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He doesn't need to give you a reason. Maybe he just needs cash. :whatevaa:

Don't get so defensive and contentious; just answer the question. :\

For the record, the only think you'll lose when you sell your Wii are any WiiWare and VC games. Wii doesn't store any personal information, though you might want to remove any network information from the setup so that your wifi network's key isn't still in there.

Thanks for the helpful response. I was just being safe rather than sorry. I haven't played my Wii in the longest time. I'm just selling it because I don't play it anymore and I desperately need the money. Only thing I was sorta looking forward to was Tales of Symphonia 2. I think if I wait any longer I'll want to keep it, so I should just sell it while my mind is set on it.


Except in the last 6 months, when the game sales were supposed to come to a trickle, there has been tons of 360 and PS3 games to fill the gap. Like Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur 4, all the torrent of download titles, Grand Theft Auto 4 (wow, lots of 4's). I honestly wonder what Nintendo's waiting for. Instead of worrying about new releases, maybe they should just release all the Japan-only VC games. Voila, new games (for Americans).

I honestly wonder what Nintendo's waiting for. Instead of worrying about new releases, maybe they should just release all the Japan-only VC games. Voila, new games (for Americans).

or maybe all the english ones that they just haven't felt like releasing

I have Star Fox 64 now WHERE THE FUCK IS STAR FOX


If they have stopped being sold "as of July 23rd," why are we still selling them at Target, where I work?

I have a hard time believing this would actually blow over and not be huge news, at least at places like Penny Arcade. Unless I have been cluelessly not reading for the last two weeks?


Yeah, that newspost is jumping to conclusions, since most "real" news sources say Nintendo plans to appeal again to the Federal Supreme Court. It is true that he judge issued an injunction to keep the controllers in question off of the shelves, but I believe that's on hold while the appeal is sought. That is, of course, in addition (?) to the escrow account/costs awarded. See Kotaku and Patent Arcade.

IANAL, but the documents here seem like they could yield some interesting information.

EDIT: Those look like old docs, sorry. New ruling hosted on Dallas News here (PDF). Can't find the relevant docs on Justia's site, for some reason.

EDIT2: Yeah, it looks like it's all three, no decision involved, like reported at LiquidIce's site. It's the $21 mil (plus applicable prejudgment interest, something like $82,000), the formation of the escrow account - amount determined by "7% of the selling price for each GameCube, Wavebird Wireless and Wii Classic controller sold; and 5% of the selling price for each Wii Remote sold, up to a maximum number of Wii Remotes equal to twice the number of Wii Classics sold." - and the stop on the controller sales. I can't find any evidence to prove the holding until appeal thing, but it doesn't seem too far-fetched for a case with this much money being thrown around.

Also, lawl at Dallas Morning News for misspelling "judgment" in the file name.


I am so sick of these damn patent trolls. Those guys are suing Nintendo on the basis that Nintendo has kept them from clogging the market on those type of controllers. I'll be damned to the abyss if that company every produces any controllers for Nintendo. I know Ninty are jerks, but wow, you gotta draw the line somewhere.


'hey your 8-way joystick copied our 6-way joystick'

'no it didn't'


'I don't understand this newfangled technology I FIND THE DEFENDANT GUILTY'

'what you're kidding right'

I am so sick of these damn patent trolls. Those guys are suing Nintendo on the basis that Nintendo has kept them from clogging the market on those type of controllers. I'll be damned to the abyss if that company every produces any controllers for Nintendo. I know Ninty are jerks, but wow, you gotta draw the line somewhere.

It's unfortunately extremely common for small companies to sue the big companies for alleged patent infringements, though they're usually settled out of court due to the huge legal expense, long litigation time, etc. The downside of being the big guy - you become the target in more ways than one.

'hey your 8-way joystick copied our 6-way joystick'

'no it didn't'


'I don't understand this newfangled technology I FIND THE DEFENDANT GUILTY'

'what you're kidding right'

I'm thinking Phoenix Wright 3.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, let me get this straight. Hackers have just found a way to get the Wii to play DVDs. Does that mean that the Wii could always play DVDs, but Nintendo didn't allow that feature up until now?

Is Nintendo planing to make a quick buck at our expense?

I thought the downloadable content fiasco was bad, but I had no idea that Nintendo would stoop so low!


I'm pretty sure the Wii has always been able to play DVDs. They were just, y'know. Games.

I kid. The Wii reads discs that are DVD-based, but not actually DVDs. I think it has something to do with wanting to avoid paying whoever it is that manages the DVD format? So I don't think it's much of a stretch to write an app that reads DVDs. But I'm not familiar with the architecture involved, so I could be dead wrong.

  • 3 weeks later...

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