FR Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I'm pretty sure someone else has done before but sense there isn't a thread now I'm taking my chance. Basically how did you get your handle/nickname/screen name etc. I guess I'll start with mine, sometimes when playing games I get so frustrated that I make this groan, (I guess you can call it that ) and my friend says I sound like a raptor or something so I just put 2 and 2 together. well discuss... Off topic: How come there isn't any turok avatars, I was gonna use a raptor as a avatar Quote
Effef Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I needed something unique so I figured Id use two letters. I don't even use it anywhere else anymore, but I can't change it here. Quote
Harmony Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 So I figured that if I was gonna be involved in a VG music website, I'd better make it clear that I'm more interested in the music side of things. I'd say 65/35 split. Anyway, "Harmony" fit the bill. However if I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't pick a singular English word as a handle. It makes searching the forums for posts about myself impossible Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Hyperion has been used as the name of several starships that i just love. From the E.A.S. Hyperion which unloaded a whoopin in B5 to the one piloted by Raynor in SC Just one very badass ship. The 5182 comes from a friend who's email address ended with that...i lost track of the guy a long time ago. Part of me still hopes he is out there so the 5182 might remind him of a guy he once knew. Quote
jayc4life Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Well, jayc4life has been my username on several forums I visit, along with MySpace, Bebo, Last.FM amongst others. JayC, being my first and middle name initials (James Charles), and as for the 4life. I'd like to think I'll do something in my life that'll be remembered in the following years, and possibly historic (such as suggesting the USB Keys for album sales, see the RIAA thread in off-topic) so my memory, my "legacy", if you will, will live on and my spirit will never truly die. Although for the most part, I've changed my display name to just JC on most forums. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I wanted to have fun on a nick name I was dubbed by my friends and changed it to "Schwaltzvald". I still talk to these same friends and even use the nickname in public when it comes to them or even family whom have accepted as a name for me. Quote
bladiator Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I used to go by "Blade" on local BBS accounts, and then when I got to the wide world of the internet, I didn't want to be "Blade035781". Then I decided to put together blade and gladiator. Bad choice. Quote
Fenrir Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I started out as LokiSeraph, which I made on a whim when starting a game once, but gravitated to Fenrir after a while. Mostly because a giant wolf that eats Odin, and whose spawn consumes the sun and moon, is badass. Quote
chrono26 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 chrono series baby! and 26 for my birth day Quote
linkspast Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I needed a name for FF11.. and my email is linktothepast... but that was to many letters... so I shortened it to linkspast. The zelda series at the time was my favorite of all time, so yeah... Quote
Kenobio Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I used to go by "Blade" on local BBS accounts, and then when I got to the wide world of the internet, I didn't want to be "Blade035781".Then I decided to put together blade and gladiator. Bad choice. Haha, so you aren't Bladiator, warrior of bladders. Damn, I sorta liked that. Quote
Nutritious Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I was trying to think up an original nickname back around 2001. Started looking around the room and saw the wrapper for the granola bar I was eating. Nutritional Facts became Nutritious. Quote
Dhsu Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I guess I'll start with mine, sometimes when playing games I get so frustrated that I make this groan, (I guess you can call it that ) and my friend says I sound like a raptor or something so I just put 2 and 2 together. Ha, I was wondering about that. "Frustration Raptor" sounds like a Metal Gear Solid codename. Quote
The Author Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Well, mine is a bit more complicated than just a videogame name. Radical Dreamer is basically based on my personal belief that dreams have a deeper meaning than a simple "brain defrag" after effect. I settled on this name because of the videogame connotation, and the similarity to my belief that one should try to make life more dream like. It also draws to my spiritual side of things and the fact that I am at odds with mainstream ideas most of the time. In fact, way before I knew of Radical Dreamer, I sometimes called my philosophy the Radical Dream. At some point, I should write down the main ideas of the Radical Dream philosophy, but since I don't believe in imposing my ideas, it seems idiotic to write down "rules" to a philosophy that believes in being flexible. Other names I have used included: Ryushinigami (basically dragon god of death), Part of my "japanese" phase. I also picked it because dragons are cool (duh), and I was obsessed by my own mortality. I have also had a close relationship with death ever since I had to face my own life maybe coming to an end. (At this point, death feels like an old comforting presence waiting for me to be ready to leave this world.) Seimei no Ookami. (Wolf of ???). When I underwent a "vision quest" type of ritual, the animal that appeared to guide me was either a wolf or a tiger. In this case, I was refering to a specific vision, and I think Seimei means something similar to light or life, at this point I don't remember. Kage no Ookami. Changed it during a depressive self-destructive phase. Means "Shadow Wolf." Arashi no Tora (Tiger of the storm). Still in my Japanese phase, basically this was due to a very specific winter storm where the icy snow pushed by the wind felt like something was clawing at my face. The wind sounded like a roaring tiger, and when I came home that night, my eyebrow piercing ripped out when I removed my shirt, as the skin was frozen around it. Looked like I had claw mark over my left eye until it healed. Quote
