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Hi, my name is KM. Long time fan, first time poster. I've been listening to OCremixes since about song 150 and even tried to do my own remixes at one point, before I was really adept at making songs. Hopefully I can back into trying to get a remix of mine on the list, and cross that off my bucket list of things to do in life.

I've been playing guitar for about 9 years, composing for 11 and I've been enjoying video game music for about 25. When I couldn't have the sound turned up too loud on the TV, I would hum entire soundtracks like Final Fantasy and Super Mario 3 to myself as I'd play, because I enjoyed them that much.

My favorite soundtracks are Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross, FF6, Terranigma.

Currently I run a website devoted to promoting Indie video game music that's called TIG Tunes. It hasn't seen much success from the smaller time indie dev communities, but I hope I can find more of an audience here at OCRemix, since you guys definitely know how to appreciate video game music. :D

So, nice to meet you guys and all. Hopefully I can supply you with some excellent tunes.


Hey everyone,

I've been active on here since September, but didn't really notice this thread until recently. So to those who haven't seen any of my posts, hi and glad to be here.

I've been listening to music from OCR on and off for a few years. More recently, like within the past 2 years, I've been coming here daily to check for new remixes and albums, and occasionally lurk on the workshop forum. I was interested in actually making music for a while, but decided to take the plunge and get serious only within the past couple months, well aware of the massive learning.

As for my music making experience, I first used FL Studio for a digital music class back in the winter/spring of 2009. My song for that class was a pretty terrible techno song. Since then, I experimented with the demo version on and off, until I decided to buy the real thing. I've stuck with FL Studio ever since.

I feel like I've improved even in such a short amount, but without some awesome advice from the really helpful community, I wouldn't have gotten far. For anyone who is struggling to get started here, check out this thread that I started to ask for help: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36856. Also check out this awesome guide by Rozovian: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33049.

My advice, no matter what program/instrument you use, is to just make tons of projects, no matter how terrible they may be. Work on projects until you get bored and/or frustrated, then move on to a new one, or go back to an old one, you might have new ideas/skills as you progress. You will start to establish a work flow, and your music will slowly improve (hopefully :mrgreen:). Even if after multiple projects you still aren't satisfied with how your music sounds, don't give up and stay positive. You will eventually make a project that you're happy with. Remember: do not quit and just keep working. Also, listening to other people's works-in-progress and reading comments about them is incredibly useful and will help you get better. You should try to give people feedback as well, regardless of your experience level. People always appreciate feedback, as long as you don't act rudely.

I hope my advice helps out newcomers, and maybe even some veterans. :smile:


Yo! The name's SoundSouldier. I've been learning the guitar and have always loved good VGM and a lot of the remixes on this site. So I said what the heck and joined. I hope to one day contribute some note worthy remixes and such. And wish to be a part of the community!


Well hello to everyone here, signed up yesterday and today is my birthday~ =D Already got a happy birthday message from someone here so you all seem like a friendly bunch! I'm Razaphale or Razz/Razzy for short so feel free to message me and what not.



I've always been a fan of the music here that my brother (also a member here) has showed me, just awhile ago I decided I'd finally register and try to get involved. He just introduced me to the basics of some music studio software and I've been following tutorials where I can find to figure what I can.

I really love music, the only experience I actually have writing it comes from playing LittleBigPlanet on PS3 that has a weak Midi sequencer in game where I wrote some -- what I thought to be -- decent songs. I got some good feedback in game about what I made there but most players of that game don't have the experience or knowledge most members of this forum do!

Hopefully the community here will bolster my enthusiasm in working music and maybe I'll make something stellar someday. ;-)And certainly happy to be here!


Hey guys. I'm JovianStardroid, but you can also call me JS or Jovi. I've lurked here for a long while (about two or three years) because of amazing remixes from the games of my childhood: Super Mario Bros. 3, Final Fantasy I, the Mega Man games, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Pokemon.

I'm still learning to remix right now (using FL Studio mostly) so I'm probably nowhere near great yet, but I hope to get better though this community.

Cheers, guys! Can' wait to get more involved!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to everyone, I'm EmuZSNES from Youtube!

I'm still a newbie in music, and I mainly make originals over remixes, but hey, why not. Hope I can get better at using FL Studio 10! :D

I'm hoping to go big one day, but at the pace I'm going at, that's going to be several years away. xD


Hello everyone. I'm the new guy here for the time being.

I've been a fan of OCR for quite some time now. Going buy my iTunes "Date Added" sorting, I'd estimate around 2008 or 2009 was when I first discovered the site, though it could be longer since I've seen at least three redesigns of the site.

I thought I'd finally join the forums so I can post when provoked. :) I hope this community is a welcoming one.


Hi everyone! I'm Brotha Dom...or just Dom. (Decided to use a nickname from high school)

Anyway, I'm into working with FL, but I'm not really great at remixing. Also, I like to rap, so hopefully I can get some practice working with people here!

