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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2016 in all areas

  1. This is a good idea for a recurring album series....
    3 points
  2. Every year or so, remix games that have 10, 15, 20 or whatever anniversaries as part of a larger project? Well, it would keep everyone busy, so there's that going for it...
    2 points
  3. Instead of doing 10 remix albums, why not do one with a track from every anniversary game? Could be cool.
    2 points
  4. SONIC ADVENTURE ALBUM PROJECT Hey guys, Tuberz here. I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog in 3D and I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the incredible adventures involved with... well... Sonic Adventure. As one of my favourite games of all time (and with a bitchin' soundtrack) I figured it would make sense to start a project for it. So, well, here we are. What do we need!? I'm glad that you asked that! We'll need musicians who are either interested in providing music or collaborating with someone else to provide music. This music will be arranged from the source material in the Sonic Adventure OST. We'll also need artists and web designers and all that jazz down the line, but for now, the music is the core component. Not all tracks on the OST will need to be taken, I'm interested in having at least one piece of music from each 'Zone' taken. I'm adamant about the character themes and battle themes however. The Chao music is not needed, but would be a valuable addition. When do we need to be done by!? Another excellent question my friend. I'm not setting a strict final deadline for two reasons. The first one is that it's a fair ways from a major milestone anniversary for this game, therefore we should take our time and make every inch of it something we love. My second reason is that I prefer an atmosphere which is inspired by art... rather than deadlines. Some people produce excellent tracks in a week, and some it takes them months of slow chugging. Neither is wrong. I want to cater to both of these kinds of people. How do I sign up!? Just flick me a Private Message with which source tune you're interested in, if you'd be open to a collaboration and any key stylistic points that you feel will come out of your track (This will help me get a vibe for what you're aiming for). If you are a posted mixer or I know the general quality of your work I'll let you take the claim no issues (probably(don't quote me on that). However, if you are unposted and I'm not familiar with your work you can either send me something that you've done which you are proud of... or a general WIP of the source tune you're interested in claiming and we'll work from there. What's your role in this!? Well, I'm the guy who gets to eat chips and tell you if you're slacking (I kid). I'm going to be staying in touch with people on the reg to check in with how tracks are going and help out with pairing collaborative partners or giving possibly influential content for when you're stuck in a rut. I'll also be taking some tracks myself. If you run into any issues just flick me a message and I'll deal with it ASAP. I'll also be pooling my resources (read:lack of resources) to find another content evaluator to ensure that we get a diverse range of opinions on content. What are there so many Exclamation and Question marks!? !? Tracklist: Key: Open, No WIP, Rough WIP, Substantial WIP, Near Completion, Finished + WAV, Unnecesary track (Very small or similar to another track) Emerald Coast Azure Blue World - Yoshiblade Windy and Ripply - SuperiorX Big Fishes - Chernabogue Windy Valley Windy Valley - Tuberz McGee Tornado - Eino Keskitalo The Air Casinopolis The Dreamy Stage Dilapidated Way Blue Star Ice Cap Snowy Mountain Icy Cave Be Cool, Be Wild, Be Groovy Sky Chase Tornado Scramble Twinkle Park Twinkle Cart - Final Kingdom Pleasure Castle - Tuberz McGee Fakery Way Speed Highway Run Through - Jivemaster Going Down At Dawn Red Mountain A Symbol of Thrill Red Hot Skull - Garrett Williamson Skydeck Skydeck a Go! Go! General Offensive Lost World Tricky Maze Chased by Rock Leading Lights - Lucasonic Final Egg Mechanical Response Crank the Heat Up! Hot Shelter Bad Taste Aquarium Red Barrage Area - Sir Jordanius Sand Hill Sand Hill Egg Carrier Keeps us on the Move - Lady Wildfire Calm After the Storm Home Zones Welcome to Station Square - Rexy Mystic Ruin Character Themes: Sonic - It Doesn't Matter Tails - Believe in Myself Knuckles - Unknown From M.E. - Zone Runners Amy - My Sweet Passion Big - Lazy Days - Tuberz McGee + ??? E102G's Theme - DevilBeats Super Sonic - Open Your Heart - Brandon Strader Eggman's Theme Tikal's Theme - Faseeh Chaos' Theme Perfect Chaos Battle Themes: Egg Hornet - DusK E-101R Fight For My Own Way E Series Targets Chaos Ver 6 - Tuberz McGee Chao Music: Chao Theme - TCHLE Chao Race Entrance Chao Garden Chao KM Chao RM Chao Race Collaborators: Chernabogue: orchestra and drums programming, mixing and mastering. Eino Keskitalo: (modest) electric guitar & bass, keyboard/synth stuff, Renoise jiggery. Final Kingdom: Vocals. Good Vocals too. And anything else that you feel is appropriate will be fine too. Just message me and we'll have a chat. - Callum
    1 point
  5. I'm probably ignorant but I haven't heard of a single one of your examples XD Why Double Dragon? I was looking it up and noticed it had a lack of remixes. I actually didn't expect THIS to happen when I mentioned it in staff, but imo, its a landmark title in video game history with some insane music that deserves more remixes than it currently has on OCR, and apparently, the staff agreed with me Sure, there are other games that have a sad lack of remixes (Pokemon was completely unrepresented when I joined OCR, something I thought was awful) but yeah, maybe this can be a thing that happens every now and then just to give some of those under remixed games some love?
