Melee, but I don't think it's right to compare Brawl only to its predecessor. Online gaming on consoles has improved vastly in the past several years, and Nintendo is far behind. And three minutes TOTAL for replays? Come on.
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