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  1. So I started this one yesterday. I recently hooked up my Xbox 360 again and started playing Sega GT Online, which contains the entire Sega GT 2002 soundtrack (along with some pretty meh new licensed tracks), and boy, have I forgotten how amazing this soundtrack is! So I was playing the game with this particular track on repeat and felt super inspired to do a take on it: I've been wanting to get better at EDM, and I could totally hear this track as a WipEout-style track, with shades of Ridge Racer in it, so here's my first WIP! WIP 1: Off The Grid Off The Grid 1.5.mp3 This track will absolutely skew longer, but I'm going to do my absolute best to make sure it's interesting all the way through, and not just some repetitive 8 minute long nothing. I hope it's already clear that I plan for this track to completely evolve all the way through. I haven't even gotten to the super melodic part of the source track yet, which is my favourite section Anyways, check it out and let me know what you think so far!
  2. As of 4pm EST, my EDM album featuring multiple genres will start releasing with 6 tracks over the next 2 weeks. The art and much of the sound design is inspired by the DOS game "Descent" for Windows 95. It was (and is still) influential in both mine and my brother's gaming lives, and I hope the love I have for the game is audible in each of the tracks as they release. You can download all songs for free on Bandcamp as they release, starting with Follow the Sky. https://treyt.bandcamp.com/album/darkness-falling You can also stream them on YouTube Music and Soundcloud as they release. Having finished this album, it's on to new projects. If you're new, seasoned, young, old, wherever you are in life, I'm open to collaboration and jolly cooperation! This is my first album-ish release as well, so constructive criticism of all tracks as they release is welcome.
  3. Three's A CrowdFL.mp3 This is a short work in progress I thought I would throw up here. It's less than half done, but I thought I might try to get some feedback:)
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  5. Hello again guys. I have just about finished this new melodic dance track. I think I have a banger!
  6. Here's my first attempt at synthwave style song with a fiverr singer. Have a listen!
  7. Hello everyone! Been a long time since I've posted anything on here (over a decade!). I have here a dance style remix of "Rebel Army" from Final Fantasy II, titled "Rebels Like to Dance Too!". I consider this pretty much complete and ready for submission, but want some feedback first. Thanks! -Brink https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uHWydbVZLy3gg8JJp9CCyT5vpoIr6b4V Source:
  8. REDUKED: Duke Nukem OST Remixed. Deluxe Edition. Hi everyone! it's been a while since I posted something here, but I'm glad to announce my new remix album: REDUKED. Deluxe Edition. REDUKED is a electronic musical journey through Duke Nukem Universe. One track from the album has been featured here. Now I'm releasing the whole thing as a double album with 10 tracks each. DOWNLOAD Specifications: 24 BIT Stereo 48,000Hz Remasterized tracks. Normalized to -13 LUFS DB to prevent ear fatigue. I'm not asking any specific price for download, because I'm not the author of the original tracks (credits goes for Lee Jackson and Bobby Prince) Although any donations wouldn't hurt, especially to support future original music releases Thanks guys, for all the support and encouragement, I hope you enjoy it.
  9. A little remix I did of the intro of a Super Nintendo video game called Top Gear 3000. I loved playing this game and I think everyone that also enjoyed it can agree, the music was pretty awesome. I just had fun with remixing it since music is a hobby of mine. I was hoping to give it a darker feel to try to hype up the listener and put you in the seat of an alien death race. Haha. Well I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Ice Cap Zone (Frozen Knuckles Mix)' I love the intro voice sample. I love the bassline. I love the drums. I love the game samples. I love those strings. I love this whole gosh darn mix. Rayza really puts on an excellent show for us here and shows us just what is the fastest thing alive is. As a final note, I just have to say that damn frozen knuckles would hurt. Anyways, excellent work, Rayza, keep it up.
  11. Hello! This is my first post here, I've just recently registered. I'm here to get some general feedback on my remix, I'll not submit it to OC ReMix. I'm an amateur musician (basically a hobbyist), but I really enjoy making these remixes, it's tons of fun! My remix (compressed YouTube video): Original produced audio file of my remix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsq5tydm4ssc75o/Ruthless Child - Wicked Child [NES Castlevania] Remix by Rodrigo M. Cucick.wav?dl=0 Original song: I hope you like it! Rodrigo M. Cucick.
