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Found 20 results

  1. Streets of Rage 'Wah-Wah' This is kind of weird. djp has added a fake guitar to the opening theme from Streets of Rage! Kind of hard to describe, you just have to hear it. I wouldn't classify this as one of djp's greatests, but there's not really too much I can bitch about. Except that I wish he'd do this tune again with his current sound setup, and make it techno... something requires to be turned up to 11.
  2. https://youtu.be/q3skfM-cH9Y A game I almost forgot until a couple of years was Little Nemo Dream Master. The first stage, Mushroom Forest, had such an unforgetable theme and it brings back both feelings and memories I also think it has this melancholic amtosphere which I believe comes from the harmony in the chords that's used. Another thing I loved with this stage was the big mushrooms and enemies lurking around in that dark forest. It really fits into what is supposed to mimic the dreams of Nemo. Of course I remember one more thing, this game was dead hard. I didn't manage to get through many stages, but I really wish I had because I heard the ending is great. Did you guys beat this game? As you can hear I made some difference in the chord progression in the first section, starting with minor chords instead of major. It gave a bit of a new atmosphere with just a little distance to the original. The bass line is very influenced by one of my favourite synthwave artists/producers - Mitch Murder. Listen to the song Assembly Line and you hear nothing but perfection in sense of production, mixing and quality. The perfect reference music if you're looking for a clean sound. I hope that I could come close to that some day! I was fooling around with a distorted lead sound during the creation of this remix, and at the same time was a bit inspired by metal (which I listened to a lot in the past). This resulted in the section starting at 1:11 (right after a heavy metal inspired solo) with double bass drums following what sounds like down tuned distorted guitars/basses in a not so common but hot rhythm. The forest ambience sound is found on freesound.org and contributes to the total atmosphere of forestness. I hope you enjoy this one! Maybe not a very common game, but I played it at some friends houses and liked the music back then as much as I do now. Hope it can bring back some memories of yours too! /Neon X
  3. This isn't the first remix from a game I've completed, however it is one I am more confident with: https://www.bandlab.com/vodouqueenxiii/groove-of-the-ancients-jazz-funk-dance-mix I decided I might as well throw myself into the deep-end (hope I'm doing it right), but yeah. Any advice, pointers, or criticisms (good or bad) would be great. Hoping to get something into submission at some point... I realize Cakewalk / BandLab is not on the usual list of DAWs to work with, by the way, but it's all I have to work with at the moment. I am extremely new to composing, arranging, mixing and mastering music on my own, (with nothing but me learning from YouTube vids, what bit of information I still have on music theory from years ago in band, and other tidbits on the internet). I'm practically a tadpole in a pond. Don't want anyone to go easy on me despite all this, please. Look forward to the comments. o/ Cheers!
  4. Here is a remix I am spending time on, so far the sequence is coming together but I would like to open this up as a collaboration. This remix is the song shortly after the prologue in the Sega CD classic "Snatcher". I would record my bass for this but I am having some gain or pickup issues that I'm hoping to get fixed soon. I can make a shared folder with tracks set for each instrument. I'll post my latest mix and the original tracks below to give an example. Thanks for listening and your criticism is welcome! [BPM] Original:120 REMIX:125 Remix In Progress: Original
  5. Was looking for feedback on this arrangement I did of The Last Soul from Streets of Rage. Before this arrangement, I had never done jazz/hip-hop fusion before. It was a very interesting and awesome experience :). I want to do more with SoR with live band and such. Any suggestions for this? As always thank you for taking the time to listen!
  6. Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums but would love to share some of the work I've done with my group Becoming Elephants. It's got a musical vibe similar to some video game soundtracks like Castlevania/Mega Man/TMNT but also some modern sounds that draw influence from progressive rock, metal, and jazz fusion. It's all instrumental and our first album is a concept album. Hope you enjoy it! It's available in it's entirety for streaming on Soundcloud, YouTube, and Spotify. Thanks!
  7. This is a little ambitious project I've been working on lately for Halloween. The song is supposed to portray a man waking up in a mysterious forest after a night of binge drinking out of depression. As the man wanders through this forest looking for a way out, he has inner battles with himself about who he his as a person. At night this causes him to hallucinate his fears. It actually gets pretty crazy and ends with him running into a small alien scout group. The man eventually escapes them at the end. From this moment the main realizes what he needed in life: Inspiration. Enjoy and don't be afraid to leave feedback. Happy October!
  8. Hey everyone! Just kinda looking for some general feedback on this one, as it won't be getting any more edits. Thanks! (also BIG shoutout to Marc P. for comin through with the Horn section) Sources: Bonetrousle Dating Start! Dating Tense! Dating Fight!
  9. Ever write a bunch of music for a project, to basically be told "yeah... it's good... but it's too dark and heavy"...? Well, I have. That's what happened with this collection I put together here a while ago (it occurred that I put it on Bandcamp but don't think I ever shared it here). The project director asked me to then write some music that wouldn't "scare the children," hence the title, heh. https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/please-dont-scare-the-children It's original, but it definitely has a video gamey quality to a whole lot of it, so, enjoy.
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  11. Simple question, I've been trying to recreate the sound Nightmare makes when he appears in Metroid Fusion. I've gotten close by FM'ing a square wave with a sine wave but it just doesn't sound right. Perhaps one of you have come across this sound in your various endeavors in creating sounds?
  12. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike 'Jungle Jazz' It's McVaffe - what do you expect? Quality, that's what! This remix starts with a well-played (or VERY well synthesized) piano solo, then adds jungle drum loops on top of it. Personally, I liked the piano better than the drum loops, as the drums sounded like every other jungle loop. But overall, another winner from McVaffe. Recommended.
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  14. Hey everybody! We just finished a video of our newest cover from Sonic and would love to hear your guys thoughts! This is an arrangement I made that was heavily influenced by this very strange album from MACINTOSH PLUS (here: https://beerontherug.bandcamp.com/album/floral-shoppe), as well as some timba music I was listening to at the time. Enjoy!
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  16. Mario Paint 'bLiNd Is Dah BomB!' The intro to this piece is very odd. From there its a very cool sounding piece with a Techno beat, and it's got some very experimental sounds to it. Obviously, since I said techno and experimental in the same sentence, twice now, not every one is going to take to this piece, but give it a try, you never know. I do very much love the vocal samples and I wish they were more frequent in this song, but I suppose I can't have everything I want. It's interesting, and catchy, which is why I Love this piece. Good work, DJ Leifo (Ko Miho Leifo), keep it up.
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