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  1. So my process for this mix this round was 1) Write riff 2) What even is genre 3) Welp guess I'll put them next to each other 4) Everything I learned in highschool was a waste of time 5) Is the time signature 4/4? 6) If yes, add or subtract a beat 7) Repeat 6 until satisfactory Cry at your wasted childhood 9) submit liek if u crie everytiem 1 like = 1 bar of 7/8 EDIT: I feel like the face is mocking my wasted childhood. I can't blame it.
    5 points
  2. gift for having rick rolled in round 3 (for Maverick Astley) I have hiccups by eating oranges
    3 points
  3. Right now it's almost 1am for me, the listening party starts in an hour! #ocrcompo irc channel on esper.net. And I have no trouble staying up until 3am during summer days. I make up for the lack of sleep in the afternoon when it's too hot to do anything else anyway
    2 points
  4. Rozovian

    What am I missing?

    Keep in mind that the final result is a combination of things. I generalize those things into three groups: the writing, the performance, and the production. Music theory is all about the writing, or what to play. Performance is how to play it. Production is how to make it sound good for the listener. You can think of music as voice acting. Writing is the words, obviously. Performance is the voice. Production is the microphone. In electronic music, the performance takes a back seat to sound design, but they serve to fill the same role, which is to infuse the notes with emotion that the notes themselves don't have. Changes in timbre, timing and strength combine to create an illusion of performance. In your case, I would just keep making music, seeking out criticism and advice, trying new things, studying new things, listening to all kinds of music, and overall engaging with music in every way. I've seen that OCR is a pretty good community for this stuff, as it takes around 2 years for remixers to get their remixes posted here. Some have more experience than others, and get there faster. Others come here with little or no music skill and it takes a little longer. Those with more time and energy to put into the remixing get there sooner. It takes years to get good at this, years of making music, learning new things, finding mistakes, and developing your skills. The most important skill to develop is your critical ear.
    2 points
  5. Super Smash Flash 2 is a Smash Bros. fan game for the PC. With a large fanbase, active online community, and more than 1,000,000 daily plays, it’s not only the most popular Super Smash Bros. fangame, but also one of the most successful video game fan projects ever created - all constructed from the ground up. For the early years of SSF2’s development, music was not a focus, but with the last few versions we’ve been trying to change that. Smash Bros. games are known for having a large, diverse collection of the best video game music, and we want SSF2 to be no exception. We’ve come here today to request your help to achieve this objective and bring more high-quality music to Super Smash Flash 2. What can we offer: - Spotlight! This is a game played by millions of people. Yes, seriously. We have an online community of hundreds of thousands of active players, and the number grows as the version number does. - We have a small, but tightly-knit developer team. Our team has achieved a lot together, and we promise a good environment and proper tools for you to be comfy working with us. - Early access to work-in-progress versions of our upcoming releases so you can hear/see what your music adds to the game! - Part of having a soundtrack for a Smash Bros. game is having diversity in musical style. We allow and encourage ourselves to experiment musically to a large degree, with the main guidelines/restrictions coming from the ambiance of the stage where the music will be used. Feel free to check these samples to get an idea what we’re talking about: Please turn your volume down before clicking - these are direct MP3's of ingame music which is fed into the game at max volume. Kraid's Lair Waiting Room Cruel Smash! Majora's Mask Medley Bomberman's Theme What we're looking for: - You should be willing to keep an open mind and willing to attempt many different songs from different series as needed. - You must be versatile, and willing to challenge the usual in Smash. Some of our remixes stick close to the originals, while others are more experimental. SSF2 includes rock, orchestral, jazz, and latin, among other styles. - You must be able to discuss your work and receive constructive criticism. - You are likely to be assigned with confidential tasks. You’ll need to be able to keep confidentiality until your work is released to the public. - We’re not requiring any particular DAW or music-related software. Do note: SSF2 is an unpaid project - but there may be paid projects in our future after SSF2 is completed. If you’re interested, please make an account on http://forums.mcleodgaming.com, then apply at http://bit.ly/SSF2Apply. You may post any questions or concerns in this thread, or direct them to our press/partners email - ssf2devs@mcleodgaming.com if you prefer. We look forward to help from the talent here! We know there's a lot of Smash fans on OCR and we were fortunate enough to meet some staff members at Apex 2015. We're sure we can make magic with your help.
    1 point
    1 point
  7. You know how much more active OCR would be if the panel was fast? Just saying, if it took a bit less than a year to get a "NO" vote I could see people being a little more active here It'd be nice to have a lot of new people. I like remixing a lot but I've been stuck doing pro jobs (i call them that cause it includes money) and playing video games, mostly Destiny, but I just got Until Dawn.
    1 point
  8. So uuuuhhhhhh... can I give "Big Boss" a try, or is this invite-only?
    1 point
  9. I'm going for X-Square this round. Brace yourselves. Also - any suggestions on the listening party time? Maybe tonight at 8PM EDT? (in 6 hours)
    1 point
  10. Let's see.... - SFRG competition - a game soundtrack (Fantasy Strike) - some producer work for a Universal Music subgroup - finishing my Smash Bros remix album commissioned by Smashbits - finally getting Super Cartography Bros released here at OCR - noodling around on whatever I want - producing a worship album for my church - getting my next album together and that's just upcoming/current on the music side of things. Aside from that, I just got back from Asia, have done and will be still doing some panels and DJ sets at various cons, and am trying to keep making enough money to be able to afford things like rent and phone and electricity. As a freelancer, things are a bit up-and-down. So yeah. Busy-ish, wish I made more money, but I'm also not going hungry. Life's pretty good.
    1 point
  11. Producing some alternative rock albums and composing music for indie games, mostly. But I have submitted a remix that should be on its way through the queues and posting chiptunes on my soundcloud when i have time (last time was may, shame on me)
    1 point
  12. I still think this album is a ruse. Even my track. (especially my track)
    1 point
  13. Garpocalypse

    What am I missing?

