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Everything posted by Souperion

  1. Oh, the memories this brings back. I was barely cognizant when I first played Fury 3, but this... brings it all back. I couldn't remember it before I listened to your piece, but it's all so familiar now. Wish I could have appreciated this song back then, but this is even better. Thrumming, pulsing atmospheric beats and synths that pushes you to the edge of your cockpit seat. Real nice work here, thanks for revitalizing these memories!
  2. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by synthetic focus of a piece called Divine Intervention. There is a decidedly heroic, larger-than-self feeling. I also must admit that parts of it remind me of the OST of Zero Wing. And those choir samples: MMM! They remind me of those used in Metroid Prime 2. Or maybe Soul Blazer. Anyways... I enjoyed this piece, you really accomplished a sense of awe. The strings make for a good support role here, and the continual motion of the synths is like a comforting presence that doesn't leave you. Well done.
  3. I know this should make me somber, but it seems the cathartic release is producing the opposite result. I am quite impressed by the delicate mood of this piece. Low in spirit, yes, a little downcast, but not really abject hopelessness and depression. Frustration surfaces in some parts, adding to a complex state of mind. This piece feels like it should be playing to accompany some noble's mild frustration and anguish while wandering his/her estate on a gentle rainy day. Good work here.
  4. 0:00-0:05 Ah, more Aquatic Ambiance. This should- (the F# at 0:06 plays)... oh, my, this going to be good. And it is. The subtle dark twist to this classic is exquisite. I did note that your melody lead (first introduced at 1:17) seems to crowd the other frequencies when it hits the lower notes, shouldn't be too hard to fix. Well done with this one, and here's hoping to a resolution to this mass-views situation.
  5. Evocative, expressive, and heart wrenching. Garoh's an old favorite, and this take on it is transcendent. As an amateur who has just recently began experimenting with samples of eastern instruments, this is an inspiring piece that I'll need to be studying. Thank you for making this.
  6. To take a heroic, optimistic epic like Through the Karagol Sea, and turn it into the smoothest song I've heard in a long time... It's transcendent. It hurt me when it was finally over. Praise be for repeat buttons, and for all the skill put into this piece. Well done, and well done.
  7. I didn't know just how badly I needed to hear this song before I clicked on it. Calling it a work of art seems diminutive. Overwhelmingly fantastic arrangement, from concept to execution. Just... amazing. Well done, thank you all.
  8. Was anyone else ecstatic to see RebeccaETripp and Gamer of the Winds cover this song? It's all I had hoped to hear from Kolima Forest, and more. Thank you both for making this wonder a reality.
  9. It's hard to add anything that isn't already said about this piece. It's so expressive and deep that I expect it to pull up a seat next to me. Thank you for this one, and especially thank you for TSori for taking part in making this album become a reality, and letting folks like me know about it last year.
  10. Splendid work! The depth and complexity of this is awesome. Sinister, yes, and decidedly confrontational, yet that noble and refined twist is artistic elegance. When you consider that these two villains were going about a work that was, in one sense, the only hope of the world, but their villainous methods cast the whole business in a dark light. Well done, well done.
  11. I was so excited to see that Sam Dillard would do this piece, and we. Are. Not. Disappointed. Thank you for this brilliant marvel.
  12. Very nice take on such a classic. Strongly reminds me of the version of this on Smash Bros. Brawl. You pulled off a forceful yet delicate feeling, well done.
  13. Wow. If you slowed this down a bit, it'd make for some great chilling music. It's great as is, of course. It's always a pleasure to hear the classics done in new styles. Good work here!
  14. The views look justified to me. An evocative performance of precious songs, creatively done. I am particularly fond of your take on Flammie's theme, it's a favorite among favorites from that game. Well done.
  15. Storm Eagle! Huzzah. Really like your variations on this classic gem. The piano and synth bells are a nice choice of instrumentation, a pleasing contrast to the guitar elements. I'd experiment with the EQ and/or compression of this, the sound of the synths do sound a little crowded, if that makes any sense. Still, I like what you've done here, nice work!
  16. Excellent as always. I do love how easily you can work that Zelda's Lullaby into... just about everything I've heard you share on this forum. Your stylistic approach to remixing is elegant and enriching, do keep it up!
  17. Always happy to hear more aquatic variance! I'll be honest, the song startled me at the start. I like the sound of those synths, but they are a tad shrill, at least in the beginning. Nothing a little EQ won't help. Really intense electronic elements here: it's like swimming through a liquid mass of machinery and circuitry. Also, the water's electrocuted. The mechanical break down of 1:00- 1:24 is a really neat touch, especially with the smoother sounds following it. I enjoyed the variance of the different sections, nice work!
  18. The first 30 seconds hooked me. Aspects of wonder, mystique, and a bit of intrigue nicely woven together with an enthralling and restrained energy. Yup, I can see the beginning credits right now.... ah, that's lovely. Good work!
  19. Good effect on the piano solo, it really leaves ya itching for the shredding to return. Nice work on the shredding, by the way. It's pretty tight and solid to me, kinda wish there was more. Good job!
  20. Double Dash music, AND Juke doing it? Hold my blue shell. It's everything you could ask for in a laid back, relaxing day in the sun. Or maybe just when you've got cabin fever. Well done, Juke, thanks for sharing this one.
  21. Wow. This piece really demands a listener's attention, or maybe I was just close to a stupor when I clicked on it. It pulses, it blasts at times, this opus is alive. Could fit a lot of sci-fi action scenes. I might have to go play Mass Effect with this playing. Nice work, thanks for sharing this one!
  22. Best wishes for our suffering musicians out there. And maybe the rest of the world while things sort out. Regardless of whether or not things are being done right about this pandemic, I hurt for those really struggling from this abnormal situation. A full transition to online college classes was not in my spring plans, but it's a negligible complaint. At least studies keep one busy. When neglecting that, it's back to FL Studio, Starcraft 2, or other computed time vacuums. I find it somewhat amusing to be part of this fascinating demographic that can, in response to "what have you been up to during quarantine," say "oh, produced about X novice remixes." And hey, for what it's worth, if any of you are struggling with musical motivation, drop a piece by at the workshop forum. I'll be lurking around there to try and put in a few good words.
  23. This feels almost too natural. The abrupt change in tone at 0:40 was well done, and it bridges nicely into the body of your mix. I like the arps, their fade in and out makes a nice swaying feel. Real smooth, good work.
  24. The jungle floor is now jumpin'. Do they play this at Klub Kraid? Sorry, dumb jokes. ANYWAYS! I am liking your take on this. Smooth, wide, kinda airy. The soundscape fairly envelopes the listener. The synthy bells that come in around 2:18 sound a bit out of tune, but at the same time, I kinda dig it. One could easily hear this on loop for quite some time. Nice work, here!
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