K-ness Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 I've been a regular of OCRemix for a few years now, but only recently did I decide to register for the forums. In doing so, I felt it fitting that my first post be my thoughts on quite possibly my favorite song ever remixed here. The first song by Spekkosaurus I downloaded was "Sound Stone in C Major" which I found on Morpheus. The song in turn led me here, as it had the web address with the song. Since then, I've been picking up my favorite game songs remixed as well as some new songs that I've never heard of but decided to try. A bit skeptical when the song appeared on the main page, I was almost certain I wouldn't like this version as I think bagpipes are dreadful. Still, "Delightful Spekkio" is my favorite song from Chrono Trigger, and thus, I had to download the remix. Wearing headphones, I turned the volume to a reasonable setting and started to play the song. Not 30 seconds in, I had tears in my eyes. A great deal of emotion came from this song. An jovial tune turned into an epic, with so much strength and power. I will say, this is not for everyone. And it certainly will not affect many in the way it has me. But I know that had I not have taken that chance to download something that didn't seem too appealing to me, I never would have heard this song and I never would have experienced the greatness of Spekkosaurus. I just want to say thank you, Spekkosaurus. This truly is one of the best pieces I have ever heard from here. Quote
jordex Posted October 14, 2004 Posted October 14, 2004 is it just me or is it funny how the artist and song name are similar? Quote
Aamean Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 I lack the capacity to describe the exquisite quality of this remix in words. Download it, now. Quote
ghaleon Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 The name of the song fits really well I'd say, and this turned into a great song for me after the initial shock of the bagpipes. I think this song could give a Mongolian Scottish pride...it just exudes a feeling of nobility or something. Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 I thought of the character in this song along a far different line when i first played the game but after taking 10 minutes to truly listen and hear this piece i couldnt agree more with some of the stuff said here Well Done. Quote
Linearity Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Great mix. "Delightful Spekkio" has a warm little melody that I like, but you took it somewhere just slightly higher than it was before. I'm glad you took out the tack piano (or whatever it actually is supposed to be) comping that was there before. Rundown: I love the sound of these pipes backed by the horns. The pad is nice too at around 2:05; unexpected what with the pipes, but nice. The military snare seems a bit random, but there's nothing wrong with it that I can hear. I don't know if I'm diggin the chimes. Okay, around 3:50 getting repetitive, but I know that's the genre, and I've heard worse. It ends just in time. Edit: I forgot the damn tuba, which also rocks. Congratulations: you made a good song better. Quote
Jabberbox Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 I love bagpipes, and now I found a remix with them! it sounds wonderful Quote
Steffan Andrews Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Thanks a lot for all the wonderful comments everyone, it's a great inspiration to me to have feedback. Quote
DJ Pili Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 This sounds beautiful! I feel like being in Scotland whenever I hear it. Then I picture in my mind a bagpiper, kilt and all, playing the bagpipe while walking through grassy plains. Quote
Bummer Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 I bet everyone in Scotland hurrayed when they heard this remix. Screw Braveheart, this is the real deal. This is practially the only remix with bagpipes, and that´s so great, because you can´t just mimic a bagpipe, but I do wonder if Spekko managed to play this himself, because he did make "Trial in Concert" all by himself (still cannot believe it), so why not this one. Anyhow, beautiful. Maybe there aren´t many that has a year to the wonderful tunes of the bagpipes, but I do love them. Besides, it sounded like a marsch or a celtic wedding, but with the melody of Spekkio it just sounded so darn funny. Love this piece. All of you hencemen to the celts better download it or regret it, because this is remixing history for real. Spekkiosaurus, you sure have done it again, gonna be a real hard one to try to beat this one in supremeness. Quote
Jabberbox Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 ...I think this song could give a Mongolian Scottish pride... heh, I dont want to offend, but at first, they were real similar (DONT CHOP MY HEAD OFF! or yell at me, or anything) Quote
mrnerdhair Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 I'm actually from Scotland. I'm an American now, but I was born in the land of milk and honey (or tea and oatcakes) and grew up there. I tell you, it's dang hard to tell if this was done on real bagpipes or not! Spekkio, you warm my heart, and take me back to a land that was simpler and sweeter Thanks, man, this is now my personal theme song... Quote
football_punk64 Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 ok I am A bagpiper and i thought this song was awsome does anyone know were I can get the sheet music so I can play it. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 Celtic music sucks Holy damnit christmas, this mix is awesome. EDIT: does anyone know were I can get the sheet music so I can play it Your best bet would be to contact Spekkosaurus directly via e-mail, AIM, PM, etc. Quote
maestermatt Posted August 31, 2006 Posted August 31, 2006 i actually hated bagpipes. but now i LOVE them since listening to this song. Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted August 31, 2006 Posted August 31, 2006 I gotta get my school's bagpipe group to play this. It's pretty sweet. Quote
