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I was thinking that it would be awesome if they had a stage based on the final battle in Wind Waker.

Like an event or an actual map?

Funny how hes just says " oh yeah coin battles are in... oh and 2p target test.."

A decent update...

I was thinking that it would be awesome if they had a stage based on the final battle in Wind Waker.

I think it would be awesome if they had ANY stage from windwaker

I think it would be awesome if they had ANY stage from windwaker

Preferably Outset Island, that music is so catchy! I forgot to add this on my last post but you Mega Men (That is what I call the Mega Man fan base... I know it sucks, bite me) got PWNED HARD!!1!1!!11!!1

Ok now you're just trolling.

Come on now.

uh no i enter the thread hoping to see some discussion about super smash brothers brawl since the thread is entitled super smash bros brawl and i see only posts about mega man and honestly i really dont think hed make a good character in brawl all hed do is make all you silly fanboys asplode with uncontrollable joy not because of the type of character he is but only because of the existence of him and i dont agree with that reasoning


haha! Earthworm Jim's Final Smash: Queen Slug-for-a-butt chases Jim around the whole screen, he shoots at her and misses and hits everybody else and the whole screen gets flattened by the Queen's big giant quivering, pulsating, Slug-like ASS.

uh no i enter the thread hoping to see some discussion about super smash brothers brawl since the thread is entitled super smash bros brawl and i see only posts about mega man and honestly i really dont think hed make a good character in brawl all hed do is make all you silly fanboys asplode with uncontrollable joy not because of the type of character he is but only because of the existence of him and i dont agree with that reasoning

yeh i mean whats next sonic? OH WAIT.

ANY-dang-way. Have we talked about todays update yet? I'm really liking how there are so many co-op modes, because well, sometimes it gets a little draining to be constantly competing against each other, I want to be friendly every so often! I'm hoping that we can do team battles online, but I can team up with someone on the same console, I'd abuse that feature like nobodies business.

Now let's all speculate on what the update is gonna be in a couple hours! More game modes?



I have a feeling the Orpheon Frigate will be best understood when seen in action - the screenshots are a little unclear. Maybe it's just me, though.

And Porky's theme - I have mixed feelings on. Does it sound sufficiently Smash-ful to everybody else?... I mean, if it's just me...


Question: Do they keep putting the worst Mother songs in Smash, or just the ones that I happen to think are the worst Mother songs? The Mother 2 (Earthbound) soundtrack alone is FULL of amazing material, yet so far they've managed to avoid putting a single good Earthbound songs in a Smash Bros game. Same with StarFox and Pokemon... am I the only one with these woes? What does "woes" mean?

And I already knew the Smash team was completely unable to translate a 2D Metroid room into a 3D Metroid stage, but how can they fail at translating a 3D Metroid room into... hmm... THE SAME 3D Metroid room?!?? I don't remember exactly what the Pirate Frigate in Metroid Prime looked like, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't ugly as sin. Worst colour scheme ever.

And oh yeah, it flips upside down. .....WHY???

If they put Ridley in the game, they'll probably make up something dumb for him to do like fly at the camera to block everyone's view, and then stomp around on the ground shooting ice lasers from his eyes and nostrils.

Actually, that sound hella cool.

Or, at least it would, if I knew what "hella" is supposed to mean....

uh no i enter the thread hoping to see some discussion about super smash brothers brawl since the thread is entitled super smash bros brawl and i see only posts about mega man and honestly i really dont think hed make a good character in brawl all hed do is make all you silly fanboys asplode with uncontrollable joy not because of the type of character he is but only because of the existence of him and i dont agree with that reasoning


I can asplode if I want to.

Question: Do they keep putting the worst Mother songs in Smash, or just the ones that I happen to think are the worst Mother songs? The Mother 2 (Earthbound) soundtrack alone is FULL of amazing material, yet so far they've managed to avoid putting a single good Earthbound songs in a Smash Bros game. Same with StarFox and Pokemon... am I the only one with these woes? What does "woes" mean?

And I already knew the Smash team was completely unable to translate a 2D Metroid room into a 3D Metroid stage, but how can they fail at translating a 3D Metroid room into... hmm... THE SAME 3D Metroid room?!?? I don't remember exactly what the Pirate Frigate in Metroid Prime looked like, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't ugly as sin. Worst colour scheme ever.

And oh yeah, it flips upside down. .....WHY???

If they put Ridley in the game, they'll probably make up something dumb for him to do like fly at the camera to block everyone's view, and then stomp around on the ground shooting ice lasers from his eyes and nostrils.

Actually, that sound hella cool.

Or, at least it would, if I knew what "hella" is supposed to mean....

The stage flips because in MP when the space station would go down into Aether it would be upside down (and full of water)

So it makes perfecet sence that they would do such thing.

Personally I love this new stage.

And I really dont like the new music they posted.


Wow, I am the ONLY person who LOVES the music, but then again I've played through Mother 3... Really, it was my favorite track in the game, and they did a great job with it I think.

Plus they are using Snowman from Mother 1+2, as we know. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pollyanna... But yeah, I like the music, and the stage isn't bad, nothing incredible but still pretty cool to look at out of context.


Oh, and I want a Majora's Mask level ON THE FREAKING MOON.

I mean, that water stage was nice and all, but it was not a "significant" location all things considered. MM would be better represented by the clock tower or the moon, should they chose to throw in a MM level in.

Hey I thought his name was Pokey, not porky

You're right... perhaps they decided to retcon the translation? Since he's supposed to be a Pig King and all.

Not that it matters what the official translation is, because they'll never actually officially translate a Mother game for us.


porky is and always has been pokey's japanese name

the fact that theyre using the japanese name is one of those things that makes you realize we're never getting mother 3 officially translated

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