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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2015 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. There should be a thread where posted remixers share their old remixes from when they weren't that good. It would be cool to hear and would kind of serve as motivation btw the remix isn't that bad, just the instruments that sound terrible lol
    2 points
  3. Greetings everyone! This is my one and only OCRemix, and I wanted to thank everyone for the many positive comments and constructive criticisms. I've done very little music composition (roughly 7 complete works between 1999-2002), so I consider it a huge privilege to even be here. Tetris has always been a favorite game of mine, and I was extremely pleased with how 'Techtris Type Z' turned out (at the time). Most notably, with the completely original, ambient/piano composition between the main theme (especially since I never learned to read music). Unfortunately, as many others have observed, it hasn't aged well. Featuring the sound fidelity of a 1990's techno track, it pales in comparison to the countless examples of amazing talent featured on OCRemix. Nevertheless, considering that it was created in 2000, using nothing more than a Gravis Ultrasound sound-card (that had a 4Mb memory stick for samples), and Cakewalk Studio -- I'm still somewhat impressed at what I was able to accomplish, and extremely honored to be here. Thank you.
    1 point
  4. Pipez

    Super Mario Maker

    And now it's getting its own Smash stage...
    1 point
  5. Hey guys! So its been a while since I posted something here. This is actually quite an old track, but if I don't get some feedback from people its going to end up benched and I can't let that happen to this one, so yeah. Having production issues, stuff lacks some... clarity right now, and there are some mixing issues. Its hard to find a good balance. Arrangement is finished, but if you want to critique arrangement go right ahead, the sources are: Strike The Earth (but only from 0:22-0:44): Fighting With All Our Might: And finally, the link to the remix: https://app.box.com/s/88o1lby33eav8fv505e75vn4aw7udcs1 I look forward to your critique!
    1 point
  6. Hm, the intro kinda lacks the ambitious sort of soundscape I would expect you to go for. For example, at 0:24, I would expect a drone to fill the bottom and keep things full for the moment, until 0:48. 1:13 is where the arrangement really starts to represent your usual caliber. Even then though, beef up that snare. The ride is kinda covering it up on my side. In general I feel like the low end could definitely use a more impactful production value. Specifically, I found 1:13 - 1:55 to have some low end, but the bass synth lacks presence/detail. The arrangement lives up to your past ReMixes for sure, but yeah, overall... The production can use more impact on the low end (aka more intense bass mixing) and another run through filling the soundscape in a few somewhat empty spots. Oh yeah, and that ride. Would you be willing to collab on this? =D
    1 point
  7. This is my favorite of this flood. It really makes me think of the original.
    1 point
  8. We're going to pause for a bit so that we can spot check all of your contributions. Very happy you guys have stepped up to do this. Just need to make sure you guys are on point. Will update with new assignments soon.
    1 point
  9. A shame really, I always enjoy ToN's tracks.
    1 point
  10. atmuh

    Super Mario Maker

    95% of people make really hard (and not very fun) levels instead of really fun levels
    1 point
  11. This is something truly amazing. I'm not saying this is my favorite mix of all time or anything (that kind of a declaration usually requires a source material I'm already really attached to being handled in a way that feels absolutely perfect to me), but it's definitely something special. Here's why: Until this mix, I always regarded this source material as a forgettable and, yes, boring little ditty that accompanied a minigame that I hate (Triple Triad>>>>>>Tetra Master). This mix, however, truly has, as djp hoped, cast the tune in a new light for me. The instrumentation, the liberal arrangement, the overall vibe (and, oh yeah, those wonderful vibes...see what I did there?) make this mix one of my top ten standout tracks from a great project album, and probably the biggest pleasant surprise I've gotten from an OCR album since Balance and Ruin.
    1 point
  12. I love the use of chiptunes and the lyrics are quite fun and entertaining. I have to say this is my favorite of the recent 5 Mario-themed remixes. Well done!
    1 point
  13. I also can't wait to hear what Jorito comes up with. It'd better be good, or else...
    1 point
  14. In case anyone missed it. Thank you rnn for updating the thread. Music will go up some time tonight.
    1 point
  15. Cheers dude! Much appreciated! I maintain that Lunar Rebellion is quite possibly the best piece of work I've done. It was heart wrenching to sit on it for so long, but I'm glad it's found an audience finally! Glad you enjoyed it
    1 point
  16. Granted there's like 152 tracks on the soundtrack. Even if you filter out the ones that were from previous games and recycled tunes, you still might not have enough room. That being said I kinda wish there was a remix for this:
    1 point
  17. I totally read that as Millennium Puzzle problem.
    1 point
  18. Cheers for the pick-me-up! I really feel like I went out on a limb with the arrangement, but I'm glad if people can still enjoy it. Bringing even the minor&forgotten tracks back to people's minds is, after all, part of what remixing is all about. I really gotta have myself a marathon in the near future and listen through the whole thing.
    1 point
  19. Actually the judges on the panel encourage people to post their source usage because its quite possible that someone will miss source usage. People aren't robots who catch everything, if its clear or not. Its not just about whats obvious, its how well the listener knows the source tunes. Don't forget that people who are voting on all the remixes have over 40 sources to memorise. At some point we're going to make mistakes and that could mean the difference between a 1st place, 2nd or 3rd place vote. Saying that the remixer should have done a better job or that the music should speak for itself is silly imo because we're ALL liable to make mistakes no matter how much the remixer has tried to make the sources as clear as possible, particularly with remixes that use more than one source tune. A little nudge in the right direction from the mixer does no harm at all imo.
    1 point
  20. And like I said, if someone needs one, then the remixer should've done a better job there. People like mazedude and schabubula do some of the most complex arrangements of video game music out there yet you can distinguish the source quite easily. They don't writte essays for people so they can interpret their music. Their music speaks for itself. But like I said, to each their own. I tend to ignore these when voting, regardless of whether I could hear the source or not.
    1 point
  21. I basically do it for 2 reasons: show you guys where I used which parts of which source (which is helpful for voting if you're not fully familiar with the sources) and I'm considering submitting (some of) them to OCR. For the latter a source breakdown + an idea of the amount of source reference (like timaeus did in percentages) helps out the judges and it also gives you an idea if you have enough source usage in there (if you don't have a lot of source usage, chances are the judges won't accept it)
    1 point
  22. Alright, now that FF9 is out, I hope the staff can give the album a listen.
    1 point
  23. This is probably my favorite remix of yours, just ever. It's got this loose, casual vibe, like the good kind of background music that while not so complex that it asks me to keep prying it apart for details, it still periodically draws my attention for a moment before I go back to doing something else---in the sense that I feel the need to keep shifting my attention toward it so that I don't miss anything. :} This definitely holds up to the caliber of tracks on the rest of the album!
    1 point
  24. So sexy, so smooth. I keep coming back to this tragic (err, that was autocorrect, but I thought it was funny so I left it there) track and XPRTNovice's "Miles and Miles Away" (They're back to back on the album, and it is by far the sexiest section of the album.) I love this style, Dave, I always look forward to your tracks on these albums. I'm ashamed to admit it took me a while to figure out why the title is Four-Score and Six Eight.
    1 point
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