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Granted I've been busy as fuck myself in one of the worst Summers I've had since my previous apartment got haunted, but C'MON folks - where's the community at? I still visit about every day and see little movement for a community this large and well connected.


What projects are you into these days? What games you been playing? What games you looking forward to? Soundtracks you've discovered? OCR stuff you're waiting on with batedSD3breath? Certainly you've not just been doing NOTHING this whole time, speak and let it be known!


Working on a couple tracks with ffmusicdj (Current remix-in-progress is a punk/metal arrangement of Gold Saucer from FF7). Hopefully we're going to do an electro-folk remix album eventually.


Getting back into juggling practice. Cleaning up my technique on 3, 4, and 5 balls, working on some new 5-ball tricks. Had some reasonably long 6-ball runs today. New juggling balls should be arriving later today, and I'll be able to start practicing higher numbers again. New clubs should be arriving later this week, so I can get back in practice with those as well.


Gymnastics meet season is about to start, so I'll be chronically short on sleep on weekends for the next couple months. Worth it, though, because my girls have been working hard and I expect they'll have a fantastic season.


I'm about halfway through another playthrough of the ME trilogy. Occasional games of Dota (usually with either ffmusicdj or relyance or both). Planning an Aperture Laboratories test subject cosplay for Halloween and MAGfest. Annoyed that International Talk Like a Pirate Day and National Gymnastics Day happen to fall on the same day this year.

That's about it. What's up with you?


Working on a couple tracks at a time; one for the Goemon album, one for the Satoru Iwata tribute album, and one standalone. Finished two SFRG compo tracks and subbed two standalone tracks.


I was programming for computational chemistry over the summer, and got through about 1000 lines of (efficient) coding to calculate energies, generate matrices, etc.


Built a pull-up bar with my dad for my room. :)


Playing Plants vs. Zombies 2, Two Dots, and Threes (recent high score was 3522).


Okay, I'll bite... Music-wise I've been working on some album tracks these past months, 2 of which are hopefully released in the next 1-2 months (Vampire Variations 3 and PSX tribute album) and the others still in the pipeline. Currently participating in the Sigma Fortress gauntlet and digging it. Guess that's also where quite a bit of current activity is happening. And of course the odd tracks to finish because I work on too many tracks at once :P


Other than the music stuff (both making it and learning to improve my skills) not a lot of gaming going on... Most other time filled with working (at a startup, so pretty hectic) and doing some courses during the week. Last game I played was Infamous Second Son, which I still have to finish. I'm considering replaying Chrono Trigger for some weird reason tho.


Really should replay the ME trilogy again too, my nostalgia demands it!


Annoyed that International Talk Like a Pirate Day and National Gymnastics Day happen to fall on the same day this year.

Actually, that sounds like it could potentially be amazing.  Not as amazing as if National Gymnastics Day were on May 4, but still pretty good.


Outside of OCR:

I'm working on a few albums.  One is an acoustic album that is going to be pitched to a prominent European label hopefully soon.  I've also been in contact with an almost local independent horror production company that's been looking for some music.   



Within OCR:

RECRUITING FOR THE STREETS OF RAGE ALBUM IS STILL GOING!  I'm getting another round of invites together so chances are if I haven't harassed you yet about joining the project I soon will be.  Check out the thread here: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/39653-streets-of-rage-album-next-check-in-may-3rd-2015/?hl=%2Bstreets+%2Brage+%2Balbum


Other than that I'm working as a physical therapist and biding my time to the next MAGfest meetup. :)


Been participating in the Sigma Compo.

Me too. And I'm slowly working to get my inspiration back. And of course I'm trying to get better at making music.

Outside of OCR, well, I'm battling my depression which pretty much holds me back in everything I'm trying to do. It's a difficult process, especially getting back to programming in a serious way


Outside of OCR, well, I'm battling my depression which pretty much holds me back in everything I'm trying to do. It's a difficult process, especially getting back to programming in a serious way

I feel you; spent several years fighting that same battle, and I've been clawing my way back out of that hole. For the most part things are good now, but I still get the occasional downswing.

Keep fighting, and best of luck


Unpacked my lootcrate and was surprised to see a Los Pollos Hermanos apron. I work in a grocery store and we can dress up on Halloween. Three guesses what I'm doing this year. I've been getting back into the Might & Magic Heroes series too, so that's fun.


