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Ronald Poe

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Everything posted by Ronald Poe

  1. First of all I love Kingdom Hearts as a whole (in fact it's one of my main inspirations) and KH2 is one of my favorite games. Naturally I came to this thread and decided to listen to your remix. The positives include; high quality samples, a good melody (it's KH/Yoko Shimomura, of course it's good), minimal (if any) mixing problems, an interesting concept, and using an underrated track. Sadly the main problem with this remix is that it's far too repetitive, even for me (that's one of my main problems musically), and doesn't progress much at all. As far as I can tell, the piece does the same thing over and over for 3 minutes with barely any variation. Maybe you could mix second piece in there or write some original material for variety. I'm sorry if I sound mean but I'm just being honest and the judges probably would say the same thing (if not more criticisms). I wish there were more people on here who remix Kingdom Hearts music ...
  2. I think I'm going to make a remix for this one too. I've already got a piece picked out and can probably add some Christmas spirit to it.
  3. I'm an anime fan and I agree that this remix is very chill and relaxing. Considering the battle it played in was epic and intense, this is a very big contrast and succeeds in its goal. I love the part of that fight where LordGenome pulls a Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising) and proves to be stronger than his mech.
  4. I'd say being fast paced is a definitive trait of Sonic music regardless of era (it fits because Sonic himself is super-fast). The different eras each have different styles and most the soundtracks are great (to say the least). My personal favorite Sonic song is "With Me" but that's another can of worms (best Sonic song is a long and heated debate that I don't want to start).
  5. I've been thinking about Bizarro Sephiroth being a bonus boss in Kingdom Hearts 3. I think the best theme for that fight would be "Birth of a God" (Final Fantasy VII) and "One Winged Angel" combined in harmony. Is anyone up to the task (I don't care what style it's in as long as the two are mixed in harmony)? If nobody wants to do it, I'll try doing it myself. Original version of "Birth of a God". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJXlOVw-TAs Kingdom Hearts version of "One Winged Angel". I love the shortened arrangement of this version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjS689rvbOw
  6. I don't expect to win (I always get last place in these type of contests) but that doesn't mean I didn't work hard on this. I wrote original parts to go with the original theme. There's plenty of interesting drums and an original bassline (though you might have trouble noticing it). I also went for a passive aggressive feel due to the difficulty/infamy of the Turbo Tunnel. Hope someone enjoys it and that everyone has a nice day. If I win I want a hybrid of "One Winged Angel" (Final Fantasy 7) and primarily "Birth of a God" (Final Fantasy 7). I like to think of what a theme for Bizarro Sephiroth and/or Safer Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 3 (I imagine it to be a mix between the two pieces). Nobody's mixed these two sources in counterpoint yet. If I don't win, I'm probably going to try that remix anyway ...
  7. That's a good point about MnP and the contests. You're right, I got you and GhettoLeeLewis mixed up (he's the one who stomped me in that contest and hasn't responded to that message I sent him). Sorry about that misunderstanding. Anyway I'm entering both contests and hoping that I may get lucky and win.
  8. Hey Hoboka, how's it been since that competition. You stomped me that day with your masterpiece (still hoping for tips on combining themes so well) but I've greatly improved (no really). Hope your remixing has been going well. Anyway I may enter this round (that battle theme is real tempting) but I'm also thinking about doing PRC 346 (the Battletoads one). Also what was the original inspiration for the MnP contest? Why the almost bare-bones format?
  9. This is a pretty basic Metal remix but just interpretative enough to stand on its own. The guitar playing was really good but the rest was pretty bare-bones. The baroque flourishes at the end really sound good and I almost wish there were more of them. Good start but not quite OCremix ready (then again, I'm nowhere close to getting an entry though yet). Keep at it man and have a nice day
  10. While this remix is rather long, it's epic like a lengthy Dream Theater song and never boring. The metal riffing is tasty as fillet mignon and the monologue at the beginning gave me honest chills in the best way. Over all this is a great remix and like "Prancing Dad" shows what a long remix can do.
  11. This is a remix of "Cave 2" (Might and Magic 5: Dark side of Xeen). I originally did a similar mix for PRC. I switched the cowbells for bongos and added an Indian Raga drone in the background. I work hard on my remixes and like to make soundscapes with emphasis on melody, weird extra percussion, looping repetition, and slightly abrupt endings. Tell me what you guys think and how it can be improved. I may also put another mix on here later. Piece being remixed (for reference) Enjoy
  12. Great mix, very unique. Kinda reminds me of the "Awaken" (the Pillar Men's theme from Jojo''s Bizarre Adventure). It might be the distinctly foreign vibes, hip hop backbone, and the vocals at the beginning.
