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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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One thing really bothers me about this change: the ability to jump to a letter of the alphabet when sorting alphabetically appears to be missing.

I looked up New Super Mario Bros earlier, and had a heck of a time finding it in the 60-page alphabetized list. If each page were a letter, it wouldn't be that bad, but Mega Man 2 takes up a whole page (at least) by itself...

I like the way this theme looks better, but I feel that there was a loss of functionality.

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One thing really bothers me about this change: the ability to jump to a letter of the alphabet when sorting alphabetically appears to be missing.

I looked up New Super Mario Bros earlier, and had a heck of a time finding it in the 60-page alphabetized list. If each page were a letter, it wouldn't be that bad, but Mega Man 2 takes up a whole page (at least) by itself...

Just use the quick search tool at the top right corner of the page and you will be fine.



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Quick updates:

  • All mascots are now back in place; clear your cache to get the new javascript if you're still just seeing the first 50
  • Regarding alpha nav, what I'm hearing isn't necessarily that it needs to come back, but that SOMETHING needs to be added to make things more user-friendly. I'm thinking this will involve one or more of the following:
    • Changing google search on far right to some version of quicksearch instead, making it clearer that you can search games/mixes that way...
    • Moving the "browse" quickstats navigation smack dab towards the top of the homepage... it's still alive but looks fugly at the moment since it wasn't updated >>> http://ocremix.org/browse/
    • Adding specific quick search boxes to the list pages, so that when viewing the "remix" list there's a big search box for mixes, ditto games, etc.
    • Other ideas?

Again, just trying to get away from the alpha since it's not particularly scalable...

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I have not been getting email notifications when I get pms for a few weeks now. It's all set up correctly still, right boxes ticked etc and I didn't change anything recently that might have caused it. My email is also listed correctly. Can't think of any reason why it's not working.

I actually noticed this yesterday as well, when I received a PM but didn't get an email notification about it. And actually, I haven't gotten any thread response notifications recently either for a thread that I'm subscribed to, and the thread has been replied to several times.

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I agree. It's "sportier", but also less welcoming. But I guess it's just a matter of what you're used to.

Another issue I have with it is that on my monitor, if no other, the upper part of the headphones in the logo is barely visible against the slightly brighter gray background. This wasn't an issue with the old colors, and to most people, it probably still isn't, but I still thought I should point it out.

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Heh, that was the first thing I noticed when I saw the new skin.
Hmm, the headphones are pretty easy to distinguish on my screen.

I don't really miss the functionality of the sidebar (never used it much), but I sort of miss the screen real estate it used to occupy. Feels weird reading threads spanning the full width of a wide-screen monitor.

Apart from that, I'm liking the new layout. :nicework:

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I don't really miss the functionality of the sidebar (never used it much), but I sort of miss the screen real estate it used to occupy. Feels weird reading threads spanning the full width of a wide-screen monitor.

Hmm... I'm not sure if it's because I'm using a different resolution monitor at school (1680x1050 at school vs. 1280x800 at home), but I like what I'm seeing now. I'll check how it looks at home this evening.

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Hmm... I'm not sure if it's because I'm using a different resolution monitor at school (1680x1050 at school vs. 1280x800 at home), but I like what I'm seeing now. I'll check how it looks at home this evening.

The forums are max-widthed at 1300 like the rest of the site... at home there should be no change. It does look like vBulletin 4 will be reintroducing sidebars at least on the forum index, and we have been considering using a thing RIGHT column on forums for ads, promoting mixes, albums, etc... we'll see.

The whole idea behind the width lock at 1300 is that, while folks with screen supporting larger resolutions shouldn't suffer, reading text that spans the width of the screen can get annoying.

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Ahh, I appreciate the explanation. :smile: I'd like to see the max width of forum threads to be a little less than 1300px (like I said, it feels weird reading things spanning the entire width of the screen), but that's just a personal preference and in the end, it's not a big deal at all.

EDIT: Holy wow I just discovered Stylish.

@-moz-document url-prefix('http://ocremix.org/forums') {
div.middle-column-full {max-width:1000px !important}

...suits me just fine.

Edited by jmr
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Sometimes when I view the frontpage I see the competitions section lower than the workshop section. It doesn't bother me greatly, but I figured it was something worth bringing up. I contemplated posting it in the new look thread, but I've seen this before the new looks, so here we are in a new thread. Anyone else see this?


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i kind of want the sidebar back, i liked using it for navigation purposes. maybe a setting in the user CP to disable or enable it?

Please? It's a lot harder to read now with the expanded width and I'd rather not resize my browser every time I come to ocr.

The Dreamhost links are dead for the recent Xenogears remixes.

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As an experiment, why don't you make a list of people who complained about the sidebar, and then another one of those who complain about it being gone, and then see if anyone is in both lists? :wink:

I would like to, once again, propose the smiley window be cleaned up. There's one duplicate, one triplicate and one empty slot. This means another 4 smileys could fit in that same window without changing its size.

Besides, the order is messy.

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