djpretzel Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Man, it never would have occurred to me to write lyrics for this, but I think they work very well; they give the mix that extra bit of something that my original version didn't have, and Dave pulled them off expertly. Thanks! Quote
TheLeviathan Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Wow, I like this a lot. Great guitar work Geoffrey, and as always, awesome vocals DJP. I just wish it was a little bit longer. Other than that, I love the simplistic relaxing feel of the song. Quote
Dhsu Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 A little light on the arrangement (and length) side, but there's nothing wrong with style over substance once in a while. Nice work, guys. Quote
big giant circles Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 relaxing. nice work. reminds me of leader of the band. Quote
Navi Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Cool. I remember when Tosser was playing this crud and Dave decided to put vocals on it. Of course, this is shadowed by Dave's previous vocal mixes, but as far as non-rap vocals go, it's pretty decent. I kid. This is damn good stuff. I'm suprised it came together so quickly (love it when a plan comes together). Quote
Bummer Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 It took a while for me to find this thread, those folders had me confused a while. First thought when this began was how soft and mellow the guitar was, somehow makes me think of those children programmes I used to watch. The lyrics wasn't bad, not bad at all. If I listened closely, there was times when the vocals differed from the guitar and such, but now that I have it as music when I'm writing this, you don't hear the differences and instead only hear the recemblances. Nice work. Quote
Trenthian Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 YOU WHORES!! I WAS SOOO PISSED WHEN THIS SONG ENDED! tis sexy if short stuff. To put it in a more sexual light, "It may not have lasted very long, but it was a series of incredible short experiences." I got this shit on repeat. Quote
Cyan Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Yeah! We need more country-remixes. Haha. No, seriously, this is good. I love country. I really enjoy when the songs gets going around 0:50. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 This is sweet and light, the types of mixes that I enjoy relaxing too. Vocals sounds good, and overall it's a very nice piece. Should be a bit longer though, (or so I wished it was). Quote
Rafajafar Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 It needs a lil metal and drums. Or at least some sort of crescendo towards the end. Can I remix this remix? *grins* Quote
Black Mage Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Y'know, there's just something about DJ Pretzel's singing that really evokes a sense of home, and a happy past. You can hear it in this remix and you can hear it in his Falling Down remix over at AR. It's always a real treat to hear the Pretzel sing. And Geoffrey, that's some great guitar playing. I used to think that no remix of Peaceful Days could possibly equal Klutz's piano version of the song, but man, I have found an equal. Amazing job, guys. Amazing job. Quote
Mono Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 I don't think solo guitar/vocal folk songs are exactly sweeping the nation, and I wouldn't expect the genre to be popular with gamers in particular, but I've been wrong before. On the contrary, this is exactly the kind of remix I've been waiting for since I discovered OCR. From an early age, I've been exposed (not entirely unwillingly) to a lot of folk music, so it's a genre I have a certain affinity for, and I think there's a lot of mileage in adapting VGM to this style. I hope others will follow djp and Taucer's lead. I'd attempt it myself if I possessed even a modicum of talent. The vocals and guitar are a good match, both for each other and for the spirit of the original piece. Yes, it's short, but I don't think it needed to be any longer as the idea is as fully explored as it could be without adding further melodies or instrumentation, which might have worked but would have totally changed the feel of the song. Plus the short running time leaves you wanting more, which is never a bad thing, is it? Quote
openhatch Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 I think this is a great direction. I love the accompaniment, the words, the melody that has been created for the accompaniment. I like the singing OK, but it feels as if the singer is trying to whisper. After a while listening in sympathetic anticipation like I might sing along, my chest feels constricted; I feel as if I'm suffocating. Too much air restriction in the vocals. SING OUT! If the accompaniment is overpowered by louder singing, amp up the accompaniment. I don't mean sing out blaringly loud, just stop whispering. Instead of whispering, sing, plain and clear and true. And as I say, I love this direction. Quote
Mustin Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 NOT ENOUGH VARIATION IN THE DRUM PATTERNS But seriously, this is really awesome. Recordings could be better, but that's part of the charm I reckon. Really, really cool stuff. Very forward. I don't think I've heard anything like this yet so that's exciting to me. I hope you guys can come up with smore folky stuff like this. There's a band here in town called the Early Morning Bourbon Girls that I would love to hear doing something like this. Maybe you guys will start a whole folk game music revolution. I can see it now... Or dare I say, I can smell it now... Quote
Navi Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Or dare I say, I can smell it now... The nerd/gamer culture is already hard at work cultivating a most pungent blend of odors (notably the colorful mixture of BO, Bawls, and Axe). I can only imagine the delightful smell-sations that this combination of cultures should bring about. Quote
Jillian Aversa Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 I don't think I've ever heard DJP's voice so exposed in a remix before (although I do have a few rather embarrassing karaoke tracks of his, bwahahaha), and I like it! Great genre for the two of you, and I'm happy to be able to say that this mix was born at my new place. That was a fun little meetup. Quote
Darangen Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Very nice I do wish it was longer so it'd have more replayability, but it does justice to what is there. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 djp's vocals are perfectly suited for this style of music, while Taucer's guitar work is spot on as usual, just like in everything I've heard that he's done so far. I'm digging the down-home simplicity of the song overall. It's got the kind of tenderness and well being that you look for in a song like this. Good job, you two. Quote
Thony Hedgehog Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Great song! Not many remixes have lyrics incorporated, and most of them are from Game Over (good band btw). Really liked that, it's not sad, not happy, it's just........relaxing, but encouraging at the same time. And the voice, oh the voice! Djpretel, you've got the voice of an angel, that's for sure! ^^ Quote
Millman Posted July 10, 2006 Posted July 10, 2006 Yes! It's finally up on OCR!!! I remember when I first heard Taucer's "Town Life Acoustic" at VG Mix. It instanly topped my playlists because of it's simple charm, and at the time I was on one of my acoustic kicks. Hehe, I even remember when he tried to post it over here at OCR and the judges were no-ing it because of it's brevity and simplicity, claiming any guitarist could chuck out twenty acoustic remixes a day, so it was nothing special. Boy were they wrong. Maybe it is a simple arrangement, but I knew from the moment I heard this mix at VGM that it was meant to be recognized. djp's contribution made that possible. The classic, "I'm leaving, but I'll be back some day" theme fits perfectly considering the story of Chrono Trigger, and applies very well to the folky aura of the song. The lyrics - this whole song, actually - remind me of my past. It's almost as if Taucer's enchanting playing and pretzel's haunting vocals make the exact formula for nostalgia. My only complaint is the brevity. I wish I could say it had the short-but-sweet charm, but this song is way too awesome and deep to be fully contained by two mere minutes. I can only hope there might be a remake where it is expanded, and the true depth of the lyrics can be explored, but I'm not holding my breath. Overall, I have to say this is the best I've seen on OCR in a while, which is saying a LOT considering the 10-song flood of awesome remixes we've had lately. This is djp's vocal and lyrical talent at finest, and the epitome of Taucer's guitar playing. Defintely needs be heard, recognized, and adored for years to come. 15/10 (Surpassed any and all expectations) Quote
Ninja-san Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 The guitars really calm a soothing. Awesome job guys Quote
Hawkwing Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 I don't like vocal remixes...but this mix is extremely enjoyable. Quote
ubernym Posted July 11, 2006 Posted July 11, 2006 I do wish it was longer so it'd have more replayability, but it does justice to what is there. Only a gamer would make a comment like that. But seriously, it's a great remix. Good job guys. Quote
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