RealFolkBlues Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 So guys, I gotta question for you; What's to stop from being huge now? This kind of thing has happened before. Several years back the HardOCP GenDisc forum (known as General Mayhem) had grown to mammoth proportions and had little to do with modding computers, which was the drive of the site. The admins decided it was taking too much bandwidth and didn't contribute much to the active members of the modding community, and so they got rid of it, and created in its stead. Now, a few years later, GenMay is freakin huge, with a vibrant community full of noobs and vets, flamers and trolls, along with a whole bunch of porn, funny shit, and useful advice. I wasn't there, but I can only imagine a similar upheaval was seen at the time, probably with just as much of this high school bullshit drama between posters and mods. I myself barely did anything in UnMod, but I recognize the good and the bad about it and the decision to delete the forum. Frankly, I can't disagree with djp on this one, not only because he created the site in the first place and maintains it, but because I've seen this exact situation happen before. There will be growing pains, but eventually, could be bigger than OCR ever will be. Who knows, maybe someday there will be a subforum of UnMod about remixing videogame music, just like there's a subforum of GenMay about modding computers? P.S.- If this has example has already been brought up, my bad. I didn't feel like sifting through thirty pages to find it, and there didn't seem to be any discussion of it anyway.
Sauzer Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 It feels like we're spinning our wheels here. 1. UnMod had become viewed as blight on the site and was axed as a result. 2. Both sides admit to overreacting in the wake of the deletion. 3. OCR is attempting to meet us halfway with Off-Topic though many doubt if it will fill the void effectively. 4. pixie is apparently trying to reduce a bit of the visceral hatred she receives from the general populace of UnMod, with mixed results. Admirable attempt nonetheless. 5. Eulogic will never be a moderator. I don't think there was much else said in the last couple dozen pages but a bunch of tangential bitching.
Dragonmaster_Alex Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Unless Pixie manages to get Unmod to come back to OCR and actually be treated like it isn't (or is barely) moderated. I figure that since people feel she is responsible for the absence, nobody will let go of their dislike for her until it returns...which it won't. also, i assume WILL get huge. The deletion of unmod was the push towards a .org registration for many.
Bahamut Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Pretty much (Sauzer's post). Vig summed it up well too. I guess I chose a bad day to go have some night time fun.
Shadow Wolf Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 How long have any of you been using the internet? Haven't ANY of you seen anything like this happen?1. having a vagina gives you massive power on the internet. If the notion "i could get laid some time in my future" is entertained, then the internet is once again introduced to a pseudo-chivalry. 2. unmod is gone. the staff doesn't seem to really understand the logical reasons that anyone cares and i'm fairly certain that they simply don't want to. 3. bitching will change nothing. Bringing back unmod would come off as an "i was wrong. i made a mistake. sorry." and the average person with a penis AND the internet won't do anything that could come off like that without ending it with a condescending "now don't you do it again" phrase and tone or something that'd be the equivalent of that. Were you born an asshole, or did someone teach you how?
Sir_NutS Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 HAY GUYZ LOOK ITSA THREAD LOLLZ p.s.:there's not point to this, let this die.
CE Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Thread sumation: Unmod is gone, the unmodders went away, offtop will try to be unmod2. Probably fail. Well it was good while it lasted.
The Orichalcon Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Stop summarising the fucking thread and let it die.
Bummer Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Uhh...I thought we wouldn't bump this thread, but oh well. All that can be said have been said, so I'm not gonna try to aim for a long post again. The only thing I can say is that I will give OT a decent chance by posting in it and trying to recreate some threads that I was fond of as well. Only the future can say if it will hold or break, but at least I want to see it happen with my own eyes. However, I have found that there is one thing that this thread lacks, and that is apologies. Everyone have put down their arguements, and along with them acceptable reasons as to why they feel that way, but no matter how logical they are, a sincere apology may be enough for some to at least put some things behind themselves instead of bitching about it over and over again. I may be narrow-minded, but there are simple some cases where you just need to accept that everyone make mistakes and start to forgive and forget, in order to keep on moving forward instead of walking around in circles.
RocketSniper Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 So guys, I gotta question for you;What's to stop from being huge now? The fact that it's more arbitrarily modded with even more invisible rules than good ol' unmod.
Sauzer Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 The fact that it's more arbitrarily modded with even more invisible rules than good ol' unmod. That's ridiculous sorry for bumping
Shadow Wolf Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Somebody lock this. Bahamut? Please? The horse has actually risen from the dead to complain about all the kicking.