    1 point
  6. Battletoads & Double Dragon counts, that's why it shows in the linked search and I linked the OST in the list of music from the series. And Double Dragon deserves a billion times more mixes than the Batman series. All those other games you listed aren't large series. We can certainly do single game callouts, but series allows some broader soundtrack choices.
    1 point
  7. What about Battletoads and Double Dragon? You say Double Dragon has 8 mixes on the site... so why DD in particular, I am just curious.. there's no mixes of Ni No Kuni, Remember Me, E.G.G., ObsCure, just off the top of my head.. how many Mickey Mousecapades mixes are on the site? Even Batman has 4 mixes.. is DD twice as deserving of more mixes? Like I know I was critical of the butting the line thing, cause there's lots of stuff in the inbox, but I am JUST CURIOUS, this ain't no butthurt line of questioning. If I am somehow able to finish my move and record something by the deadline I'll surely send it in. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture? And yes I edited my post because I misspelled a game title not once, not twice, but 2 times edit again: going for a fourth time... my gosh american public school system
    1 point
  8. I can't even imagine a human being playing this piano part. That's how good it is.
    1 point
  9. The cool thing about math is that every 5 years you end up cycling the same games lists.
    1 point
  10. No love for Brandon Strader? He makes good remixes You're named after my favorite Beyond Twilight album though, Section X.. really good stuff. There's not really any remixes in the style of Section X, probably because it would just be so hard to make one in that style. I could see it being done, maybe as a medley of some FF6 stuff. But the singer, Kelly Sundown Carpenter, is on my shortlist of best vocalists out there right now.. would be hard for someone to match up to that quality and performance ability. But yeah just keep an eye on the front page, good remixes posted there.
    1 point
  11. Don't forget Resident Evil, Metal Slug and of course the game that brought platforming games in to the third dimension and changed our lives, Bubsy 3D.
    1 point
  12. We already have results! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03285 THIS COULD BE YOU CUTTING THE LINE BRAZENLY! Thanks to Shnabubula for answering the call.
    1 point
  13. Theres bound to be some wild eyed remixer who could turn something listenable out of that source.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. As an addendum to the advice given above, I can offer some info that might help out you with this task - whammy bar affects all 6 (or 7/8) strings differently, e.g. if you lower the bar so that lower E is one tone down, the high E would be like 1/4-1/3 tone down (this probably also depends on the string gauge). Either way, when whammy bar is applied to a chord, it creates a dissonance between the notes, which is a very important characteristic of the whammy bar sound. The dissonance is very pronounced if you're using a distortion guitar sound. Just, if possible, try to apply pitchshifting before distortion in the plugin chain.
