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OCR01529 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Hyrule Party Mix"

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Oh wow, to think that I would live to see the day when NoppZ contributed with a new remix. I'm so happy. ;_;

I've listen to this remix for some times now, and it has really starten to grow on me. There aren't any sudden changes in this, everything runs smoothly and without friction, plus that a joyful mood has been added to it. The songs being used in this arrangement has completely merged with each other, as djp alreafy been pointing out.

I like it how NoppZ altered Zelda's lullaby, I could hardly recognize it at first but shortly afterwards it finally struck me what track it was. Nice work.

Could use some more energy to become a party mix, but I'm perfectly fine with how it is now. Soothing, fun to listen to and a suitable choice to begin the day with. It'll cheer you up good.


Hyrule party mix is a very bright and shiny, as well as a very happy remix. It's something that puts you in a good mood on your way to work early in the morning~

I am also very happy to see that NoppZ is back in the community, and his first contribution belongs to a genre rather uncommon to OC, imo (DANCE DANCE). This is just fresh and would probably be a hit on the dance-floor if it had lyrics (HINT HINT) without being a cliché.



Mmm, a very distinguishable remix. It's very clear-cut, yet at the same time deserves much attention due to the various structure/production it has.

The introduction during my second listen (I just came home from taking a test) made me really attracted to it, as opposed to my first listen (before the test), which was purely critical. I was like, "Man, this sounds professional" as I sat back to casually listen. Unfortunately, that unique production somehow faded away once the introduction passed. I'm just sayin'. Some may say the song goes too many places, but it's better than having no introduction. Many songs have way more random introductions than that (pop songs lol).

For the lullaby theme, remembering it from the game kinda' makes it cheesy, but the repeating, slight chord variation makes at least those singular parts incredibly enjoyable. They're fitting with the song's overall progression, and it isn't simply some random chord change for the sake of arrangement.

This is barely a part of the huge picture, however.

The piano break starts out nice, but then gets a bit weird (too arranged?), especially if one is simply trying to enjoy a laid-back listen (like how the rest of the song is). Eventually, additional elements make themselves present, which make the song laid-back once again.

For the Song of Storms, I think it's literally the perfect remix for a song like the original, regarding this site's standards anyway, and the "genre" given by this ReMix. There's a "blatantly direct arrangement" of the Song after said piano break. This was a bit awkward at first, since I'm very familiar with this game and its music. Then, upon the second listen, I realized that the section following the "blatantly direct arrangement" is a *complete* re-arrangement! This is doubly nice because it makes the whole song focused around this unique phrase, and some may not even realize it: this "complete" re-arrangement appears even before the piano break, which can be heard once again if the listener plays the song twice. Somehow, the way it appears after the "blatantly direct arrangement", is more sublime than the one (which goes by unnoticed) before the piano break. Again, just sayin'---but it's actually an enhancement of the overall song structure in my book, and probably everyone's when regarding it on a technical level.

The whole song's production is of various types, at least in my mind (I may be wrong, but things sound different as they move along). This keeps the song fresh unlike NoppZ's previous works (which are usually enjoyable due to such eclectic behavior in arranging, but start to grate after awhile).

Well, that's it for my review, except that I wanted to add there's this weird noise at 1:06 that repeats many times over. It's quite faint, and makes me believe that something more could have been done with it, almost like the remixer forgot about it completely. (It's a nice concept, but still too faint.)


Awesome remix! I think part of what made listening to this remix especially fun was trying to figure out the original tracks were (it's extremely satisfying when you figure it out for yourself).

I really liked how all of the sections mixed together very well. It felt pretty natural to me and the mix seemed to have some really good flow. The thing I'm the most impressed about is the rearrangement of the themes. IMO, NoppZ did an EXCELLENT job reinventing these themes to flow with that fresh funky beat.

NoppZ, this is the first mix I've heard from you since I joined OCR. Your talent inspires me! I hope to hear more from you in the future! Good stuff. 8)


I was bummed to see the negative remarks on the key change at the end. I thought it was actually pretty cool. Having it at the very end of the track like it is says to me "the party lives on, even if the track is over". It makes me wish the track was longer!

Well, my amateur self thought it was a nice touch :)


This mix is definitely different in a really kick ass super special awesome way. May I burn in hell for saying this, but I actually -loved- the key change in the end it was good, it could've used just a bit more before the fade out... But maybe I just wanted it to be longer. ;D

Good job.


guh, i can't get enough of the staccato part... just that alone makes me want to listen to it over and over, i don't even know why...

at first i didn't like it for no particular reason, but now i'm just hooked X_X

*continues to listen to it over and over and over* i logged on this website for the first time in almost a year just to say this. thank you.


This is probably one of the best Remix's on this site (and trust me i've heard A LOT of them). It reminds me alot of k-os's song Sunday Morning mixed with Final Fantasy and Zelda. This song really pumps me up and never gets stale. The only part I wished was better would be the ending because it could of used more of a rap up then the fade out treatement. The quality is top notch and has actually re-sparked my interest in OC ReMix's again. Great work. Now do Banjo Kazooie... :P


I'm loving this mix. It's fast-paced, but not offensive to the ears. The song itself is very simple, but that's not always a bad thing. Many potentially good remixes have been ruined by people trying to make a song into something it is not.

It's catchy and I really can't find anything wrong with it. It has an excellent replay factor, which to me is the most important aspect of a song. Afterall, can you really call a song good if you only want to hear it once?



Yeah I'll be honest the first time I heard this, i was like uhhh it's ok. Some good stuff but I wasn't personally feeling it.

After seeing so many reviews, I thought hey there has to be something with this. So I gave a few more listens and wow this is damn fun song to listen too. Really catchy, unique style is what I'm feeling now. I think the songs biggest strong point is the catchy composition. Which I will take any day over production.

Anyways great stuff, keep it coming bro.

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