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Everything posted by BorgMan

  1. Real shame that this can't be officially submitted because the arrangement is pretty clever. It can be a bit repetitive though. You might want to look into other system sounds of the Cube to spice it up a little. Hip Hop isn't my style but I like what I'm hearing!
  2. That synthesizer on the background around 0:55 sounds like the main theme... but I can't quite make it out because that bass and synth on the foreground you've got going from the beginning drones it out. That same motif also makes it really, really repetitive. I love Mechanical Man and I reall, really want to like this. But right now I'm barely hearing anything from save for that synth. Oh, and seriously minus points for no Mechanical Man. Disembodied voices need some love too man :'( [EDIT] That Act on Insurrection mix vibes a bit more with me IMHO...
  3. It... Lives! Nice going. What's the time path for now?
  4. While I kind of disliked the long intro, the music is awesome. I was especially enamored by the transition from Village to Battlefield. I was expecting a full-out Battlefield part there, but the softer, more subtle approach actually worked pretty good. I liked it
  5. My fondest memory is from the original Metroid. I found that music so awesome, it was one of the first things I downloaded (in wav) from a remix site. But the panning when you set foot on Tallon Ruins, combined with those classic tunes? Oh man... Them were some shivers allright...
  6. Still available yes! Which track were you planning on remixing?
  7. Ah, nice, a thread to necro. Yet again I find myself listening to the 0 - 3000 torrent, minding my own business, when a tune pops in which makes my head go "oh, fuck yeah, there's some awesome trance! Who is this awesome DJ that gives me these tu... duh. Of course, it's bLiNd. Why'd I even bother looking". In all seriousness, the pacing of this, combined with your almost trademark build-up and build-off for use in clubs, is amazing. It takes cues from the ruling class of the time, packs it into a nice Chrono Trigger package and drops it like a bomb. Highly enjoyable!
  8. A six, almost seven second pause, and at the beginning of your track even, is WAY too long. That said, your bass/piano thing overpowers practically everything, making the piece not so enjoyable. It's more an unending bass chord with some piano influences in the background. I can't see an actual person, or band, playing this. A tango is a pretty sensual dance, bringing with it a lot of feeling. This tracks doesn't have that at all. It might sound harsh, but the track isn't going anywhere. It feels like a lot of loose notes on a heavy background, without actually sewing everything together into one whole...
  9. I'm loving the 80's vibe. I'm having this here banner in my sig? /shamelessplug
  10. As always, first things first: how long has this problem been persisting and did you install / update certain parts of your OS or any of its components recently? Secondly, there's a Windows Error log; you can google for it. This will also spell out when exactly stuff started to go haywire. Posting this to a Windows or Asus board might help you better I think...
  11. Truth to be told... not a lot of "orchestra" in there. When I think of orchestra, I think of grand soundscapes, lots of instruments, a certain "epic" feeling and a conductor who is busy conducting the orchestra in my mind's eye, even if I can't see it. I'm missing all of that here. The piano and violin are a start, but they fail to uplift the mix in a way one comes to expect from the Magmoor Caverns. Adding at least a Double Bass and a clearly defined percussion line will result in a more orchestral sounding piece than what it is now. All in all, I think I'd describe the piece as a bit bland. Seeing as this apparently was done in one and a half hour, it's not bad, but it could've used at least one or two extra instruments to create a more interesting soundscape. My two cents, ofcourse...
  12. I really gotta say I love Underground Pipe Society. So much energy going on... damn. And The Other Side is just plain awesome. As is Koopa Reaper. But then again, it's bLiNd. I'm a sucker for his mixes... Vanilla Underground strings some chords but I'm having a hard time identifying where that particular style comes from. Sounds a bit early trance; can't put my finger on it. Heatrave just pumps up the 90's vibe and I'm really, *really* digging it a lot. Fun fact: I passed this on to a friend of mine who generally doesn't listen to OCR stuff. Even he diggs the album, and that's saying a lot. The production quality is so high that, indeed, blasting a few of these tracks through the speakers of a club without people complaining (and dare I say it: even enjoying it) shouldn't prove too difficult..
  13. That was highly enjoyable. But it has to be said that you're staying awfully close to the source: I can hear a lot of additions ot it, but not a lot of deviation. This, in turn, makes it quite repetitive after the first one and a half minute. I like the drop at 1:50 with the more raw continuation but am a bit bummed out that you switch back to the more mellow refrain at 2:18. You change the instruments around a lot, but a real deviation... not so much. Quite the shame actually, because I really enjoyed it; it just gets a bit boring later on. But nothing that can't be fixed
  14. I like that brooding start, very provocative. But the transition at 0:20 to the main line is way to abrupt and could use a way more sinister flow. Chronodyne Marine does this to great effect around the 1:00 minute mark.The vocals at 0:54 just beg to be used more. They add to the atmosphere that your intro manages to build and I'd hate to see them go.
