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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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What are the complications of using 2 remixer names linked to one forum profile? Only reason I have two is because I'm studying 2 vastly different genres and I want to keep them separate....

All this is of course if I even get a remix accepted each with both names...

ReMixer pseudonyms are not allowed, nor are alt forum accounts.

If you wanted to keep the pieces easily identifiable, you could try to make their mix titles different or something like that, but part of the mission of this site includes genre agnosticism and encouraging listeners to experience all genres, not compartmentalize them...

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The search term you specified (psf) is under the minimum word length (4) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.

If this term contains a wildcard, please make this term more specific.


There are so many unique three letter filename extensions and terms on the boards (PSF, NDS, PSP, PSX, GBA, SPC, SP2, XML, RSS, the list goes on), I don't understand why this limit is in place.

I understand if you can't change it because of stubborn vBul stuff, but if you could, consider it.

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OC ReMix albums have been better integrated into the site, and are now available as separate links on game, organization, and composer pages:

In addition, album pages have been revised to allow for extended references (we'll add VGMDB links when they finalize their URLs like they did for artists) and also composers are listed separately, with icons:

Unrelated to albums, composer detail pages now have a "Connections" block, where you can see some of the composers who've been credited with that composer on games, along with counts for games and mixes. More of a "fun" feature than serious data since we've only got games for which there are mixes, but still neat imo:

Upcoming changes will include upgrading the forums to vB 3.7 and (finally) revising ReMixer detail pages. For the latter, I plan to get feedback from (go figure!) ReMixers themselves.

So, nothing huge, but these little touches add up over time and hopefully are appreciated by some!

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Looks good. I would disagree somewhat on some of the window orderings but it's nothing major.

Is it possible to extend the width of the last FM module? It's difficult to see the song titles and irritating to have to let each one scroll.

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I guess this is a good place to bring it up: The dark gray space is overwhelming in the album page. Seriously, look at it. 1440x900 resolution, by the way. Any way of doing something about that? It's been bugging me on the main page as well, but this is a bit ridiculous here on the album page.

Otherwise, these changes sound good to me.

This is a difference between FF3 and FF2... I need to upgrade at least one of my machines to 3 and troubleshoot. If anyone knows offhand what attribute/css would make the boxes stretch even in FF3, let me know.

UPDATED: display:inline-block, which was added to fix certain pages in IE7, seems to be the culprit. I've upgraded to FF3 myself, removed this attribute, and pages are rendering as intended. Whether you appreciate "as intended" or not is a different story, but at least it's how it's supposed to be.

This change may also have fixed things for Safari users... don't know, can't tell, don't wanna install.

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Tested with Safari, FF3, and Opera on Windows Vista x64 at 1920x1200, and the problem seems to be fixed.

Though there's still too much grey at the bottom, but it doesn't look like that can be fixed without some design changes. The grey space is worst on Opera on account of its default font, but I don't usually look that far down the page anyway.

Otherwise, lookin' good!

Edit: Decided to hit the site with a few more browsers.

Looks good enough in all IE versions between IE 5 and IE 8. You'd go crazy trying to get it to render exactly how you want it in each though, so I say it's good enough. Besides, I'm sure anybody still using IE 5 at this point is used to looking at broken pages.

In IE 4 it is hopelessly broken.

In IE 3 it is not too bad. It doesn't load the style sheet, so it's actually more usable in 3 than in 4.

Lynx is not great, but it's usable. Because there is no stylesheet support, the handy A to Z links appear down at the bottom of the page which isn't great, but the Community Discussion, Reviews, etc. all display well.

Obviously other Gecko-based browsers such as K-Meleon and Songbird display it well. Due to Songbird's lack of horizontal space though, you'll need a screen with at least 1200 pixels in width to display it without horizontal scrollbars.

As far as mobile devices go...

It looks great in the BlackBerry 4.6 OS browser.

On earlier BB browsers there seems to be an issue with the positioning of the 'Works-in-Progress' box, though I'm afraid I can't recommend anything to fix it. It's usable, at least, though it takes too long to load over EDGE with those 39 images.

Trying to test with Windows Mobile now. That's not going so well though...

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Things look good in IE 7 for the most part, but on a few of the pages, there are some interesting glitches.

http://personalpages.warnerpacific.edu/kkeyn/photos/Error.jpg (1280x1024)

Yeah, these are what required the display:inline-block to fix, which was fine with ff2 but caused ff3/safari to barf. Fix one thing, break another... Still looking for a fix for IE7, for these pages.

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  • 1 month later...

When browsing games that begin with 'T', all game titles which begin with "The" are listed before games which begin with 'Ta.' Not only that, but said games are appearing under two different ordering systems: Both in the 'T' section (which counts "The" as the first word) and in the section determined by the second word (like pretty much every title organization systems). I'm not sure whether this was intentional, but personally I would like to see "The" moved to the end of the title to avoid confusion and duplicate links.

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I just received the following error from http://www.ocremix.org:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getforumdatabaseconnection() in /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/config.php on line 231

I didn't know where else to put it. What's going on? Site update?

Fixed. Yeah, we need a dedicated forum for site issues/feedback imo. Working on it!

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A forum sounds great. I have another question (in addition to the one above which hasn't been answered yet):

The Harmonix games Frequency and Amplitude (its sequel) contain a number of tracks written specifically for the game (full list here and here). Are they fair game for remixes, and if not, why not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The current version of ChipAmp contains a version of NEZplug that is incompatible with the newest version of WinAmp. The new version of NEZplug (called NEZplug++) can be found here. The ChipAmp package should be updated to include this new version. The paragraph you're reading contains only sentences beginning with the word "the".

Figured I'd be better off posting this here rather than e-mailing DJP about it. Sorry if that's not the case.

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but clicking on the dl tab to listen is just as easy - so its no big deal.

I'm under the impression that the last.fm preview is at a lower bitrate and therefore doesn't take as much bandwidth as someone downloading the mix every time they want to listen to it. It's the same reason everyone is encouraged to use the torrents for old material -- bandwidth costs money, which will always be a finite resource...

Until some millionaire decides to give djp massive permanent funding for the site, anyway. :P

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