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Everything posted by Souperion

  1. Got room for one more? I've a little something to toss in the mix.
  2. That is a sentiment I haven't known how to express until now.
  3. I like the almost anxious atmosphere of this piece. Even the high-octane segment feels more like rising tension than any manner of resolution. Could work as cut-scene music, easily. Well done here.
  4. Got room for one more? I've got something from Mega Man ZX in the works.
  5. I am loving that panning. Sounds like cyberpunk racing music. Very nice work here, well don.
  6. Whoa. I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is a gnarly (do people still say that?) direction for the source. Your arrangement gives me some Earthbound vibes, which may be triggering my bias, but this is quite a piece of work. I'd be quite pleased to see this pass the judgement bar.
  7. N-i-i-i-i-ce. Always good to hear this song remixed in interesting ways. I'd defer to experts like timaeus222 for a proper assessment, but you've accomplished something very cool here. Well done.
  8. I am glad that you were compelled to create this. Sounds like the kind of thing that plays in Hyrulian cafes and the like. "Lo-fi beats to look for pieces of heart to." I am honestly impressed with how well you translated the source into this genre, well done.
  9. @rakafella1018 No problem! As best I can remember, FLEX offers a number of free synth packs when you have access to the synthesizer. Before FLEX came out, I used Sytrus, which can be really useful (and confusing) due to letting you change absolutely everything about the synthesizer. Keep experimenting with the stuff you got, you'll eventually make/find sounds you like.
  10. It sure can't hurt. I understand that the judging process takes a while, so you may not hear back for some time. Good luck either way!
  11. Gotta say, I liked the woodwind intro. Kinda wish the ensemble reappeared in the piece. Despite the decided electronic, chilling dancy vibes, it strikes me as the theme of a mystical village of some sorts. Like the ubiquitous forest elf village tucked away with all their magic and mystery. And synthesizers, by the sounds of it. I'm rather curious about how this would sound as a mainly orchestral piece. Good work here!
  12. I like it. I'm no authority on the fine art of metal, but things are sounding refined and solid to me. If you want an expert's opinion on it's OCR worthiness, go here to get contact info for one of the fine evaluators of this workshop and pm one of 'em to request an evaluation. Or just submitting it can't hurt. Either way, keep shredding! PS: nice MTG collection.
  13. I'm with Patrick. Mere words can't do much for a man going through what you are, Meteo Xavier, but for what's it worth from a complete stranger: I hope things turn for the better. And for what it's worth, I appreciate what you did to help make Songs of Light and Darkness happen. "Let Eternity Take Over" is one of my favorites on the album.
  14. Just when you thought Hateno couldn't get any more serene or homey. I admit, I was pleased to hear Zelda's Lullaby fitted into this. Your delicate attention to detail never ceases to amaze. Great work as always.
  15. Ah, those sewers. How they grated on me. Not like this piece, though. It's thrilling, chilling, and rather catchy. If you're using FL 20, I suggest checking out the FLEX synthesizer packs, has some fun stuff. Anyways. I'm not much of an authority on composing EDM stuff, but if it were me, I'd start with revisiting parts of the song and changing elements of them: change which instrument takes the melody, change the melody itself up, extend or shorten parts to see how you like 'em. EX: repeat the intro (0:00- 0:15) with some long notes added to complement the arps and drums. Then maybe repeat it again with some of the bell synths adding a counter melody to the new additions. Although, to be honest, I can kinda hear the court room theme mixing well with this. Keep playing around with the song, you'll find a groove you like. As for mastering, I'd keep an ear on the higher frequencies: a good number of your synths have higher/shriller timbre's, so take a look at making sure there isn't too much playing on the higher octaves at once. The percussion sounds like's its doing its job pretty well so far, you could probably go pretty far in the piece without changing up too much from what you've made. You've got a neat thing starting here, keep at it!
  16. Personally, I enjoyed the message of the monologue, and the impressive effort to replicate that oh so unique quality of Rundas' voice. I remember reading that one could hear Rundas trying to talk to Samus during the fight, and appreciate this interpretation of it. Also, reflecting on your lyrics made me realize that this could easily be turned into a break-up song
  17. This hurts me. The similar instrumentation to the original is great, and the new parts are excellent, but your lyrical choices... Chilling. "I told you that you owe me one now..." How did you so effortlessly give voice to our weeping at this tragedy? Vocoder or not, it reminds me of his voice. I did feel that sometimes the voice work made the song a bit too busy, such as 1:01-1:30 "don't cry Samus" (I did, by the way.) A little bit of a break might be some nice contrast. Regardless, I am in awe of your interpretation of this song. Well done.
  18. The first minute makes me think of sci-fi shooters. All it needs is gunfire, footsteps, and screaming monsters sfx. Really enjoy the additions in the second movement, the piece progresses nicely. Good work.
  19. How did you manage to recreate the song that plays every time I wake up in the middle of the night? Jokes aside. Nice work on the ambiance here. Is it creaking? Horrid breathing? I'm sure not going in there to find out. And it sounds so much better in the dark. Good job!
  20. Grand, elegant, and flighty. The only thing missing is Kass' accordion. Nicely work, yet again.
  21. Good old Battle Network, had some real nice pieces. Never played #2, but I'm guessing this is the net overworld music. Nice work on the chill, yet energetic pacing. Makes me wish this played every time I surfed the web.
  22. Ah, Little Nemo. Nice work here, the source sounds almost too good as a rockin' piece.
  23. Pray tell, where can I find/pay for this??? I did notice it's a loop, nicely done too. I see you are a man of culture. If you do make a Rundas cover, I will look forward to hearing it!
  24. There are definitely elements that remind me of Kikuta's work here. Nice work on this.
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