  15. Woops, sorry 'bout that. Life got in the way Yeah, I went a bit overboard with that last paragraph. I'm going to fold it into the main article and skip the rest of it. Better? Protector of good, heroine to the light, beacon of hope… Dark Samus is none of those. The complete opposite of famed bounty hunter Samus Aran, she has only one basic instinct that drives her every move: find, absorb, and spread the mutagenic material known as Phazon. Anything that tries to get between her and this instinct is bound to experience to full range of her wrath. When the Metroid Prime entity snatched away Samus’s Phazon Suit upgrade and a bit of her DNA after a climactic battle in the depths of the planet Tallon IV, it used these as a template to create the being now known as Dark Samus. Because of this, she has a Power Suit-like appearance, including a blaster on her right arm. As she was almost literaly born out of Phazon, she can absorb, use and control this substance to her own advantage, so much so that that she is able to subjugate those infected with Phazon into complete obedience. In Metroid Prime 3, Dark Samus locates and finds a way to control Phaaze, the planet where all Phazon comes from. She is also able to dissolve into a Phazon particle cloud which can reassemble at will, making her difficult to kill. When the Space Pirates first encounter her on the planet Aether in Metroid Prime 2, their logs describe her as “The Dark Hunter”; however, the dark, organic suit and menacing behavior didn’t match their earlier encounters. After witnessing a skirmish between the two Samuses and realising that the two were not only two separate beings but enemies as well, the pirates hoped to use this powerful creature to get rid of their sworn nemesis. This proved idle hope: Dark Samus makes no allies and takes orders from no one. While she does harbor a sense of hatred toward the bounty hunter, she will try to dispatch Samus when it suits her.
  16. Ah, the commas. In Dutch, commas are considered to couple sentences, as does the 'and'. As such, placing a comma followed by 'and' is frowned upon. I forgot that English doesn't really care about that Thanks guys! Protector of good, heroine to the light, beacon of hope… Dark Samus is none of those. The complete opposite of famed bounty hunter Samus Aran, she has only one basic instinct that drives her every move: find, absorb, and spread the mutagenic material known as Phazon. Anything that tries to get between her and this instinct, dies. When the Phazon-mutated Metroid Prime entity snatched away Samus’ Phazon Suit upgrade and a bit of her DNA after a climatic battle in the depths of the planet Tallon IV, it used these as a template to create the being now known as Dark Samus. Because of this, she has a Power Suit-like appearance, including a blaster on her right arm. As she was almost litteraly born out of Phazon, she can absorb and use this mutagenic substance to her own advantage. Her control over it grows substantially over the course of the Metroid Prime series, to the point of being able to subjugate those infected with Phazon into complete obedience. Interestingly, this doesn't stop at a single or a few organisms, proven by the fact that the whole Space Pirate species and three bounty hunters are under her control at some point. She is also able to dissolve herself into a Phazon particle cloud which can reassemble at will, making her difficult to kill. When the Space Pirates first encounter her on the planet Aether in Metroid Prime 2, their logs describe her as “The Dark Hunter.” Thinking they were yet again dealing with Samus, the dark, organic suit and menacing behavior didn’t match their earlier encounters with Samus. After witnessing a skirmish between the two Samusses and realising that the two were not only two separate beings but enemies as well, the pirates hoped to use this powerful creature to get rid of their sworn nemesis. This proved idle hope: Dark Samus makes no allies, and takes orders from no one. While she does harbor a sense of hatred toward the bounty hunter, she will try to dispatch Samus when it suits her. In Metroid Prime 3, Dark Samus locates and finds a way to control Phaaze, the planet where all Phazon comes from. This results in her most grand scheme yet: total domination of the universe. In the end, she was stopped when Samus Aran travelled to Phaaze and destroyed both Dark Samus and the planet itself, by means of a Phazon powered 'Hyper Mode'. However, once she gets there, Samus will be in a permanent Hyper Mode due to Phaaze's atmosphere. If she doesn't manage to offload Phazon there (or accumulates too much Phazon anywhere during the game), Samus will succomb to her infection and turn into a new Dark Samus.
  17. Could you upload to something like Soundcloud? I always like to hear what I dwonload, instead of the other way around if you don't mind
  18. Well... It's kind of chaotic. Especially the first half managed to capture the Tiberian Sun feel very well, but after that , especially the cow-bell, it became annoying. And truth to be told... I stopped the track after 3:00, and up until that point I didn't hear much of the source except for that heavy synthesizer in the background. The guitar solo threw me off, as it was way too loud and overpowering, combined with the cow bells... Meh. I was kind of looking forward to the iconic tune (in the original starting at 0:23, after those heavy drums), which you featured for a very short time at the complete beginning but which didn't return. Somehow this track sounds like you mashed two TS scores together, with the light drums and hi-hat taking too much centre stage instead of heavy drums. I guess this just isn't working for me right now. Perhaps a sense of mission would be good for the track. Check out how the original track titles reflect a certain mood, and picture in what kind of setting you'd hear this music for the first time. If you can somehow translate that feeling to your mix, you might find that you've got a sense of where you're going. Not a pro talking, though, this is just how I feel about it. I'll probably check back on this when you have a revision...
