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Not a big fan of the dates now being below the title and author on the main page. I would prefer it being on top of it like it was before, so I can tell what remix(es) were posted after my last visit to the site.

Not a big fan of the dates now being below the title and author on the main page. I would prefer it being on top of it like it was before, so I can tell what remix(es) were posted after my last visit to the site.

I agree, but for a different reason. Having the date to the left of the artist (ie: "2008-09-15 by analoq, Hemophiliac") just looks awkward to me.

Though I should point out I like the new 'Latest Albums' section in the corner.


I don't pay attention to the front page, but the improvements on it are great. Latest albums on there - great idea, beautiful implementation.

What's not an improvement is the dark grey, which works well when it's just in between white boxes, but not so much under the ad and the "previously on overclocked remix" box. "The latest remixes" box extend the grey box without anything filling up the grey to its left. Making the "latest remixes" box (and the number of latest remixes in it) grow and shrink with the other boxes. perhaps it's easier to do so with the "previously on overclocked remix" box. But then there's the screen resolution problem too.

Anyway, albums box - awesome.

Remixes box - I suggest putting the date under the remixer. The date is the least important bit. If you frequent the site, you'll recognize the ones you don't have as just that. If you don't frequent the site, you don't know which one(s) you want but the date a remix was added won't really make much of a difference. Making the name of the remix - the link to it - bigger, as it would make navigation a bit easier. Otherwise, you might click the game's link, and it doesn't take you to a complete list of the remixes of it.


So yeah, both site and forums are broken in Firefox for me now. Won't load up any threads, and the front page looks like this:


It looks fine in IE and Chrome, and every other site works fine in Firefox.

Edit: Guess it's fixed or something.


i was wondering if the music on the site could also be categorized by style and genre. it would be so much easier searching for rock, trance, classical etc. music on the site. especially since some games have not been played by some people.

i was wondering if the music on the site could also be categorized by style and genre. it would be so much easier searching for rock, trance, classical etc. music on the site. especially since some games have not been played by some people.
The idea of searching by genre has been brought up plenty of times before. In most cases, the idea was shot down because it was believed that it would limit the exposure of certain remixes (ie: if a user searched exclusively for trance remixes, he'd miss out on all of the orchestral remixes, and vice versa, etc...).

I think it was only recently that djp mentioned the possibility of a genre / tagging system being implemented in the future (see this thread, this post in particular).

I hope I've summarized the situation well enough. :<


I do now have a mechanism in place that allows for hierarchical categorization by genre... for games. Very similar code/structure could be used for mixes... I think the consensus on the judges panel is that we want to run any implementation of mix genres by ReMixers, and do a private poll of the artists themselves, before moving ahead.

"Vocals" wouldn't be a genre, but it might fall under a different branch of what essentially equates to a taxonomy.

So we'll be able to sort by action, RPG, adventure, etc.? Or is it something else, since I'm not sure you'd see that particular functionality being utilized very often.

Since we don't have a musical genre tree down firmly, it was really just a dry run to get implementation sorted out.


- On the torrents page, the Voices of the Lifestream torrent is mislabeled as a second Delta-Q-Delta.

- In the "Previously on OverClocked ReMix..." list on the front page, there's two spaces, not one, between the single quotation mark ' following the ReMix title and the word "by."


With supertux going down, it seems that a lot of the album pages are left mirror-less

A lot of the remix album pages still have supertux links: some projects list them exclusively, some list several non-working mirrors, and other album pages don't seem to load at all.

This is probably already known and being dealt with, but I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, so I thought I'd bring it up.

You know, just in case.

Since we don't have a musical genre tree down firmly, it was really just a dry run to get implementation sorted out.

Ah, cool.

In the game list, Chrono Trigger shows up as having 82 mixes, even thought it actually has 88. Guessing this discrepancy isn't restricted to just CT though.

And this is more of a wish list kind of thing, but it'd be cool to have the songs list for each game sorted in album order if an album is available.

Ah, cool.

In the game list, Chrono Trigger shows up as having 82 mixes, even thought it actually has 88. Guessing this discrepancy isn't restricted to just CT though.

And this is more of a wish list kind of thing, but it'd be cool to have the songs list for each game sorted in album order if an album is available.

It would; will definitely consider it.

Regarding the CT count discrepancy, that's direct mixes (named) vs. mixes that are primary to another game but include material from CT. The query that calculates count needs to take into account indirect mixes... I guess. It's debatable, really... a mix could have only a passing reference to CT and still be included. I'm thinking what might make more sense is more clearly separating the direct vs. indirect mixes on the game detail page.


I noticed when viewing the info for a Sega Genesis remix that the system is listed as "gen". That is,

  • Publisher: Sega, 1991
  • System: gen

Shouldn't it say "Sega Genesis" or at the very least "Genesis"? I'm down with NES and SNES, but "gen"? Also, when doing this for NES and SNES, it would look much better if they were written in capitals rather than the current lower case, that is, not


Same with PlayStation (now listed as ps1) and Game Boy (now listed as gb). There's room to expand these to spell out the full name of these consoles. Few people ever say "gb" (though possibly gbc and gba), even though many say "ps1", and "PSP" is fine too, but writing all of these in all lower case doesn't look good at all. From what I can tell, you should be able to fit most of these into the little console boxes in the remix lists too ("Windows" instead of "win" for example)
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