  13. I'm fine with getting last place again (I almost expect it these days). I noticed people didn't catch on to some of the subtleties though. For example, the bass part is actually an original tune I harmonized (to an extent) with the original melody and the Hi-hats and cowbell parts (while not that obvious) are actually very wild. I'm probably going to work on this tune and refine it. Thanks for the criticisms though. I also meant to say Futaba's Tomb from Persona 5 but mispronounced her name. That game is awesome and I've been playing it a lot lately.
  14. I decided to return to this contest and make a remix for this entry. The theme and its accompanying video remind me of an ancient tomb so I took that direction (to an extent). Good luck everyone.
  15. It's a well-done remix but not really my cup of tea. I don't care for such bare-bones rap (not that there's any arrangement issues) but the lyrics are good. I love Kingdom Hearts (the entire franchise) more than you can imagine and think there needs to be more KH remixes around here. I'm not trying to be rude and really do admire the effort put here.
  16. Hello, I'm Ronald Poe. I'm an electronic musician (although I also play bass and guitar) with an eccentric style and loads of passion. I've got a few years of experience and was runner up in the 2016 RPG contest a while ago. I came here primarily to get advice on my music (specifically my original work) and was wondering about ways to improve. By the way, the looping repetition and somewhat abrupt ending are part of my style. Anyway, here's some original pieces I did fairly recently. First is "Crazy 8's (Demo 1)". It's a tribute to a Scott Pilgrim fan-character. I've tried to evoke the character but you could just read the description. It's both a stage theme and a boss theme to an extent. I just uploaded it today and made it Tuesday. Second is "Cable Town". Cable Town is the name for a speculated level for Kingdom Hearts 3 but might've just been the new design for Twilight Town or a cut level. When I make Kingdom Hearts tributes I almost don't bother copying Yoko Shimomura (I'm not good enough for that anyway) so I do them my way with some influence. Third is "Skuld Theme (Demo)". Skuld is a character from Kingdom Hearts Chi but I'll probably never play that game. She doesn't have a character theme yet so I wrote one myself based on initial impressions and a little imagination. I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan if you can't tell. Tell me what you guys think and have a nice day, please.
  17. I know you've been waiting a while for this one but here's the remix. I did this by ear and mixed in the "Continue" theme from Darkstalkers. I also used the MVC3 version of the theme as a basis and arranged it by ear. Enjoy
  18. I've been trying to remix the two together and I think "Kahn's Arena" is a rather weak track (the bass pattern is only a measure long and relies on a single note in addition to the lackluster midi I found). "Gluttony Fang" would obviously dominate (even though Shao Kahn would probably win an actual fight). Maybe we could set Hazama against a different opponent with a stronger theme (any ideas). I'll show you what I come up with for the 2. Hazama (Blazblue) is an arrogant and insane troll who pretends to be a decent leader but is closer to the Joker. This is "Gluttony Fang".
  19. I've been okay but due to a family emergency, you'll have to wait until at least next Sunday. It should be a good remix though ...
  20. I love this concept (it's very clever). I've got an idea of a possible matchup that I could do. How about Hazama (Blazblue) vs. Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat). It'd be a mixture of "Kahn's Arena" (MK2) and "Gluttony Fang".
  21. I'm planning on doing a remix of "Felicia Theme" soon and mixing it with "Continue" (DarkStalkers) and some original music. I'm going to have to do the former by ear so yeah ...
  22. I don't think I can do "Duke Ellington-style jazz" but I think I'll give it a shot some time. I've got a very eccentric and somewhat mellow approach to electronic music (I'll provide an example). Do you know where I can find a midi for the piece (I can't find any at all and need a good starting point)? Felicia is a great character.
  23. I'm a big Gravity Falls fan and your remix makes me quite ... gleeful. It's a nice interpretation of one of my favorite cartoon themes theme (the other being the "Deththeme" from Metalocalypse and the 'Rick and Morty' theme). The dubstep elements are well done and the famous Bill Cipher quote is quite appropriate.
  24. Can't say much about the production but it sounds pretty impressive. However you may want to add a little more original content here and there (it makes it more personalized and adds interest). Have a nice day
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