    1 point
  16. 5-08 Banana Revolution [Flexstyle's Slam-the-Breaks Edit] (Cranky's Showdown) - Flexstyle vs. Jason Covenant, AkumajoBelmont FLEXSTYLE! VS! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJASON COVENANT! 'Chekan Winter' from Kong in Concert was one of my favorites of that album, so it is always nice to see Jason Covenant / Prophecy. Anyways, this track...I like the energy and the effects on the vocals, something about them just makes smile. 5-09 Cranky's Christmas Mojo (Cranky's Dojo) - Peach This song...I like it, but something that utterly baffles me is that it appeared on 2 separate An OverClocked Christmas albums. Like...huh? But in any case, I can just lay back and bop my head to the bells as the rest of the song comforts me. 5-10 Can't Boss Us Around [Original Mix] (Boss Boogie SNES) - HoboKa Listening to this version...I can see that having Flexstyle step in for the main album version made it special, but this is a fine song on its own, so I can tell that HoboKa's got talent of his own. 5-11 FrosTronix [Original Mix] (Frosty Frolics SNES) - Draconiator This may sound offensive, so if it does then my apologies, but this version unlike the above sounds like an almost completely different beast to the main album version...and yet, this one too is pretty nice on its own. A little more traditional, but like with Rocket Rave, that isn't a bad thing. 5-12 Dive (Water World SNES) - Theophany feat. JJT, prophetik, some1namedjeff, zykO JJT! His work on Kong in Concert, 'West Coast DK Island', was also one of my favorites, so I'm glad to see him back, in a collaboration no less. But this song...I'm torn on it. It is a nice piece, but it is a little hard to follow at times, as the instruments seem to be working against each other in the beginning. Perhaps that was the intent, so if it was, success, but it is what it is. 5-13 The Crystal Key Is Broken (Mama Bird) - Theophany This track, compared to the main album version, sounds a lot different, and while I do prefer the main album version to this one, this one does have its own merits. Upon listening to it, I can actually consider it a precursor to some of his individual albums and some of his OCR album contributions, so Theophany only grew over time. 5-14 Footloose Falls (Cascade Capers SNES / GBA) - Emunator And with the last track on the bonus disc, I can say that combining the two songs together really led to something special. It's really good music to just close your eyes and jam to. Favorites of this disc: Rocket Rave, Footloose Falls --- So...I'm super duper sorry about putting this off so long . I think I just lost interest or gave up because I thought I was no good at reviewing things. I've wanted to review other things, but this was always nagging in the back of my mind, so I had to finish this once and for all.
    1 point
  17. Said Bored_Man, almost 3 years ago. Sigh...I've got no excuse. DISC 5 - BONUS TIME! 5-01 Take the World Back (Northern Kremisphere SNES) - Acolyte I like the slow buildup, especially when the percussion comes in. Other than that...I find it actually hard to put into words what I like about this track, but I do like it. 5-02 Jitterbug System (Jungle Jitter SNES) - Flexstyle Oh dear, my foot's already tapping. I can't not imagine a dance going on when I hear this track, and head bopping is also hard to resist. 5-03 Rocket Rave (Rocket Run) - Draconiator This mix is somehow more energetic and laidback than Afterburn at the same time. Like, it seems like a faster tempo, but the instrumentation is a tad less in-your-face, if that makes sense. A bit repetitive, but that isn't always a bad thing, and the vocal countdown is nice. 5-04 Treetop Intense (Treetop Tumble SNES) - Danton F. The wind in the beginning makes me think of the original track, and the mood of this song actually is close to the original as well, a mix of pumping and paranoid. You rock, but something doesn't quite feel right, so you gotta keep moving. Guitar is NICE, though. 5-05 Joyful Jungle Jig (Jungle Jitter SNES) - Chernabogue Anyone else feel like slinking around in the dark like a cartoon character to this? No? I'm weird, but I likes the song. 5-06 Heart of Darkness (Cavern Caprice GBA) - CC Ricers Feels a lot darker than Heart of the Cave, but in a good way. Again, an urge to dance and/or headbop is strong in me in this one. 5-07 Canopy Crawl (Jungle Jitter GBA) - Evory feat. Gintokipianist Piano pieces are a nice treat in albums, whether they're slow and deliberate like Wrinkly's Nightcap or more driving like this one. Then again, my mom's a piano teacher, so I'm biased. (Continued in next post)
    1 point
  18. Hey, just sent a PM about e102's theme. I'd also be down for collab work if anyone's interested, I do jazz, orchestral, EDM, tension, soundtrack-ey stuff, as well as mixing and mastering. Gosh I love this ost. I'm excited to hear what the other inclusions sound like.
