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OCR00823 - Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) "My Red Hot Pursuit"


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Donkey Kong Country 3 'My Red Hot Pursuit'

This is one hell of an interesting piece and my goodness, what a saw. That's one sound if used to mimic an electric guitar but still recognized as not being an electric guitar, that I really like. As for the rest of this piece, normally I don't like pieces with signing, either because it just doesn't fit, or it just sucks, or both. But in this case I must make an exception, this guy's got a good voice, a voice I would expect to hear as the lead singer for some Alternative band. The drums just rock, end of story. That sitar (I hope that's what it is) gives this piece an Asian sort of edge that has always appealed to me. Overall this is well put together, I love it. Excellent work Wintermute.

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Normally vocals in remixes are the devil's creation, but Wintermute has the right voice for this. The original was good, but wasn't exactly good for normal listening, like driving to work or relaxing at home. This remix changes that. It was a major improvement to a decent song. I really hope Wintermute has plans to do vocals in some more of his remixes. He's one of the lucky few who can pull it off.

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gotta compliment you wintermute, this is a pretty original song. and no, I'm not saying that as a way to get around saying "it sucks" cause this song is pretty sweet. As everyone else has stated, I normally hate lyrics or voice samples in the remixes, but you got it right. The lyrics make absolutely no sense, but they sound good, and you got the NIN thing going on which is a definite bonus with me. Glad to see some new styles being tried out here, be interested to see you make more like this. Very good one.

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The Title made me think it was going to be more of a Squarepusher inspired song. "My Red Hot Car" is a great song. This is pretty good too, though.


I wrote the original review in hurry. I have to agree with endblink, however, this has very little NIN in it to my ears. And believe me, when you've listened to as much of Trent's music as I have, you KNOW Nine Inch Nails from the first few measures.

I've never heard the original of this, but after listening a few times, I must say that this is a very interesting song. I'd recommend it, but not if you're expecting NIN, because you won't find any.


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Wintermute, this is a high-quality piece of work. I thought the vocals, while nothing overly-spectacular, no offense, were solid enough that they didn't detract from an otherwise-enjoyable piece of music. Just a note: the vocals that contained words sounded much better to me than the high, long notes. I know it's hard to carry a single note clearly for that long, so it's not to knock your ability, just a comment.

It's a tiny bit wierd hearing that fast sitar(I'm assuming that's what it is), then the real slow vocals, but I think that's just me - for most ppl probably provides nice contrast. And just to throw my hat in the ring with everybody else, yeah, the NIN-style lead line rocks. The mix was actually starting to sound repetitive to me, then suddently it comes in at 0:57, and totally changes my response to the song. Hope to hear more soon, it was real good.

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Hmmm... It's rare that I put up a negative review, but I felt I needed to write a little something about this mix.

First off, the description is misleading. With the exception of the obvious steal of the famous "Piggy" lyric, this doesn't sound very nine inch nails at all. I started a thread in UnMod, trying to pinpoint the "sound" that best fits it, but came up empty. Early Orgy? Maybe. Late 80's "industrial"? Possibly.

But NIN? No way. Sorry, but it's not even close. I would highly suggest all NIN fans to not go into this thinking it'll sound like NIN. Maybe it would have come across better for me that way, at least...

As it stands, the song starts promising, but the vocals just don't go with it. No offence to Wintermute, who i'm sure has some decent singing chops, but his voice doesn't suit the song, or carry it very well. In fact, it kind of gets in the way. The music would have stood just fine on it's own. And again, it doesn't help that the main lyric is "Nothing can stop me now", which I automatically link with Trent.

I'm also not keen on those choir samples at all. They don't work with the mix.

Joy Division? Listening to it as I write this and that suddenly popped into my head. Hmmm... It does have a little of Joy Division, maybe, possibly.

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First off, I'm glad someone did a remix of the Hot Pursuit theme. It's one of my favorites from DKC3.

The vocals at the beginning just don't sound good with the music, but I think when they come back in halfway through the song, they fit. I also think the melody used during the last 30 seconds or so sounds a lot better than the original. A lot more melodic sounding.