    Wanted to add to this thread for awhile but there's nothing i could say that Victor hasn't already said better.
    1 point
  14. Gario

    What's everyone up to??

    Let's see, I'm doing what I can to cover the WIP forum Mod reviews, participating in the Sigma compo, trying to find time to work on a project track for Mario RPG, working on some other things behind the scenes and, perhaps, trying to connect back with the community again. It's been a while, and I finally found time to be around again, so woot. Also, KingTiger, I would freakin' love to collab sometime. You're just so damn fun to work with, lol.
    1 point
  15. MOD REVIEW Kind of hard for you to keep away from these Castlevania jazz remixes, eh? Comes with adding '-vania' to your name, after all. Odd as it is for me to say, this one is relatively smooth, compared to the other things you posted on here. I dunno, I liked the gritty, 9th and 11th filled tracks from before a little better. It's just me, though - being smooth isn't problematic, at all. That has little to do with this mod review, though. It almost goes without saying that this one is an easy pass. Go submit it, and watch your name fly on the front page.
    1 point
  16. I don't want to derail this thread any further past this post, but Who are these "theory nerds" you speak of, who can't compose a song? I've personally never met a musician who knew a lot of about music theory who were flat-out unable to compose. It doesn't really make any logical sense to say that someone who has a strong understanding of musical terms, how it functions etc. wouldn't put those into practice. Maybe you mean some of these "nerds" don't compose music you like. Or maybe if they feel they can't do it, it stems from a lack of experience actually practicing it. It doesn't mean they wouldn't know what they're doing, though. As for the "classical nerds", well "classical" music historically was often a lot more strict and composed rather than Jazz which has historically been spontaneous. That being said, improvisation is still based on the same musical principles as regular composition because the only difference is that in improvisation, it happens spontaneously. If a classical musician supposedly can't improvise, I suspect this means they can't improvise to your liking or simply don't do enough of it. None of these invalidate the worth of music theory. I can agree that at a certain point, some concepts of music theory don't serve much in the way of practical uses for composing or performing music. Flip that switch and I will still be able to explain what you did and why it worked (or maybe didn't) with theory anyway. When I'm composing music, I don't really consciously think about music theory beyond what key, scales and chords I'm using, but just because I'm not over-thinking it doesn't mean the knowledge isn't actively being put to use.
    1 point
  17. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the album has just been sent to the staff. It is done. Thanks everyone who participated or supported us. It's been a true honor working with you all, and for OCR. Now, we wait. (But artists will get the right to a super secret preview, haha!)
    1 point
  18. Garpocalypse... Thanks for the feedback. What you're saying has a familiar tone to what Geoffrey Taucer is saying (and I agree with you both). Seems sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees (not to mention I'm new at this). I will be working to get the end result from all feedback listed so far. Interesting that you mentioned the Uilleann Pipes. I really wanted some in the mix but was unable to find what I considered suitable (at least considering the resources currently available to me). I'm going to look a little harder to see what I can find, but if I don't find a suitable sound I'd like to get your help. I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm sure you can tell me what you need (I've got the midi and the wave files). BTW, I listened to your remix listed above. It sounds really good! Thanks... dabedaab (Steve Snider)
    1 point
  19. I feel you; spent several years fighting that same battle, and I've been clawing my way back out of that hole. For the most part things are good now, but I still get the occasional downswing.Keep fighting, and best of luck
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Been participating in the Sigma Compo. Other than that, OCR stuff has taken a serious bump in favour of paid music work, I've been doing pretty well freelancing recently so I've been focusing on that mostly
    1 point
  22. Outside of OCR: I'm working on a few albums. One is an acoustic album that is going to be pitched to a prominent European label hopefully soon. I've also been in contact with an almost local independent horror production company that's been looking for some music. Within OCR: RECRUITING FOR THE STREETS OF RAGE ALBUM IS STILL GOING! I'm getting another round of invites together so chances are if I haven't harassed you yet about joining the project I soon will be. Check out the thread here: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/39653-streets-of-rage-album-next-check-in-may-3rd-2015/?hl=%2Bstreets+%2Brage+%2Balbum Other than that I'm working as a physical therapist and biding my time to the next MAGfest meetup.
    1 point
  23. New voting procedure starting this round! Voters, post your top three remixes in this thread as follows. Your name First place choice remix name Second place choice remix name Third place choice remix name Your Team Name (if you have one) Team name on the fifth line is new. If you don't have a team, don't include a fifth line. Copy your team name from the first post in the voting thread so that capitalization is consistent. I'm working on getting scores for round 2 and 3 into my tracking sheet. Once that's done, I'll publicize scores and keep the sheet updated week to week.
    1 point
  24. OK, just subadubdubbed mine. My process this week was: Do What I Do Nailed it I can't wait to hear all the mixes!!!!!
    1 point
  25. 1 point
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