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And will you people PLEASE stop arguing about how smash is supposed to be played. It's a moot point because none of us really know what the programmers had in mind when they put all of these options in. (My best guess is they wanted the game to be very open-ended.)
Just so people don't get the wrong idea (which like everyone in this thread who replied to me has), I was NOT arguing for what is the way the game is supposed to be played. I was being told by Atmuh that playing without items is wrong, which implies that items on is how smash is supposed to be played. In response, I am saying that there is no one way to play Melee. Everyone should play it whichever way they like.
All this meaningless discussion has completely drifted from what I was posting in (and re-bumping) this for in the first place; Smash is at EVO. And that's a good thing IMO.
I know! Are you going? I'm up for a money match if we meet each other.
Items in SSB actually do play a part in deciding who is the best. "Oh, a homerun bat has appeared, how can I get to it before my foe?"

The real thing to think of is "Okay, my foe now has a powerful item that can deliver one-hit knockouts. How do I work around that?" Or better yet, "how can I deny him the item to begin with, short of grabbing it myself?" Using an item presents its own risks and rewards; if it is used improperly it can be your downfall instead of your salvation. Case in point, bob-ombs and proximity mines...

All this meaningless discussion has completely drifted from what I was posting in (and re-bumping) this for in the first place; Smash is at EVO. And that's a good thing IMO.
Which is fantastic. Now I has mah SSB & SF in one place for happy fun good times
Just so people don't get the wrong idea (which like everyone in this thread who replied to me has), I was NOT arguing for what is the way the game is supposed to be played. I was being told by Atmuh that playing without items is wrong, which implies that items on is how smash is supposed to be played. In response, I am saying that there is no one way to play Melee. Everyone should play it whichever way they like.

I know! Are you going? I'm up for a money match if we meet each other.

I'm afraid not, comrade. I mean if by some stroke of luck I'm anywhere near any of the events, then I'll make an effort to attend, but I can't travell very far at all right now.


I played through Classic and Adventure mode in Melee today. It's been around three years since I last played them so it almost felt new to me. My heart rate was up and I was sweating it pretty hard. Giga Bowser's tough stuff. :nicework:


I played some smash with some other residence guys tonight. I was clearly better than them, but one of the guys did play a mean Ganondorf.

Talking to him, though, was another matter. Though it didn't bother me, I did notice he (Ganondorf player) bitched a lot while playing. It's a habit, I used to talk trash too, so I didn't hold it against him. Thing is, though, he believes all those lousy internet rumours about the next secret characters (the old Ridley, Wind Waker Link, and Bowser Jr. one) so discussing the possibilities of the next game with him was none too pleasant.

Oh well. I still had fun. Didn't feel too intensely competitive, either.

... Yeah. Go Smash Bros, woo.

Oh well. I still had fun. Didn't feel too intensely competitive, either.


i will not rest until everyone plays smash bros the exact same way i do go ahead and argue with me lololol


I spotted this on digg today in another link that used 1up as a source (which was from 6/07/06 anyway).



UPDATE: Apparently the 1UP.com source was just an old rumor. For now, don’t take anything involving these characters as confirmations in either direction, in or out. However, the Ogawa comment regarding Sonic still stands.

Someone also noted that it was created in some fan forum and posted on some french blog and snowballed from there. I know I was excited when I first saw this too.


I wish I could go to EVO but I have school and I don't think I'll have the time. Distantance is not an issue here becuase I live in Texas and there is a qualifying tournamnet in Austin. Anyway, it doesn't matter, I know I would have lost early on.

By the way Cat, I completely understand what your saying. It is like I am the only one that read there is NO RIGHT or NO WRONG way to play smash bros. I like to turn off items every now and then just to see who really is better between my brother and I. Items sometimes tend screw us both in the middle of a big match, which leaves things unsettled between us. Anyway, to really understand the whole item thing, you really need to play other fighting games competively.

I wish I could go to EVO but I have school and I don't think I'll have the time. Distantance is not an issue here becuase I live in Texas and there is a qualifying tournamnet in Austin. Anyway, it doesn't matter, I know I would have lost early on.

By the way Cat, I completely understand what your saying. It is like I am the only one that read there is NO RIGHT or NO WRONG way to play smash bros. I like to turn off items every now and then just to see who really is better between my brother and I. Items sometimes tend screw us both in the middle of a big match, which leaves things unsettled between us. Anyway, to really understand the whole item thing, you really need to play other fighting games competively.

Now, maybe I was smoking something when I read this, but I believe the Texas tournament has free entry for all games, and that would be reason enough for me to go if I were that close by. You'll want to check the website to make sure, but how awesome would that be?

Hmm, I'll invest $0 in this tournament in hopes of winning 1'000s.

I'd enter some random game that I have no skill in (i.e. SF2: Turbo) and be like....YOU READY FOR THE PAIN TRAIN???

