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OCR00740 - Doom "Synthetic Demon"


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Well the song itself is truely great, the mix of creepy-distorted sounds and nice techno-orchestral (oh mannnnn this is so good) sound deliberately beautifull, two COMPETELY opposite sounds that match toghether, only an artist of the highest quality can possible hope to achieve this.

On a more personal tone, although i love the song, i dont find it faithfull to the game, doom remixes would sound GREAT if they were industrial, good ole industrial, not weak like NiN, but strong industrial with some nice heavy crunchy guitars like KMFDM or Rammstein, we need this more.

But as it is for the song, this is truely great, 9/10

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Now this I like. A nice, dark, industrial bit for me. I haven't played Doom in a long time, so I forget the music, but I could easily see this fitting the game. The only gripe I would have would be the higher pitched sounds from the distortion. If they were toned down, I could've listened to this over and over. Hell, I'll do that anyways.

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I can still remember play DOOM using the Roland SCC-1 for music output, and E1M5 was my favorite 1-player level in any DOOM game, probably because of this song. It was really sort of scary, and on hard, quite! There was definitely a gestalt thing going on, whereby the music and gameplay were greater than the sum of the parts, a lot more than other levels in the game.

Obviously the remix strays far from the original, yet it's still quite beautiful in a totally different way, and still reminiscent. It adds a lot, and the only thing it takes away is the quite underrated suspense of the original, just because it's a lot more upbeat. I like it.

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Scott still holds true to his title:

One of the top 5 remixers hands down.

Bastard keeps moving up too.

And this song says nothing different: His ideas are great, his creative and technical skills even better, and his style is awesome.

Knowing this, any song he picks up is gonna rock

Doom fits perfectly in my Scott collection of songs. 3:31 has so much 'hell yeah' power. I would've screamed in delight if the orchestral layer had more focus on woodwinds and less on strings. The break at 1:50 or so is so scott, and lets you know that the song will be finished out right.


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Scott Peeples is probably the top on this site of remixers I admire, but actually don't like too much in terms of his style. I'm not too fond of the way he arranges things - I find it to be a bit overproduced and doesn't feel right to me. Still, this is one quality remix that is extremely well done, and if you're not me, you'll probably like it a lot :)

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  • 6 months later...

This was absolutly excellent.

The origional was a quite boring loop which had plimky bits and onle long droning bass that just went up and down. a bit like the start of this except worse. Peeples has transformed it into an excellent tune that I would gladly buy if I had to. The origional was probably the worst piece of music in doom, but this is one of my favorite doom remixes, and i hope the music in doom three is half as good as this.

Good work, Scott, You have just improved the quality of my life.

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Peeples does a wonderful thing by the Doom soundtrack with Synthetic Demon. He took a mediocre atmospheric piece totaling six chords and turned it into a masterpiece. Simply put, if Doom ever gets put into the movies (hey... it could happen...) the film soundtrack would not be complete without this remix. To peeples: well done.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


$ pmidi -p 65:0 doom05.mid

...now I remember. :)

I don't know why people here seem to dislike the original - it just happens to be the only Doom track that still remember. I really liked it, a minimalistic yet creepy track. Sort of like "What if Jarre turned evil". :)

As for the remix, this is pretty good. Nice work. New variations to the theme are always good, especially if they manage to be even more epic than the original.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Its my second review of this remix i believe.

I just realized that the mix sounds a lot like it could open up an exciting action film, or perhaps end it. I was listening to this on my way home and i swear it makes you go faster, it gets your blood pumping. The sounds are really exciting...

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This is an excellent remix of my all-time favorite piece of VG music: Doom E1M5. I was very happy to find it and it was very quickly ripped to CD so that I could listen to it in my car. It's quite appropriate as I arrive for work on a quiet city street before sunrise.

As others have mentioned it is indeed quite cinematic in nature and it inspires scenes of a movie. Too bad it looks like Hollywood is going to screw up the one they are making.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

This mix takes awhile to get to the meat of things, but once it did, it was pretty good. Doom music tends to be way groove heavy and not too into the melody, and this was no exception, but there were enough components to keep things interesting for a decent amount of time. I especially love the distorted sonar ping.

Things do grow stale after awhile though, and it isn't really repeat friendly, but it was fun while it lasted.

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  • 6 years later...

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