  19. Thanks Polo! Here's the redacted piece Protector of good, heroine to the light, beacon of hope… Dark Samus is none of those. The complete opposite of famed bounty hunter Samus Aran, she has only one basic instinct that drives her every move: find, absorb and spread Phazon. Anything that tries to get between her and this instinct, dies. Created when the Phazon enhanced Metroid Prime entity snatched away Samus Aran’s Phazon Suit and a bit of her DNA, Dark Samus has a Power Suit-like appearance, including a blaster on her right arm. Her Phazon-based nature allows her to absorb and use this mutagenic substance to her own advantage. Her control over it grows substantially over the course of the Metroid Prime series, even being able to subjugate those infected with Phazon into complete obedience. Lastly, she is able to disperse herself into a Phazon particle cloud which can reassemble at will, making her difficult to kill. When the Space Pirates first encounter her on the planet Aether in Metroid Prime 2, their logs describe her as “The Dark Hunter.” Thinking they were yet again dealing with Samus Aran, the dark, organic suit and menacing behavior didn’t match with their earlier dealings with Samus. After witnessing a skirmish between Samus and Dark Samus and realising that the two were not only two seperate beings but enemies as well, the pirates hoped to use this powerful creature to get rid of their sworn enemy. This proved idle hope: Dark Samus makes no allies, and takes orders from no one. While she does harbor a sense of hatred toward the bounty hunter, she will try to dispatch of Samus Aran when it suits her. In Metroid Prime 3, Dark Samus seems to have come to the realization that Samus Aran is a bigger problem than anticipated. After locating and finding a way to control Phaaze, the planet where all Phazon comes from, she dives head-on into her most grand scheme yet: total domination of the universe. To this end, she brainwashes the entire Space Pirate race into working for her, proving ever more her formidable powers.
  20. I'm just going to go ahead and post what I said to Touchstone in here
  21. So, first shot! Any good? Dark Samus Image already in place, no image uploaded Protector of good, heroine to the light, beacon of hope… Dark Samus is none of those. The complete opposite to famed bounty hunter Samus Aran, Dark Samus is despair taken form. This Phazon based creature has only a basic instinct that drives her every move: find, absorb and spread Phazon. Anything that tries to get between her and this instinct, dies. When the Space Pirates first encounter her on the planet Aether in Metroid Prime 2, they describe her as “The Dark Hunter”. At first thinking they were yet again dealing with Samus Aran, the dark, organic suit and menacing behavior didn’t match with their earlier dealings with the bounty hunter. After witnessing a skirmish between Samus and Dark Samus, they were hoping they could use this powerful creature to get rid of Aran. This proved idle hope: Dark Samus makes no allies, and couldn’t care less. While she does harbor a sense of hatred toward the bounty hunter, she won’t take orders and will try to dispatch of Samus Aran when it suits her best. In Metroid Prime 3 however, she seems to have come to the realization that Samus Aran is a bigger problem than anticipated. After finding a way to control Phaaze, the planet where all Phazon comes from, she dives head-on into her most grand scheme yet: total domination of the universe. To this end, she subjugates the entire Space Pirate race into working for her. Created when the Metroid Prime entity snatched away Samus Aran’s Phazon Suit and a bit of her DNA, Dark Samus has a Power Suit-like appearance, including a blaster on the right arm. Her Phazon-based nature allows her to absorb and use this mutagenic substance to her own advantage. Her control over it grows substantially over the course of the Metroid Prime series, even being able to subjugate those infected with Phazon into complete obedience. Perhaps her most formidable ability is the fact that she is able to disperse herself into a Phazon particle cloud which can reassemble at will, making her a very difficult to kill. Sources: Wikitroid entry on Dark Samus MetroidWiki Prime 2 Screenshots
  22. I'm in for Dark Samus! Possibly as well for Tanooki Mario, but I'm going to let him slide until I'm done with Dark Samus [EDIT] .. that is, after I find a way to access the Wiki. My OCR account isn't registered there? On a side note, I didn't find a "join" option either :/
  23. Can't play any instrument (yet), but I'm planning on learning guitar or piano some day. I would, however, try my hand at Brinstar or Korobeiniki, the latter probably becasue it's instant recognisable for almost anyone, game fanatic or not.
  24. Yes you can! Consider it done When you're in the mood you could always do both tracks It does help, however, if you took a peek at the opening post. It might give you a sense of direction. Good luck, we're looking forward to your mix!
  25. Everything in the list that isn't claimed yet is
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