(and then be quickly double-eliminated....or not?)


I like my normal line up of Luigi, Falco and Princess Zelda so I'm looking foward to seeing how those 3 will fight in this new game.

I actually really wanna see Funky Kong show up as a playable character opposite Donkey Kong.

I'm also really looking foward to what new franchise characters are available and if Waluigi will be included in here... since Wario is confirmed


Funky Kong? I like Funky and all but that's a poor choice for a second DK representive. Maybe a trophy but not a character.

Diddy needs to be the second in line for DK characters as playability goes.


Nahh it's all about Funky!

Surfer Kong repair man kinda guy... it be great to see what kind of moves he would get.

I'll assume we'll be seeing Diddy and or Dixie at somepoint.

I actually was thinking it be cool to get a Diddy/Dixie combo going like Ice Climbers


Man, I've just read some of the past few pages and, I've got to say, I really am sad to hear so many of you guys arguing about how to play Smash and what is or isn't fun.

I got to the Digipen Institute of Technology in Redmond, WA. About 850 gamers (a good portion of which consider themselves "hardcore") under one roof. You wanna talk competitive? MLG has nothing on these people; they play for money, while some of these guys play for limbs.

Every Friday some of the Seniors host Smash Club, where, as I'm sure you can guess, people get together to play Melee. About 35 - 40 people every week cram into a small classroom made to hold about 25 people, just to play Smash. You wanna know how they play?

Every way conceivable.

The casual guys play all sorts of crazy themed matches. The hardcore competitive players play no items on a few select stages. We make up event matches and time each other. We play in no specific way. Whatever floats our boats at the time, that's how we play.

There is NO right way to play Smash; that's not how the game was made.

You wanna know the truth? When it comes to pure skill, if you REALLY want to find out who is the most skilled at their character, you CAN'T have items on, because items interfere with your display of mastery of a character's moveset and how well you can utilize those moves to counter any other player.

You want to have fun? Play any way you want. Items are there to make things chaotic. That's their function. Not to make the fighting engine any deeper, not to provide complements to fighting styles; they exist for pure randomness.

That's it. End of story.

--Jack Kieser


a diddy/dixie combo is very unlikely. The reason why the ice climbers are together like that is because they're pretty much exactly the same and they were always together. Diddy/Dixie were only together in one game, pretty much. If they made the characters like this, they'd probably also go with a Mario/Luigi, Pikachu/Pichu, Fox/Falco, or a Marth/Roy combo or something.

a diddy/dixie combo is very unlikely. The reason why the ice climbers are together like that is because they're pretty much exactly the same and they were always together. Diddy/Dixie were only together in one game, pretty much. If they made the characters like this, they'd probably also go with a Mario/Luigi, Pikachu/Pichu, Fox/Falco, or a Marth/Roy combo or something.

Hmm now that you put it that way, maybe they can do tagteaming in this game...what would normally be four players would be 8. Just a thought. I don't know if that would work well with smash brothers. heh.

Hmm now that you put it that way, maybe they can do tagteaming in this game...what would normally be four players would be 8. Just a thought. I don't know if that would work well with smash brothers. heh.

Ha. I'm sure if they wanted to, they'd find a way. This is very possible. It would add an interesting new element to the game. I was talking about single characters. But what if you tag teamed two ice climbers >.> You'd be in control of 4 characters lol.

Now, maybe I was smoking something when I read this, but I believe the Texas tournament has free entry for all games, and that would be reason enough for me to go if I were that close by. You'll want to check the website to make sure, but how awesome would that be?

Hmm, I'll invest $0 in this tournament in hopes of winning 1'000s.

I'd enter some random game that I have no skill in (i.e. SF2: Turbo) and be like....YOU READY FOR THE PAIN TRAIN???

(and then be quickly double-eliminated....or not?)

Yeah it is free but agian, money is not the issue. Its the time I have on my hands. I have alot of school related work and activities I need to address. Although now that I think about it, It might actually be worth making time for because their 2 other games I would like participate in. I am actually pretty decent at Tekken 5 and Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. I won't win but it sure as hell would be fun to try.

Ha. I'm sure if they wanted to, they'd find a way. This is very possible. It would add an interesting new element to the game. I was talking about single characters. But what if you tag teamed two ice climbers >.> You'd be in control of 4 characters lol.
That's be nice, give each character an equal number of stocks (2 for your first, 2 for your second) and have it be a bit like MvC2, where your guy comes out with an attack and then taunts. Good times
There is NO right way to play Smash; that's not how the game was made.

Amen, sir. "Serious" matches a great, but nothing beats the chaos of eight gigantic Ice Climbers grabbing Super Mushrooms all crammed together on Fountain of Dreams or those awesome Poke Floats all Pokeball fights.

Whichever way you want to play Melee is the right way.

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