As far as favorite game soundtracks, I'd say I enjoy Sonic, Megaman, Pulseman, DKC2, and Kirby. However, I'm welcome to suggestion.



Yo! Long time lurker first time someone. Recently I've had the sudden urge to learn how to compose music, and I felt that this was a good place to start. Ten years experience with piano, but I'm not very good at it. Also dipping my feet in piano score composition; I hope to submit some quality piano solos to the site in the near future.


Hey, I'm Blazaking. Also known as draze4blaze on YouTube. I'm into remixing video game music with FL Studio. Most of my remixes are Pokémon tracks, though I have some Sonic remixes and a Touhou one as well.

Anyway, I've been eager to get my account activated so I can dive into the community and improve my skills! :)


Hey folks, thought I'd do the standard introduction now that my registration is complete :)

I just found this site randomly googling because I've been searching to find....well exactly what this place is! I'm a life time music fan, and life time gamer, I've noticed my original music recently has been taking quite a video game sounding turn, so I thought I'd just go full throttle and cover some video game music while I'm at it.

I play a bunch of instruments, and record primarily in Cubase, hope to see you all around :)


Hi, I'm Nate! (said in the style of 'Hi, I'm Daisy!!!') I knew of OCR before and I think I listened to some remixes, but doing remixes/covers of old tunes didn't really interest me until recently. I went to the OCR panel at Magfest and saw some familiar faces and everyone was just really nice and encouraging. I think the fact that I could meet up with fellow forum members in real life at some point is really awesome. I already did my first remix request yesterday and will submit soon, hopefully you'll dig it. On other forums I also go by bubblepipemedia, so if you already know me from another forum or real life, add me as a contact!

Hi, I'm Nate! (said in the style of 'Hi, I'm Daisy!!!') I knew of OCR before and I think I listened to some remixes, but doing remixes/covers of old tunes didn't really interest me until recently. I went to the OCR panel at Magfest and saw some familiar faces and everyone was just really nice and encouraging. I think the fact that I could meet up with fellow forum members in real life at some point is really awesome. I already did my first remix request yesterday and will submit soon, hopefully you'll dig it. On other forums I also go by bubblepipemedia, so if you already know me from another forum or real life, add me as a contact!

*is a stranger and stares*



Oh hello there. Welcome to the boards! Have an enjoyable time, and remember, there's always something going on! :3


The doctor's prescribed you a diet!

The Dr Pepper Diet, that is!

I've been a fan of this site and its contents for years and years; only now, though, have I really gotten the nerve to join in and try my hand at remixing. I've no real experience, besides screwing around with MIDIs and percussion IRL, but I'm eager to learn and open-minded!

Mega Man, Sonic, and F-Zero, mainly have brought me great joy through their music. Prog rock and jazz are also genres that really appeal to me.

Anyhow, I hope to learn a lot and have fun!


Hey there. :)

As a long time lurker, I hail from the NiGHTSIntoDreams.com forums. Few of you might know me from over there and various conventions along the way.

Told myself I was going to join up after Otakon came and went last year, but somehow neglected to do just that. So, now it's Post-MAGFest and... well, here I am.

Without overloading on the dorky side, yes - I'm a huge fan and have tons of admiration for the different styles and remixes I've come across here on the site. When I was a kid, I used to think it would be just swell if people actually took these songs and translated them into different mediums... and, well, a number of years later, here we are.

I've got intentions of eventually starting into several music-related projects, but that's been a slow process as I've been trying to learn as much as I can about programs and how they work before I sit down and set myself up for failure in not knowing what it is I'm doing.

Whether that happens or when it happens, we shall see.

Otherwise, I look forward to lurking with a name ;)

The doctor's prescribed you a diet!

The Dr Pepper Diet, that is!

I've been a fan of this site and its contents for years and years; only now, though, have I really gotten the nerve to join in and try my hand at remixing. I've no real experience, besides screwing around with MIDIs and percussion IRL, but I'm eager to learn and open-minded!

Mega Man, Sonic, and F-Zero, mainly have brought me great joy through their music. Prog rock and jazz are also genres that really appeal to me.

Anyhow, I hope to learn a lot and have fun!

Trust me,I'm a Dr.

Welcome you two!


My name is Demetrius, but I go by NerdMeech; and I have been lurking this website for a loonng time. I dunno what took me soo long to gather the courage to join the forum; but I finally got around to it. I love the music that comes from this site and the love for just videogames and their music period. For now I am just a listener and fan [but soon I will be learning to play the Bass guitar and when I get good enough, hopefully uploading remixes of my own one day]. Some of my favorite soundtracks are DK64, Shaq Fu, FFIX and Brave Fencer Musashi. I am sorry that this intro was soo long lol.

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