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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this remix. It really does give the old flying battery theme, my favorate from all the sonic games, a gritty, kick ass theme to it. I agree though, he recorded it way to loud. Makes a poor bridge on my mix CD from the piano Radical dreamers remix, to hazama's great suikoden remix.

Atleast there's a 2-3 second pause before the song, so i can skip it if i want.

If nothing else, it's a good showpiece for bassy speakers, like the z-560's

  • 2 weeks later...

Tune down the volume a little bit, and i'm all over this one. I like the beat, and the bass isn't THAT bad...I mean, it didn't kill my sub. :D

Anyways, overall, I thought it was a pretty good remix. Just the volume factor was my only beef.

  • 5 weeks later...

It seems that everyone else here has their volume cranked to max and the bass knob turned as far as it will go, because this song sounds perfect to me. Fast, hard, nice feeling to it. And I listened to this on my Dolby 5.1 surround with 5 speakers set to about 50% of max volume. Remember to turn down your speakers from max kiddies.


I've never really been happy with the way I recorded this mix - in fact, I now regret having released it in its current state. Obviously this song was done at the start of my shit recording stage which finished around "Particle Brain". Not enough time went into its production and the overall mixing of the track is hideous. It would have been much better if more care were taken during the recording and mastering stages. I was pleased with the musical outcome of the mix though, and I'd really like to re-do it, but currently it's not a priority for me. Maybe in the future when I have some spare time.


  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

The only thing I can say about this mix is, Asprin. By the time you're finished listening to it, you'll need it. Not the supid small jar, but the wholesale factory incredibly oversized container. You can't help but bang your head to this track! Dance, you know you want to

  • 5 months later...

If you die before hearing this, you will have lived a sad, empty life. The 2-3 seconds before the start build up the suspense waiting for the huge, loud start. This is how a Sonic track should be remixed and is undoubtedly the best Sonic mix of the best Sonic tune from the best Sonic game.

This is how a Sonic track should be remixed and is undoubtedly the best Sonic mix of the best Sonic tune from the best Sonic game.

I have to agree with everything there! Well, maybe except 'best Sonic mix' because I have a couple other favorites as well. :D

But this one rocks. That's all there is to say about it.

There are also various (good) volume levelers you can download to lower the volume. I only did to make the volume of my collection of Sonic mixes more consistent. Other than that, it's fine with me.


If I were to describe this track I would call it an "audible seizure", and it almost gave me one. Loud, harsh, and downright filthy sounding, this is one of the memorable ReMixes on site (opinion) for its glass-breaking percussion. Even the most dirty and unpleasant noises come alive in this piece without sounding ugly.

Excellent, excellent work. Most certainly not for those who want something easy on the ears.

  • 1 month later...

I don't mind this track being loud, but its pretty good as always (from the king of fast-beat Sonic remixes, Jivemaster :lol: !)

Is it just me, or do I hear the 007 theme somewhere in this remix?

  • 3 months later...

In the beginnning I'm waiting too long for anything to happen. There is a little buildup of beats, but I'm waiting too long for something to happen. There was one point where a tone came in that was too high pitched for the feel of the song. The beginning part of the origional melody came in too soft. Either that or the supportive beats were too loud. Take your pick. It added a nice touch to the song, but the origional seemed to have more of a feeling, then simply being notes and rhythm.


  • 2 weeks later...

This thing rocks. It may be a little loud, but I only get a headache after about six listens in a row. But it should say something when you play a song six times in a row, anyway.

Gotta love that tune.

  • 2 months later...

The thing is, this song has about 30 seconds of the original Flying Battery Zone in it. The rest is just some beat going with it. That's why I don't like this mix. But, that's just me, because I'm all about how songs compare to the original...so don't take this post very seriously.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Great techno track from one of my favorites (Sonic music + Jivemaster = GREATNESS); I always liked the regular tunage on Flying Battery Zone, until I heard this. Amazing work, totally hardcore take on a great song. Especially at 1'10 and 2'21, where the "chorus" line comes in. It flows, it lays down the beats, and it rocks hardcore. As Bill & Ted may say, "Excellent!"

  • 1 year later...

This is a pretty tough remix. You can't really listen to it: Rather, it prefers to beat you upside the head with the blunt instrument of its choice. That's good in some situations, but I loved the original, and this just strays a little too far for my tastes. Okay track overall.

  • 6 months later...

I jumped in my chair at first, but that's because I needed to twitch the volume control a little to get it suitable. If the volume is the biggest problem with this, then that problem can be easily solved.

Beats and bass all the way I see, Jive is going on full throttle with this and he ain't stopping until 3 minutes and 54 seconds has passed the clock. The melody itself wasn't very present, the stage was mainly dominated by the beats instead. It was still a nice use of them, my foot seemed to move all the time, and the music changed direction often and never went on the same track twice.

Interesting creation we have here, I'll give some stars. :D

  • 7 months later...

I keep wishing for a GOOD re-mix of this song... something with a REAL lead electric guitar in the melody? And the "battery!" word is really annoying! Is it REALLY necessary to mix the zone name in there, as if the piece didn't speak for itself?

  • 2 years later...

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