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Minor issue, but would it be possible to see more avatars per page on the selection, or at least sort them alphabetically (Ramza was the very last avatar, I had to go through all 9 pages to find it).

So I see the spambots are back. There's really no stopping these fuckers is there?

How the hell do they get through the type the image in the box thing?


Not all Captchas (thats what those image things are called) are fool-proof. A lot of bots are made to read through them. So at the same time, it's slowing down the real people that want to use the search feature.

We could use something that asks the user what the answer to a basic question is. Even just telling the user to type in a word during registration will stop many bots in their tracks.

You can also try using this.


All 3 links for that mix work fine.

The old faces will be back eventually. It's never been a high priority.

Well when I get to where it has the song and you click on it it just takes forever then it has an error. I never get to the song with the writeup, download, review and all that. Been like that for a few days.


I have a few issues with the new forums. They seem like little things, but they all annoy the crap outta me. The first is that embedded URLs not only have no indication, but to my knowledge can't be formatted (i.e. you can't manually underline them). This really bugs me, as I use links a lot. The second is that when you type a word, highlight it and add a URL to it, once you start typing again it automatically includes everything following in the URL. You have to either leave a space (which I always forget to do) or write out your entire sentence before going back to add URLs.

The other two, which I'm sure have been mentioned plenty of times, are the ten-character limit (which is small, so I can deal with it), and the four-picture limit. This would be ok if it didn't include all of the Smilies...seriously, what's up with that?

Are these only annoyances to me? And is there a workaround for any of them?

embedded URLs not only have no indication, but to my knowledge can't be formatted

Yes please fix this :( takes like 3 seconds to mess with the CSS and make unvisited URLS a dark orange [or whatever color you think would be stylistically better], so I can find links.

Also yeah maybe 10 images instead of 4 that'd be nice. Also 99% of the smileys are 404ing for some reason.



I'm running Firefox 2 and sometimes while browsing forums, it tries to download php pages like files instead of opening them like a page. I'm not getting this problem with html pages and it only happens sometimes, but when it does, it gets really annoying. What can I do to stop this from happening?

Yes please fix this :( takes like 3 seconds to mess with the CSS and make unvisited URLS a dark orange [or whatever color you think would be stylistically better], so I can find links.


However, in the future, instead of telling me how painfully simple something is and how it'll only take three seconds, it'd be great if you could just tweak it yourself and let me know what the fix is.

Granted, it's my site, I'm responsible, and I'm the one who should have gotten it right in the first place, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to tell me a change would take three seconds, when it probably took longer to write your post, without just going ahead and explaining specifically what the change is.

Just a philosophical footnote.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ya know how this site has a random videogame character at the top right corner? It would be nice if I could mouse over it and be able to read who the character was and from what game/series.

Why aren't the original songs for all the most recent remixes being listed?

Songs and associations from ReMixes to songs are all handled by me and djp. I periodically send him a batch of SQL queries, and he manually runs them to add the information to the database. I just haven't sent djp the info in a while.

EDIT: Should be cool now. Added songs for Punch-Out!! as well.

  • 5 weeks later...

***This past weekend, after djp handled the necessary coding, there is now a "Real Name" field for everyone's profile. If the feature ends up being abused, it can be changed to only allow moderators to edit the information, which merely hampers the feature for everyone else. Or we can just ban for abuse outright and thus leave the feature open to the people that will use it properly. Yeah, that's pretty much how that will be dealt with. :lol:

As OCR looks into expanding awareness of VGM arrangement among social networking sites, the Real Name field is a good way, especially for ReMixers, to get one's information out there beyond your nickname. Personally, I prefer being on a fist name basis with people rather than referring to them by their internet handle, so I'm glad the feature is out there.

***Also this past weekend, for anyone who hasn't noticed yet, I also enabled ReMixers to display the title "ReMixer" in their forum profile and forum posts, something I've wanted since the old phpBB boards to give OCR's contributors increased recognition within the community.

In order to display this title if you are an existing ReMixer, go to your User Control Panel (User CP), choose "Group Memberships" (in the Miscellaneous section at the bottom) and identify yourself as a member of the ReMixers group. Some recent new mixers still need to be added, and that will be taken care of soon. Please let me know if that's the case for you, and I will do what I can.

In addition, while there's no timetable, djpretzel hopes to program a feature where clicking on the "ReMixer" title on a ReMixer's forum posts can bring a user to that mixer's list of posted OC ReMixes. Having watched djp code the aforementioned forum changes, I can say that the trial-and-error aspect of coding even relatively minor changes is more time consuming that I ever realized, so please be patient. Hopefully though, that level of synergy for the ReMixers' forum profiles and music pages will be around the corner.

In addition, while there's no timetable, djpretzel hopes to program a feature where clicking on the "ReMixer" title on a ReMixer's forum posts can bring a user to that mixer's list of posted OC ReMixes. Having watched djp code the afformentioned forum updates, I can say that the trial-and-error aspect of coding even relatively minor changes is more time consuming that I ever realized, so please be patient. Hopefully though, that level of synergy for the ReMixers' forum profiles and music pages will be around the corner.

I know very well how much Trial and Error is a part of coding, forum hacking, and tweaking... And if I had vBulletin, I'd offer my coding, tweaking, and hacking services... But alas, vBulletin is commercial software, and I don't have enough money to invest in a copy

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