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Gah! Something has caught my attention about the track list.

"Gary Oak" is the name of a character from the Pokémon anime. The video game character's name should be "Blue". Since this is supposed to be a video game remix project, it makes sense to use the proper name from the proper media.

Most fans of the game do not like to mix or mingle the game and the show together. I jst thought you should know in case you get a bunch of "GARY OAK IS NOT IN TEH ANIMEZ!" messages after this gets released.

Yes, his official name in the game is Blue/Green (Oak?), I am one of the people you're talking about :D

But I admit that I didn't thought about it before reading this post....


It entirely depends on whether you're basing it on Red/Blue/Green or Yellow. I know that in essence they are all the same but iirc, in Yellow Gary was the default name for him, as was Ash for the player, as it mirrored the anime in certain respects.

But Blue had more continuity in the series as a game, so The Damned does have a point, still.


So, i'm still debating this project. There doesn't seem to be enough interest in it as far as musicians are concerned. That's why I'm on the fence about continuing.

Having said that, the tracklist on the front page is basically out of date & no longer the tracklist. And "Crescendo to Chaos" is the working title for a project that is still being worked on at foundation level.

If I can muster enough support with a good number of artists to start out, I'll start the new thread asap. Until then, it's still up in the air.


I think the problem is that there are so many projects going right now. It's a massive drain on the talent pool this site has, and people are wearing out.

If it weren't for the inherent nature of projects (random schedules, on-and-off moments of inspiration, trouble getting organized, etc., etc...), I would love for there to be some sort of planned order and timing for each project. Sort of like "OK, this project is next. It has one year to complete all aspects. No other project will be started until it is done". But that's not only unrealistic, but horribly unfair.

So many projects... I wonder if any of the current ones will get any time in the spotlight for more than a week now. They're going to overlap each other at this rate. Hopefully they will all work out!


I think part of the problem is also that many of the projects want OCR quality. Now, I'm not talking about letting something that sucks to high hell go through, but having the project bar in the same position as the OCR bar kind of cuts out potential remixers who might have been interested, yet don't meet what's expected for this place. And thus, you're limited in who would and wouldn't be able to take part.

I think part of the problem is also that many of the projects want OCR quality. Now, I'm not talking about letting something that sucks to high hell go through, but having the project bar in the same position as the OCR bar kind of cuts out potential remixers who might have been interested, yet don't meet what's expected for this place. And thus, you're limited in who would and wouldn't be able to take part.

If there's not a lot of tracks, I say it should be OCR quality. If there's a lot of tracks, I think there should be room to make for lesser-known artists, one thing the Skies of Arcadia project could do.

They're going to overlap each other at this rate. Hopefully they will all work out!

I say have an album dual-release one of these days

This is a project I REALLY want to go through. I mean, OCR is very melodic oriented. Not that that's bad, I love melodic stuff (Chrono Cross soundtrack FTW), I'm just saying that this project will bring out more metal, upbeat stuff, which I want to start seeing more of, you know? I've heard quite a few metal/upbeat mixes here but there's way more melodic mixes. I think there should be more of a balance.

Of course maybe I just haven't heard enough.

I think part of the problem is also that many of the projects want OCR quality. Now, I'm not talking about letting something that sucks to high hell go through, but having the project bar in the same position as the OCR bar kind of cuts out potential remixers who might have been interested, yet don't meet what's expected for this place. And thus, you're limited in who would and wouldn't be able to take part.

Now why did I think about SM64 Project?

Now why did I think about SM64 Project?

Probably because I was involved with it many moons ago. But rest assured, my post held no reference to past events. I'm not the sour grapes type. It's simply a matter of fact that putting such a requirement in place limits the size of the pool you wish to draw from. And as someone else mentioned, when you keep drawing from that same pool for virtually every project, the artists get overextended, and the projects they had been a part of start falling behind due to the artists doing the same because of a lack of time/interest.


I'd hate to see another boss music project bite the dust. I was part of the "UnMod R Bad Men" project back in the day, and it was basically the same premise... boss themes. It was going along alright until the whole sidebar thing hit. Then the project makers took it to unmod.org. There, it died a slow death over a month's time. It sucked, because some cool themes had been chosen, and it was moving forward.

I'd like to see this attempt at the same thing come to fruition, and not whither away. If it has to be put on hold for a time, then so be it. But hopefully it won't simply vanish. Having the same fate take the concept down twice would suck.


Well...sounds good. Joker if you do revive it, PM me (I now have it set up to e-mail me when I get a PM).

In the mean time, I'll try to get on another project to get back into things :)

  • 1 month later...

If this project were to come off the ground again, Id certainly be interested in taking part. If you'd like to hear some of my better productions, send me a PM and Ill show you some samples of my more recent work. I've gotten a lot better over the years.

  • 2 weeks later...

So let me understand what the plan is in terms of the tracklisting. Are you going to keep it the same? Add in more? Make it more up to the remixers to submit boss themes they'd like. Myself, I like almost every boss theme I've ever heard, and I really hope I'll get myself together remix-wise once I graduate in may, so it should be just the time to submit. Let me know what you plan.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I apologize for not reading the previous 109 pages. I've read the latest few at least, and it sounds like the project needs fresh interest?

Anyway, I'd be interested. Whichever way we decided to go - picking our own boss theme and submitting it (which makes the most sense to me) or choosing from a predetermined track list.

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