Music-related, I've just been improving my various arranging and mixing skills all around. I think I've improved quite a bit.


going broke because my job (even with overtime) doesn't pay me enough to support my family. BUT I finally feel confident enough in my production chops to start seeking production/composition jobs and get paid for my originals, so I'm going to start making music on the side with the intention of earning additional income. I want to start a Patreon.

BTW, anyone need music for a project? :D

oh yah and there's the awesome Super Cartography Bros. album I assistant directed with Flexstyle which may or may not be coming out soon



Let's see, I'm doing what I can to cover the WIP forum Mod reviews, participating in the Sigma compo, trying to find time to work on a project track for Mario RPG, working on some other things behind the scenes and, perhaps, trying to connect back with the community again. It's been a while, and I finally found time to be around again, so woot.

Also, KingTiger, I would freakin' love to collab sometime. You're just so damn fun to work with, lol.


Lurking is what I do best.

Lately I've been putting together an original album, which is getting close to being finished. Pretty excited about that. Also working on starting up an archaeology remix album with Mr. Bottle Rocket. On the outside, I work at a public library. It's possible I'll be able to put together some basic music/audio software classes in our new creative space; other than that, I mostly help people find information and use computers. It's been fun.


I've been busy with the SFRG Compo and (finally) working on some tracks for my own albums. Aside from that, quite busy with applying for jobs (just finished University) and working part-time for the university. Also, I've been playing my SNES MMX games since I joined the compo, those games keep being awesome to play :D 


Let's see....


- SFRG competition

- a game soundtrack (Fantasy Strike)

- some producer work for a Universal Music subgroup

- finishing my Smash Bros remix album commissioned by Smashbits

- finally getting Super Cartography Bros released here at OCR

- noodling around on whatever I want

- producing a worship album for my church

- getting my next album together


and that's just upcoming/current on the music side of things.


Aside from that, I just got back from Asia, have done and will be still doing some panels and DJ sets at various cons, and am trying to keep making enough money to be able to afford things like rent and phone and electricity. As a freelancer, things are a bit up-and-down.


So yeah. Busy-ish, wish I made more money, but I'm also not going hungry. Life's pretty good. :D


Here's what I've been up to...


- Getting further along on my album. I've got five songs done being written and ready for mixing, I've got three that are pretty far along, and I've got two that I'm just getting started on. I'd probably be damn-near done by now with the writing part, but I hit a stretch of "meh" and a lack of inspiration for about a month. But I'm getting the vibe again and making good progress over the last few days. I'm still aiming for a Winter 2015 release.


- Still working on my novels. The rough draft of the first one's done and copywritten (1000+ pages), and the second one's rough draft is finally getting close to being done (2100+ pages). Once it's done, it'll get that copywritten and then I can get started on part III (it's a trilogy).


- Working on the story for the next 'Twas poem. I've got the gist of it, but the specifics aren't in place for me to start with the rhyming yet.


- Working on coming up with an idea for the next An OverClocked Christmas album cover. I've got a few ideas, but nothing that's really grabbed me by the balls and screamed "USE ME!" as of yet. Maybe I'll go really obscure this time for the game to use...


- Working on concepts and such for ship designs, stage designs, story (which is done), boss ideas, and so forth. I'm making a shmup, and I'll be doing all of the art, sound effects and music (I've got five songs far along for the game using a Genesis/early 90s arcade vibe and sound), while using a program that'll handle the bulk of the coding (thank God). It's a long way off, but I've got the bug to give it a try.


You know how much more active OCR would be if the panel was fast? Just saying, if it took a bit less than a year to get a "NO" vote I could see people being a little more active here :-) It'd be nice to have a lot of new people. 


I like remixing a lot but I've been stuck doing pro jobs (i call them that cause it includes money) and playing video games, mostly Destiny, but I just got Until Dawn. 


You know how much more active OCR would be if the panel was fast? Just saying, if it took a bit less than a year to get a "NO" vote I could see people being a little more active here :-) It'd be nice to have a lot of new people.

Because kvetching about the judges in a community thread makes the process go faster :tomatoface:


Trying to get some kind of programming job in the Twin Cities so I'm not nearly as terribly poor, finishing up my existing website, revamping another one, and starting a new one, and working on a project in Unreal Engine 4.


Also, will focus on music and 3D renders when I'm done with the sites.

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