    1 point
  19. Just shot you a PM about doing a WIP. This album looks like it's going to be SICK! I'm really surprised by which tracks are unclaimed so late in the game though. Hopefully I can snag one
    1 point
  20. ok...I feel very exposed posting this, it rambles a bit, but here goes... So a friend of mine, ran a VGM radio show out of WRUW Case-Westeren Reserve, back in 2009 and every Sunday I would drive to my Dad’s house and stay till 3/4am and drink coffee and play video games, I was about to go to Basic Training and I wanted to spend as much time with my dad as possible. I loved every it of playing those game and I loved playing them with my dad even more. Well, One night I was heading back home and I usually left the radio off ( comm’on it’s 3am on a monday well the hell are you gonna find?)……**This next scene hold fast in my memory as clear as crystal**….I was really wired and went was flipping throughout the radio stations, and I heard..(Chip,Bit,Pop, Bleep) and I said that sounds like a Mario game, but it’s….different…My hand went to change the dial, but it couldn’t move…it’s rare in life that we can consciously remember moments that will shift the courses of our lives in such huge magnitudes, but if I would have changed that Dial….I don’t know where I would be….I really don’t where. So the Radio host came on and confirmed my suspicions that this was a VGM,VGM remix, Bitpop, and Chiptune radio show. He would regularly play OCR music and the name never rally resonated with me…it was just good music. So it came to pass every Sunday I would drive to my Dad’s play video games near all night and then drive home and listen to “Power Up” Hosted by Vince Torre. So I would listen each week and one week I decide to call in and request a song, SotC- A Power Revived, He played it and we got to talking and each week I would call in and talk for a good portion of the show while he spun all VGM related music. I’ve always loved VGM music and spent a good amount of time listing to them on YouTube (SupraDarky, silvagunner anyone?) So, my time as a civilian was running down and it was time for me to head out to Lakeland Air Force Base. I was subject to all the anxieties and fears one might feel, but I said I gotta do this. Well I spare the details, but my 3rd night at Basic, they woke me up and took me into and office and looked me in the eye and said "Theres no easy way I can say this so I’m just going to…your father is dead” I lost it. I just lost every semblance or control and I just lost it…they sent me home…I was over…I lost my chance to go to Japan, I lost my hope of being solider, I lost the chance to help my Dad and I lost my dad…I lost it So I was sent back home and I am a mess, I didn’t eat, I didn’t leave my room, I didn’t sleep( and when I did I’d have horrible dreams about seeing my dad and it all being a mistake), I looked for anything that was something I could stand on…nothing. I needed something to grab hold of or this was going to be the end of me…it was the lowest point thus far in my life…and it was a gif that saved me. I saw a GIF with someone named Brian Peppers, the person isn’t important, but that music that was played was “Burn! Bobonga!” I remembered how much I loved playing games with my dad, but he was gone…but I also remembered how much I really did love VGM and I started listening to Power-Up again and talking to Vince. Then that word Overclocked Remix came up again…I went to see what it was, people talk about love at first sight and I always felt that was a copout, but seeing a place where you were asked to stand and deliver excellence, where you could discuss something as esoteric as a game character's name, I was in love. It kept me busy, it enveloped me with all the music I heard from games I loved. It was about then I resolved to be a contributor, I had no idea how to remix or even what to do…I’d played guitar from around 14, but I hadn’t played in about 2-3 years, but I set out and started just trying anything and everything, just kept going, don’t stop to think about anything that seeks to pull you back downwards, forward only. So it was 2013 that I became a member and started using the workshop 2014 after I drove to MAGfest and met some of the remixers in person ( Thank you for the encouragement BliNd!) and that when I kicked it into high gear, culminated with a Post after 2 years of membership and 1 year of diligent remixing. Do I spend too much time on the OCR? Probably. Does it interfere with some of my obligations? Occasionally.For me OCR is more than a website, it's a place where I meet people from all walks of life…I strive to be what many remixers here are, true Superheroes with secret identities, by day students, programmers, office workers, cooks with names and different lives…by night they’re KingTiger, timaeus222, Jorito and many others. I worked hard to earn my place and even though it’s not a degree or trophy, to me it’s a place of refugee, a place where sanctuary was given from the forces that sought to end me. I’ve worked hard at to hone my skill and I hope I never cease to sharpen my skills, though they may never play the bills. On the OCR I am a part of something bigger than myself, a community that has survived and thrived for 16 years, because people were willing to offer up time, effort, energy, money you name it for something larger than themselves…and now I’ve contributed something as small as one track, but for me it feels like one drop of rain joining with a great flowing river with unyielding energy…and it feels good. Thank You OCR...
    1 point
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