  12. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  13. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  14. The youtube video has no fx and is basically unmastered. The soundcloud link below has a 320 kbps mp3 download of the final mix with FX. Took about 7 or 8 hours of my day yesterday.
  15. Trying my hand at Electronica with possible my favorite S&K song of all time... Lava Reef / Hidden Palace Zone! S3&K was my favorite game and first game I ever owned (Yes I had both the S&K lock-on cartige and Sonic 3) growing up so I figured why not tip my hat to the game that made me love video games. Keep doing Great things SEGA!
  16. All the spiders gather around and clap along to the beat. You try to struggle and escape...but nothing happens Muffet approaches you... " Would you like something to drink? We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper...?" "Spiders?" "Spiders it is, then!" "No! That's not what---" But she was already pouring a brimming cup of spiders
  17. A dance mix of Ice Cap Zone (I know it's overdone, but I'm a little new to remixing and I wanted to start out familiar with Sonic songs I knew well) that I made not that long ago. I considered it complete at the time, but it isn't quite as good as what I'm making now. [EDIT]: Revision 1: This is a fairly big revision, suggestions and criticism would be very appreciated. [EDIT]: Revision 2: Okay so now I think I understand decent flow and sound design and think I have something much better, though I'm focused on other remixes at the moment so progress on this one is gonna be slow. Current Version of Remix:: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sj93vytk0ncj09g/Ice Cap Zone Remix [Very Revised].mp3?dl=0 Oldest Version of Remix (Just to show the serious amount of progress I've made since then & record-keeping purposes I guess): Original song: Thanks in advance!
  18. Heyo! Just posted another Chiptune-esque IDM track on my soundcloud. PS: No, zircon, it's not about you :'D I have no idea, tbh it's just a title. Hope you guys like it. Criticism and hate mail always welcome! - Jonas
  19. Hey all! DDRKirby(ISQ) here -- A lot of you might know me from my Katamari and Link's Awakening remixes, but the very first mix I had posted on OCR was a waltz from Touhou 11 that was specifically designed for social/ballroom dancing. That remix was actually part of a larger dance music project that I've been working on for the past 4 years! I'm proud to announce the release of Celestial Melodies, a collection of 23 "9-bit" chiptune tracks designed specifically with social dance in mind. Album link (Bandcamp): https://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/celestial-melodies Release trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V695LnQOjHU I've been social dancing for about 6 years and it's been an amazing experience. This album is my way of contributing back to that wonderful community. It's got over an hour of music in my signature 9-bit style, and features a ton of waltzes, as well as some songs for hustle, west coast swing, east coast swing, nightclub two step, and even a handful of irish ceili tunes. Hope you enjoy! --DDRKirby(ISQ)
  20. O Yes my Darlings! Fret no longer for I, Mettaton, am finally here for all my glorious fans! This kind of a work in progress but I would like some back before I continue working on it. Thanks!
  21. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/665194 A request from a close friend. I was aiming for a Dance approach for this one, seeing how I thought it would fit her since she's so young. I'd like to try the game sometime, hope you all enjoy!
  22. Hello OCRemix community! I'm getting married on October 30th, and my fiance and I are starting to go through songs that we want played at our reception. I wanted to incorporate some video game remixes from the site into that playlist, so I figured I'd ask the OCR community there thoughts on remixes they think would be great ones to play during a wedding reception. As an additional data point, the majority of my guests are not video game players, though some are, so they would need to be remixes that anyone would want to stay on the dance floor to dance to. Thank you in advance for the help and I look forward to listening to all your suggestions! --fabio73--
  23. Today is my girlfriend's birthday so I wanted to surprise her with a remix from Kirby, which is one of her favorite franchises. I decided to remix Rock Star which is a mutual favorite of ours and incorporate some genre flavors she's fond of, however it comes with one or two surprises to go along with it - I had a lot of fun working on this one; particularly the occasional dubstep elements. Even if it isn't my most preferred genre it's exciting to chop things up. I hope you guys enjoy it!
  24. Another one from my mini album/compilation "Set Sail". You can check the rest of them out on my Youtube Channel. Title: Winter On The Moon II Genre: House/Dance BPM: 128
  25. Here's a synthpop-ish track I made for my mini album/compilation called "Set Sail". Title: CrimsonGenre: SynthpopBPM: 100
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