Syl Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 The fact that it's more arbitrarily modded with even more invisible rules than good ol' unmod. I'd say it's the more logical reason of the fact that doesn't have any real website too it; so there is no way for new people to show up.
watkinzez Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 I'd say it's the more logical reason of the fact that doesn't have any real website too it; so there is no way for new people to show up. And the bit where you can't see any of the forum without having to sign up. No incentive.
I-n-j-i-n Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 So we have the mods trusting each other, judges trusting each other, and unmodders trusting each other. Of course, just as it is in any community or family, bickering within the clique itself sometimes happens, but all in all, you know that you can count on your friends/family/community when the time comes. That makes sense, but what doesn't make sense is why that is even the case with a site as a whole. You would think the mods, the judges and etcetera would make an effort to have it all gel together instead of letting it run loose if they feel that was the case. They could have mitigated it through the years instead of letting it fester so to speak. And speaking of all the criticisms of the judges and mods and the way the site is run and the way it was responded harshly, I think you can simply look at a lot of the forums that are run in the net and unless they are plain abusive or threatening, the trollings and the bickerings are to be ignored. And if an individual does something out of the line, they should be judged individually. I know, that's more effort and all, but that is the ideal anyway. However, I have found that there is one thing that this thread lacks, and that is apologies. Everyone have put down their arguements, and along with them acceptable reasons as to why they feel that way, but no matter how logical they are, a sincere apology may be enough for some to at least put some things behind themselves instead of bitching about it over and over again. It's not "bitching" about something when there were real pros and cons to all of this and a whole segment of the community was basically exiled. I find it to be a genuine complaint on one part, and I can agree that emotions have been flared over it. But is it entirely unreasonable? I don't think it is. I may be narrow-minded, but there are simple some cases where you just need to accept that everyone make mistakes and start to forgive and forget, in order to keep on moving forward instead of walking around in circles. But they already have. The move to .org for one. Not really. I stayed out of UnMod for a few months because I figured UnModders were nothing but losers who looked at porn all day. Little did I realize that this was actually only a small and relatively useless section of the population.Go to a hentai forum or 4chan. Some of the threads got out of hand once it became a line of porn oriented fad threads. Lots of little niche porn threads that didn't need to be there. The basic ecchi/hentai or the "boob" threads was good enough. People generally didn't flood unnecessary images too much outside those. Goatse and the like could be seen as abuses since they were the out of the norm flooding and trolling. Then it sorta got out of hand. But I think that kind of sentiment of the token "sleaze" that people see in it is the typical response to Unmod. It's just misunderstood. Much like how shock jock radio personalities are assholes or get into the 'sleaze', it's not sleaze for sleaze's sakes. Those radio personalities or comedians or other irreverent forums and sites do not take themselves too seriously. That's the whole point. It's there so that it's a fun atmosphere no matter how ridiculous it gets. That was the whole point of the forum. Yes, there has been some instances of abuses, but I think it's silly to lump everything into some preconceived notion. And that kind of preconceived notion was what made this fiasco to begin with. And another thing I find funny about that situation was that even with all the trolling and imagebombs and excessive image threads, the forum was still predominantly about videogames, anime, movies, popular culture and the like. Speaking of off-topic, I find that to be a really strange compromise of moderation and basically going "off topic" from the site's apparent interest. If that was the point of it all, I question why the forum wasn't helped along years ago before things got too out of hand.
Gruntguy Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Whoa...we lost UnMod?? How long has it been since I've explored OCR?!
Dhsu Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 I'd say it's the more logical reason of the fact that doesn't have any real website too it; so there is no way for new people to show up. Actually, GamingForce has been closed for years, but its community is just as big as (if not bigger than) ever. It's just a matter of reaching that critical mass where word of mouth and Google searches are enough to sustain the community.
EdgeCrusher Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 The said example of genmay has no real site. It's just a forum that has a lot of members. Of course it had a huge following at the time of it's split though. Unmod doesn't have that number.
Julio Jose Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 But guyz, I remember the future (POWERBALLADS)
Corporal Eschebone Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Stop summarising the fucking thread and let it die.
Iggy Koopa Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I just came back after my long absence and I was wondering....where did unmod go? I miss it! :'(
Corporal Eschebone Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I just came back after my long absence and I was wondering....where did unmod go? I miss it! :'(
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