Great mix, hope to hear more.

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Hey endblink, thanks for the honest review. While I had no intention of 'stealing' any lyrics, I do acknowledge that I am in no way the first person to use 'no one can stop me now.'

Y'all might be interested in this: http://www.cvinternet.net/~wintermute/music/Dan%20Bruington%20-%20Circuitry.mp3

Original work, and a whole helluva lot newer than My Red Hot Pursuit(which dates back nearly six months).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

For the life of me I can't quite figure out what's going on with this song. I like it, that much is sure. And although I can't quite figure it out, it's fun, it makes me smile, and it's not half bad. Way to go, Wintermute. Keep this up and you'll have one weird fan to add to what I'm sure will someday be an impressive list.

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Well to be honest i didn't like this when i first heard it so i thought i wodn't bother with a review but now im kinda gettin' into it. Okay truth be told im not a big fan of this song and Wintermute has done some quality ReMix's better than this but the opening minute is breathtaking. Love the voice samples, nothing special ut very catchy plus they don't play down the actual music. Once the song reaches 1:00 however everything seems to get too repetative for me, maybe i would appreciate it if id played DKC3 more than once.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

God knows if this is NIN-sounding or not, but no matter this is one of my favourite ReMixes from the site and the best DKC mix. Very suprising since I wasn't a fan of the original. I can't pinpoint exactly what I like about this mix, but the section from 0.22 to 1.00 is probably my best part. 1.00 to 1.38 is also good. After that, the track perhaps doesn't live up to the beginning, but it's still not bad. The lyrics were ok, the only lyrics I didn't like that much was from 2.36, but the rest of the lyrics were suitable, and keep the track going well. The introduction with the sitar (apparantly) starts off the track well.

Any fan of the DKC series, especially those who played DKC2, but not 3, should download this, along with those who like NIN (in order to comment on its apparent NINness) and those who like electronica.

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  • 11 months later...

I downloaded this like 8 months ago and forgot about it until a few days ago. I wish I would have listened to it back then - its pretty sweet! I normally hate vocals in a remix, but this is an exception. The vocals fit in with the mood of the song, and flow with the beat, which has a very groovy industrial feel.

Man, this rocks! Excellent job, Wintermute!


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  • 1 year later...

I haven´t played this game, but that doesn´t mean you can listen anyway, eh?

As pretzeldude said himself, this was quite interesting. There aren´t many mixes with vocals, I don´t just connects it with what these lyrics have with the name of this song. It´s a pursuit alright, OH that´s why!

The synths very cool but also buzzy or whatever you can call them, the one in the beginning sure sounded alot, but I guess that´s good for the image of a pursuit.

Truly different dude.

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  • 2 years later...

Well... while this wasn't terrible, this is a remix that makes me glad that standards have gone up somewhat since 2002. The volume levels are little funny at times, the singing isn't exactly in tune and there's some rather ugly synths in here. Overall though, it was a pretty nice remix, especially considering what year it was made.

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  • 6 months later...

Review# 2/1522 Donkey Kong Country 3 'My Red Hot Pursuit' This remix Started out great with some nice oriental tones, the voice didn't detract from the general tone of the mix either. Throw in some deep vibrato synth to seal the deal and you've got gold. However, at the half way point the voice got a little bit louder than the beat for my tastes and towards the end the ReMixer's voice singing "Nothing can stop me now" with some 80's standard keyboard effects bothered my ears a bit. however over all I'd consider this a keeper.

Score: 8/10 "Recommended"


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  • 10 months later...

The intro strangely mixed and with wonky volume levels, making me feel the production of this isn't really up to par. THe opening vocal clip is annoying too. :/ The strings playing the chords also have too slow of an attack, and it's throwing me off. Once the distorted beats and synths come in, it starts to sound a lot more balanced, and I can dig that section. Vocals coming don't really fit the soundscape set up, but are decent enough otherwise.

Really weird track here, i'm not sure what to really think.

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  • 8 months later...

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