Aninymouse Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 I'm adding this to the list of OC ReMixes that've made me lol. Now, granted, this song has seen some years by now, but I think it truely was Skekkosaurus who was brave, posting a bagpipe salute to ORC. For that, I applaud him. I mean, after all, it's a solid song. The drums and tuba are mixed way too low, though. I'm considering putting this song on my alarm clock. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted March 19, 2007 Posted March 19, 2007 Excellent song, I think this qualifies as a Salute Pibroch, but I'm not that up on my bagpipes. I'm 1/4 Scottish, and that's the largest percentage of me that any on ethnicity takes up, so I kind of gravitate to it. Very well done. Quote
Shenlon Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 Speaking of being brave... I figured it was a very brave and bold move to put a bagpipe remix on the site. There wouldn't happen to be any other brave souls who do those kinds of things, are there...? Since I downloaded all the mixes from BitTorrent, I was just listening to all of them back to back, so at first listen all I glanced at was the "Chrono Trigger" part of the title. Then I heard the pipes come in, and I thought, "Which song could this be remixing...?" Then I recognized the Spekkio theme... I'll be honest, I just started laughing out loud, because that was the LAST song I figured would be redone with bagpipes. Very cool stuff. Quote
Barium Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 This remix made my day, and of course prompted my registering to this site (I was going to delay registering until I had made enough of my first remix to post in the WIP forums, but my hard drive doesn't want that.) I can't believe someone made a remix with the pipes. This is wonderful. Obligatory description of experience with bagpipes: I'm not actually Scottish. But I did play the pipes for seven years, and this brings all those memories flooding right back. The soloist playing first, the band starting their drones a bar before they come in, the (military, usually) brass accompaniment, everything was done incredibly. The soloist's drones were even out of tune (which any self respecting soloist would never allow, mind you!) The bridge did go out of the range of the Great Highland Bagpipe, which is the type you'd almost always see played in bands in the UK and the US, but that's not a big deal. The GHB only has a range of nine notes, you don't get much wiggle room. Oh, that reminds me, the grace notes, oh, the grace notes were wonderful. There are a few complicated movements the soloist could've done when soloing, and some the band might have done as well, but if you haven't learned the pipes (which, of course, is only an assumption, feel free to correct me) it'd be tough to know about them, so no worries there; the finger movements that were done were amazing enough! For the person who wanted the notes, I don't have software to put this on sheet music, but I took a quick 20-30 minutes to write 'em out on a wordpad document (that means you're stuck with figuring out the timing, shouldn't be too tough though, eh?) The low G and low A are simply 'g' and 'a' and the high G and high A are '(hg)' and '(ha)'. The notes that are out of the GHB's range are written as '(oor)'. I also left out almost all the grace notes and embellishments, it's up to the player to toss 'em in (most players like doing that anyway.) I only left in a few in the "March Bridge" section because they're necessary for the runs. They're in brackets. I apologize if something's not right here, I didn't spend too much time on it, so I might have overlooked something. Just repeat these sections as necessary. For the March - it's still the same note arrangement even when it gets faster. Intro = {c b a c e d c f (hg) (ha) e d c f (hg) (ha) e d c d c a b} Slow Air = {a (ha) e c f e d c d e a b / a (ha) e c f e d c b a // a (ha) e c f e d c d e a b / a (ha) e c f e d c d b c a } Bridge = {c b c d c b (fast - c d) c d e f (ha) f (ha) (oor) (oor) (oor) (oor) (hg?) (ha) f a b c d e d c b a} March = {a (ha) e c f e d c d e a b / a (ha) e c f e d b c b a b c a} March Bridge = {a c a c e (ha) c b a b c d [e] f (ha) f (ha) (oor) (oor) (oor) (oor) (hg?) (ha) f a b c d e d c b a} Finally - thank you Spekkosaurus, this remix is absolutely wonderful. Quote
Lucentas Posted December 7, 2008 Posted December 7, 2008 I love bagpipes, so this was a Thanksgiving feast for my partly-Scottish ears. It does get a bit repetitive, but who cares, it's bagpipes! Evokes strong highlands imagery and just makes me want to take a trip there even more than I already do. As if the accents and the plaid weren't awesome enough. Quote
Catharsis Posted May 13, 2009 Posted May 13, 2009 I think I just listened to this for the first time, and I love it! So creative! Quote
tweex Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Bagpipes. Sweetness. Very unique. And yes, as you said in your writeup, the track is very repetitive . The piercing sound of the pipes could have been toned down a little bit, but it's not terrible. The sounds/samples used, while dated by todays standards, aren't bad at all for the time (7 years ago!). The tuba was a nice addition. Gave it almost a polka feel that I liked. Wasn't a huge fan of the exposed snare and concert bass drum, but it wasn't a deal breaker. The Bagpipe drone was very well done. Not bad at all! Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 30, 2010 Posted April 30, 2010 A great theme and variation, all i'd really do is tone down some of the frequencies and it'd be good. It is very repetitive, but damn it, it's Spekkio. I don't know the nuances of a bagpipe enough to tell if it's live of sequenced pipes, but if they are sequenced, then super well done. If it's live, even better. Very good stuff. Quote
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