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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Helping your competitor?! How brazen!
    2 points
  2. I think having that information on the calendar would be helpful. Also, the submission times on those dates, with time zones clearly marked. I'd hate to accidentally submit mine past the deadline due to time zone confusion.
    2 points
  3. This assessment could not possibly be further from the truth. As for the rest of the post, I'm sorry you didn't like the song. It is, looking back on it after ten years, probably not up to the standards that any of the five of us would shoot for if we were to make it today, but if I were to go back and redo the song all over, I wouldn't have wanted to do anything different.
    2 points
  4. Just know that the calendar is there for you to use, so if you want to put mixing rounds on the calendar, that's fine by OCR.
    2 points
  5. @Brandon Strader Not particularly helpful BA3 should drop in February... we released 1-2 fewer albums in 2015 so we could migrate OFF vBulletin and onto IPB, and then subsequently upgrade IPB to IPS 4.X. So at least the delay has been for a good cause! Don't worry, I'm as psyched to see the trilogy complete as anyone... we appreciate the understanding!
    2 points
  6. lazygecko

    The Rockstar Extinction

    The entire structure of the music industry has been in upheaval the past 15 years or so. Music as a culture used to be much, much more heavily curated by a handful of very influential tastemakers, simply thanks to the technological status quo imposing limitations on reaching audiences. That's why all those old musicians have been propped up as untouchable legends. The market is so fragmented in its nature today that there is no real economic incentive to invest in the same magnitude as they used. Rock acts today can very much thrive within their own insulated scenes, and consumers have the means of keeping up at their own initiative online. It's all just part of the greater misconception of today's music industry since we are collectively still projecting an outdated paradigm which has in reality not been relevant for many years. But since this particular paradigm was simply a fact of life over the course of several generations, it's easy to think that's just how it's always meant to be.
    1 point
  7. I'll send you my transcribed midi later tonight! It's a pretty simple source for the most part.
    1 point
  8. too bad there arent any midis of it floating around.
    1 point
  9. Just noticed wildfire picked one of the best songs Yamane has ever composed. Good luck!
    1 point
  10. Soma Bracket wildfire: Abandoned Castle, 1479 vs. Esperado: Forbidden Area, 2035 Chernabogue: Underground Caverns, 1691 vs. Magnetic Ether: Inner Quarters, 2035 Supercoolmike: Inner Halls, 1476 vs. Chalis: Dance Hall, 2035 Amusingly, while the Alucard bracket minimized the chronological distance between each pair, this bracket maximizes it. Which is pretty cool, since it means there's an Aria of Sorrow component to each entry of the Soma bracket. Again, this is just what the random number generator pulled. How are our Alucard mixers doing? Hopefully you're all at least halfway done!
    1 point
  11. You can write section work with the Sample Modeling Brass--it really is an incredible library--but there will be some challenges involved with getting good placement/spatialization (at least to my satisfaction) and there's plenty of risk of phase issues with unison. However, there's always risk of phase issues with unison brass--virtual or real. There are, however, NO GOOD SAXOPHONE libraries out there, no matter what anyone tells you. A saxophone is about as difficult to virtualize as a solo violin--Henry Mancini considered the saxophone to be the most versatile instrument in the entire wind section, and that wasn't just a lot of hot air. My recommendation is Sample-Modeling MIXED with a good jazzy ensemble brass section library. Remember that eras in big-band and swing were defined by their voicing, so make sure you have control over that. And since you're spending all that cold hard cash, I would reserve some of that for a couple of live musicians, they're cheaper than you think--no that didn't sound right... they're more valuable than you can imagine... yeah, that's better.
    1 point
  12. So I did a Dance remix to the Super Mario "Star Power" invincibility song! I also added a little Mario Ice and Mario vocals into the remix! Check it out! Wanted to add some flare to it.
