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I've been gone for half a year and this is still being argued about?

I mean, we still haven't reached any sort of reconciliation? This is not okay.

Some folks here are building their entire argument on their singular perception of what's exciting and what's boring. Not a good idea. The frequency of my posting and lurking doesn't seem to have changed. And unless someone else wants to streamline some rules before I do, I intend to bring back the caption thread.

Now we all love Coop here, but this microanalysis of previous replies and periodic examples of "how things should've been done" when the points were well taken long ago... maybe there's a more accurate word than "bitter," but I can't think of it.

People get mad, get loud and get malicious simply because that's the only thing they can do when they're faced with something they don't like and can't reverse. Whether they were let down easy or dropped, I also believe the amount of backlash wouldn't have changed, especially when they don't pay attention to the details. As far as posts being creative before... It's been my experience that people get more creative when there are limitations. If they don't, then they can't. When they can't, they leave. Do we really believe that the kind of things that aren't allowed anymore were the height of creativity? And everything else being equal, what's the problem? I can only imagine the people who refuse to return are either too ignorant to realize things haven't changed too much, have too much of an unreasonable grudge against the site and staff, or really only were interested in trolling, spamming, and porn-ing because that's all they were capable of. Lowest-common-denominator internet entertainment really can be found anywhere, especially for those with no interest in this site or its content.

You do make a good point, as I already have .org, remod, and the *chans for normal style internet entertainment. All I'm saying is that these forums need more activity. Something new and exiting to draw more posters in (or back).

EDIT: Just to clarify, I honestly could give two shits that unmod isn't here anymore. Most of us have either moved on to .org or remod anyway.

Well, there was a new thread on it, and then there was a thread merge. It hasn't been talked about since then really.

This really needs to be said again. From page 21 on, this was an entirely different thread made by ElectricCatfish yesterday evening. Check the dates.

It started out a simple "What happened?", and then grew into much the same thing as the original thread about it. The same points and counterpoints were made, and off to the races it went :lol:

José the Bronx Rican- My post a page or two back was never meant as a "it should have been done like this", but simply a "I would have suggested". I may very well have been proven wrong in the end, or perhaps I wouldn't have. Who knows. But with a good number of the same points being brought up again in the new thread, I wanted to bring up some of the same counter points again. It may have turned into an equine pummeling for some, but as I said... I like to see both sides get addressed. Perhaps it's a flaw in my personality when discussing something, but there ya go :-)

With that said, now that the threads are merged (I'm surprised the original was still here), folks can just go through and read the whole two chaptered thing. Chances are, what they wanted to address or say is there now.


Even though I strongly believe that unmod being deleted and moving made this a more boring place, I do still come here. Nowhere near as much, but still. Most of the topics here in Community and Off Topic bore me to no end.

Even though I strongly believe that unmod being deleted and moving made this a more boring place, I do still come here. Nowhere near as much, but still. Most of the topics here in Community and Off Topic bore me to no end.


10 words


Whether you liked Unmod or not, GenDisc is way way not the same since Unmod left. There used to be two or so full pages of threads per day with recent posts, now you will be lucky to see more than 7-8 new threads/threads with recent posts a day. I posted in Unmod, but I spent a lot of time in GenDisc/Remix Reviews too. And I think quite a bit of Unmod did as well. Maybe not the blatant trolls/spammers, but a good portion of the userbase, that got ticked off about the way it was handled and left the site altogether.

I came to OCR for all my video game news/updates, and I still do now, although discussion is severely cutback from when it used to be. You can say the site is thriving and all that jazz, which I believe, but the forums took a big hit and haven't grown back yet.

I agree with The Coop in that if there were a notice to when new rules were going to take effect, or that UnMod would lose its "Un" status and would become moderated to get rid of the fad threads, troll threads, and trolls (which I would have welcomed, because I went to Unmod for the interesting discussion, not the fad threads), then the backlash would be far less severe. For the record I was banned during the Sidebar Shenanigans (another story), not the Unmod deletion. I wasn't here and missed the whole backlash :P

Even though I strongly believe that unmod being deleted and moving made this a more boring place, I do still come here. Nowhere near as much, but still. Most of the topics here in Community and Off Topic bore me to no end.
The same pretty much applies to me. I'm not going to say that it's because of the lack of Unmod that I don't post as much (I was teetering before the deletion of the forum) but it has been a less interesting forum since. There's been noticeably less new posts a day since this time a year ago. Still, I don't think the actual deletion was a bad thing as a whole for the site.

Really the only reason why I'm pissed about UnMod is because deleting it killed the Epic Fantasy UnMod Story.

I can't understand why people are saying that nothing positive ever came out of UnMod, when it spawned a project of at least seventy stories by twenty-two different users (from all over OCR).


Deleted a couple dozen pointless, offtopic posts.. so to prizm, drumultima, bahamut, myself, fenrir, bigboss, ch, pp, etc... let's just give it a rest, shall we? If there's anything NEW and RELEVANT to post feel free to do so but 2 pages of mostly fluff and spammy posts is too much.


Even though I enjoyed my time around here a bit more when UnMod was still around, the 20 fad threads to every legit thread was kind of annoying. Oh well. I still pop in here every once and awhile to scope out if any talent catches my interest. Still kinda wished UnMod was still around though.


OC, I loved your threads. All of them.

And then there was that time I imagebombed pictures of reeds. Both the wetland AND the woodwind kind.

Cockbee? Epic Fantasy UnMod Story? Boobies thread? I'll miss you. :(

Deleted a couple dozen pointless, offtopic posts.. so to prizm, drumultima, bahamut, myself, fenrir, bigboss, ch, pp, etc... let's just give it a rest, shall we? If there's anything NEW and RELEVANT to post feel free to do so but 2 pages of mostly fluff and spammy posts is too much.

Oh you. You're like some big lovable Bolshevik grandfather who is wise enough to save us from ourselves.



Some of the fad and favorite threads were really good. In fact, someone should make a thread that would allow us to debate which fad and favorite threads were the best. I VOTE THAT ONE NINTENDO THREAD ANYONE WHO DISAGREES IS WRONG!1!shift+one!

and who can forget the "a [something] a day keeps the [something] away" threads!

now that i think about it, unmod was pretty crappy near the end, at least compared to like, '03-'04

Yeah except for that whole Fantasy Story, right? RIGHT?!

and who can forget the "a [something] a day keeps the [something] away" threads!

now that i think about it, unmod was pretty crappy near the end, at least compared to like, '03-'04


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