The Joker Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 So... bump, I guess. It's slow, but progress is being made. Um, all the guys on the project so far, send me your email addresseseses, so I can reach you more intimately, yet have it be still platonic.
Eino Keskitalo Posted April 25, 2009 Posted April 25, 2009 Alright, finally got my first wip crits in! jmr, I want to hear your wip, put it up on the KNGI boards. TheHands, I like your Dungeon Explorer WIP so I'm glad to hear from you as well. --Eino
Nearly Posted April 25, 2009 Posted April 25, 2009 No Dedede love? His Theme from Knightmare in Dreamland is the whole reason I love game music... :'( Please put it in...
The Joker Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 So, I know things have been quiet round these parts. Not much to report. I basically knew I was just setting a foundation, & I'm hoping it kicks up during the summer months. Now on to new business. I think I've settled on a name, but I'm not sure. I'd like the opinion of the other artists on this project, so, yeah, both those with wips, & those undecided, head to, & read the thread. Then, gimme your opinion.
The Joker Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 So, as you can tell from the first post, we've got an official name! And it kicks all sort of Buttocks! Also, it's BadAss, because that's what this project is. Also, We've got another addition to the casuse, Children of the Monkey Machine has joined, but is still decideding on a track. Also, summer is pretty much here, so, it's time to gear up for ass kickery. So keep your eyes open, & if you feel like joining the cause (of awesome badassness) then send a pm, & we'll discuss that mug. There have also been some developments over at the forums. Head on over & read the battle plans. It's time to launch the attack, and it will be gloriously BadAss!
Sindra Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 Please someone do a rendition of "Illusionary Dance" from Castlevania. It actually became associated with Dracula for more than one or two games, which I loved because it's a great tune to begin with and because I think there's so much power in "Boss Themes" with games.
Dj Mokram Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Allright! Time to support this joint! June being Boss month, it will be a pretty auspicious time for making some more kick-ass boss remixes. In the meantime, I made a provisory banner for anyone interested in supporting/advertising for the project. The Joker approved the art so here we go: Don't forget to link it to the 'Badass' thread too!
Salluz Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Please someone do a rendition of "Illusionary Dance" from Castlevania.It actually became associated with Dracula for more than one or two games, which I loved because it's a great tune to begin with and because I think there's so much power in "Boss Themes" with games. Hell yeah. I also want to claim MetaKnight before anyone else.
Demonstray Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - Gateway to Destiny CALLED.
The Joker Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 alright. Salluz, Demonstray, before you can "call" them, I need to see/hear a wip. So, whip one up (haha, pun!), & I'll put you down.
Salluz Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 alright. Salluz, Demonstray, before you can "call" them, I need to see hear a wip. So, whip one up (haha, pun!), & I'll put you down. Awesome, I'll "whip" it well.
Salluz Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 (This was once a post of a sample of music that wasn't a WIP but now it remains as a post box for the sake of the sequence of this thread).
The Joker Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Hmm, it sounds nice, but, it's to minimal for me to get a good idea of what you can do. A boss WIP would be 10 times better.
DarkeSword Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 The title of this project offends my sensibilities. Can we change it to BADMAN?
The Joker Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 If the thread name needs to be changed, so be it. Internally, it's still BadAss, though.
Lord Obsidious Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Seeing as i don't have any musical skills, I'll make a suggestion or two. Smithy's Theme - Super Mario RPG And a reference towards what : : (Sorry, but I couldn't find any OSTs. The best I can do is try to make a recording the music from my game cartridge)Also, perhaps we should make a list of all the referenced boss music that everyone has mentioned so far; that way remixers who haven't yet decided will have an easier time looking for choices. Sort of like compile everything that's been mentioned and put it in one post (I can do if you want).
LuketheXjesse Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 If I ever find the time (or the motivation) I'll metal up or something.And if not me, then someone should. Also, just to show I'm not just a big talker and can actually make music, here is my recent submission for starla's one hour compo. Sounds ugly but that can be fixed with a little work.
DarkeSword Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 If the thread name needs to be changed, so be it. Internally, it's still BadAss, though. was a joke...
Demonstray Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 If I ever find the time (or the motivation) I'll metal up or something.And if not me, then someone should. You, Luke! Only YOU can do it justice! D:
Majeliss Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Merry meet, It's been a while for me. Just want to know if this project is still recruiting and if I can join the team. Pardon my lazy arse.
Xenon Odyssey Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Merry meet,It's been a while for me. Just want to know if this project is still recruiting and if I can join the team. Pardon my lazy arse. Perhaps this thread should be locked as there is a new one?
The Joker Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 was a joke... Kinda figured, but with the amount of awesomness this project has, you never know. It very well could make babies cry, it's so hardcore. Also, I wish they made a DB game with a vegeta boss. That would be the boobs.
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