    1 point
  13. Hahaha Nice! Totally fits the power!
    1 point
  14. Like I said in the OP, I'm aware the arrangement's pretty close. I made it on my off time during artist's block and didn't really intend to submit it to OCReMix. I still probably won't submit it further, but I was curious about getting feedback. Also, the sidechaining on the lead is intentional and I'm happy with it as it is. Thanks for the feedback, though!
    1 point
  15. And sometimes others try to break the cycle anyways. I think one of the greatest offenders is Richter, though that was more Shaft who couldn't get over the fact he got shafted 5 years before and wanted a mulligan (pun intended there). I'm quite hype for this myself. BADHYPE!!!
    1 point
  16. I know it's a huge no-no, but after about 3 minutes I started just skipping through the track to see if you did something more than just sloooooooow the tempo of the original track down some. It's pleasant, but ultra conservative and ridiculously long. Could use a ton more personality.
    1 point
  17. never done a big post in this new UI, but here we go. huge build! i7-5930K H100i self-contained liquid cooling loop 8x8gb DDR4 2400 (not pictured...i bought 4x16gb by accident, and this board doesn't support 16gb DIMMs of course) GTX 980 Ti, GT 210 secondary (total of six displays) x99 mobo, firewire add-on card, thunderbolt add-on card 512gb M2 SSD, 512gb scratch SSD, 4tb storage HDD blu-ray burner 3x quieter case fans windows 10 pro nice looking case. note the dual removable HDD cages, a surprisingly functional toolless system for the 5.25" drives, the large CPU cutout, and the huge vents on top. the top's pretty nice - just a push-snap to keep the top on, so it's easy to remove it and stash wiring there. wound up having to keep the CPU cooler fans up there because of the motherboard's chipset risers getting in the way of the fan otherwise. here it is with some pieces in. no cabling yet. note the cpu fans are absent - they're actually above the top of the case, in that ~3" void between the top of the case and the top of the interior. you know it's a nice PSU when it's fully modular, and both the PSU and the cabling come in custom-sized bags. not the nicest picture, but here it is with the components in (no cable management yet). that thunderbolt riser's going to kill me, there's just no way to disguise that cable. sometimes you just need a pair of pliers. this actually happened =P more pictures tomorrow night, featuring real cable management!
    1 point
  18. Hi all, This is Digital Coma, the "director" or organizer for this album. It's been more than a decade since I was last involved in OCR and Kong in Concert feels like a lifetime ago, but I thought I'd drop by and say a few words after all these years. It's pretty neat to see that KiC still has an audience almost 12 years on. Looking back, it's safe to say that I didn't always know what I was doing with what was to be the follow up to OCR's very first remix album. We did things on the fly, we struggled to put together a team, and there were plenty of mistakes made along the way. But what started out as a small summer side project with no lack of naysayers and haters ended up a surprisingly big hit, and in the end we had a solid homage album whose impact in the community I'm happy to see continues today. I won't say much more since I like that there's some legend surrounding how everything came together. But I do want to give thanks to everyone who's enjoyed the music over the years, and a special thanks to the remixers, djp, and OCR for making it all possible. Cheers, DC
    1 point
  19. Hey there! I'm new around here and this is attempt number 4 at making an intro post. Name's Demitri, and i go by a few aliases. I typically go by Genesis, but I thought I'd make a separate identity for music. I've known about OCR for YEARS, and I'm farily familiar with music theory, however i'm pretty wet behind the ears on making my own or doing remixes. My goal here is to learn and create my own stuff. Maybe do remixes here and there once I have this under my belt for the most part. I'm also (slowly) making my own fighting game, so this is obviously a must to learn. I want the soundtrack to be very memorable. Anyway, I could type for days, hopefully I'll get everything I need here and meet wonderful people!
    1 point
  20. Great to meet you all! MOONFLOW is a sonic entity that washes over your memories with a glistening smile. It guides your thoughts to goodness and purity. To the places where we belonged; that brought adventure, friendship and the sweet taste of victory. I've been a fan of OCRemix for a very long time. Only just got round to making some remixes of my own. Would love to know what you think!
    1 point
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