Fishy Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 A long time ago I when I used to play a lot of Warcraft 3, I was looking for a new account name, and I saw some guy turn up called RoboFishy. Outraged that I had been beaten to the coolest username name ever, I whooped his ass 1v1 then stole the second half of it. I like it cause its fun to say, and fun to make other people say. (zircon sounds so uncomfortable saying it on that votl podcast interview . I hate it cause you cannot find any of my damn stuff on the internet thanks to that stupid flash game. Quote
The Unsung Plumber Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Well, my handle comes from my job, we take your water from the source, treat it and deliver into your house. So in a sense, we are plumbers,(you know, gluing, soldering, etc.) and our work helps your pipes and fixtures last longer, thus making the other plumbers look good, but we never usually get any credit, thus the "Unsung" part. (And no, I don't flash my asscrack at people.) Quote
Tenucha Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Tenucha dates back sometime around or before 2002. There was an online total conversion mod for Quake III called "Bid For Power". It was built around Dragonball Z and included characters and locations from the anime (in the games early form... closer to completion the group got in trouble with copyright infringement between FUNimation and Toei Animation despite the group not charging a $ amount for playing the game or anything). By that time I never really had my own handle. My e-mail address was "Funkymonkey84" (one of my favourite video game characters is Funky Kong) and I didn't want to use that as my first fourm handle. So I racked my brain up and down until I came up with "Tenucha" which is the combined Japanese spellings for the Dragonball charracters Tien (Tenshinhan) and Yamcha (Yamucha), my two favourite fighters. Someone from the community actually made a playable baised on this "Fusion" I didn't use it for years and forgot I even had the name... instead using the handle "ToshiMustgrind" (which is my character I draw). I rediscovered the name, I still really like the name so I started using it again. I'm an artist and I do graphic illustrations and so on, I have characters and developing stories and so on... Ya, it's got history lol My now ex said that the name Tenucha is pretty close to another word which was still cool... I dont remember what it was. She's half Japanese half Chinese. Well, mine is a bit more complicated than just a videogame name.Radical Dreamer is basically based on my personal belief that dreams have a deeper meaning than a simple "brain defrag" after effect. I settled on this name because of the videogame connotation, and the similarity to my belief that one should try to make life more dream like. It also draws to my spiritual side of things and the fact that I am at odds with mainstream ideas most of the time. In fact, way before I knew of Radical Dreamer, I sometimes called my philosophy the Radical Dream. At some point, I should write down the main ideas of the Radical Dream philosophy, but since I don't believe in imposing my ideas, it seems idiotic to write down "rules" to a philosophy that believes in being flexible. Other names I have used included: Ryushinigami (basically dragon god of death), Part of my "japanese" phase. I also picked it because dragons are cool (duh), and I was obsessed by my own mortality. I have also had a close relationship with death ever since I had to face my own life maybe coming to an end. (At this point, death feels like an old comforting presence waiting for me to be ready to leave this world.) Seimei no Ookami. (Wolf of ???). When I underwent a "vision quest" type of ritual, the animal that appeared to guide me was either a wolf or a tiger. In this case, I was refering to a specific vision, and I think Seimei means something similar to light or life, at this point I don't remember. Kage no Ookami. Changed it during a depressive self-destructive phase. Means "Shadow Wolf." Arashi no Tora (Tiger of the storm). Still in my Japanese phase, basically this was due to a very specific winter storm where the icy snow pushed by the wind felt like something was clawing at my face. The wind sounded like a roaring tiger, and when I came home that night, my eyebrow piercing ripped out when I removed my shirt, as the skin was frozen around it. Looked like I had claw mark over my left eye until it healed. Thats very cool. I'm a bit more of a spiritual kinda guy also so I find your name origin very cool and intriguing. Most people who are interested on my beliefs end up saying I'm false or whatever (generally means that they have a connection with a church or something) so since then I dont really impose it on anyone since they wouldn't buy into it Quote
chumble spuzz Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Because this made me laugh a lot when I first read it so many years ago. Previous handle: "occupied sock," after a comic character I'd made up, who was a possessed evil gym sock. It reminded Disco Dan of masturbation, for obvious reasons, which he pointed out to me long ago. After realizing what I'd just named myself, I decided to change it. Quote
bladiator Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Haha, so you aren't Bladiator, warrior of bladders. Damn, I sorta liked that. Haha, yeah. I have since stopped using "bladiator" for online gaming because I heard that all the time. Or "The Diaper Warrior". Or whatever. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I like comets. Hale-Bopp was a favorite of mine because of all the crazy stuff going on in the world (and in my life) at the time of its arrival. I also liked that it was so easy to see with the naked eye. I also couldn't think of anything else to use that wasn't already taken at the time. Quote
Gimgak Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 I got my name when I was signing up for my first MMORPG (Runescape). Before that I had used some other names, but they had already been taken, and I really did not want to have a name with numbers after it. So I started make sounds with my mouth: Stimmick... Fimick... Fimack... Grimack... Grimgack... GIMGAK!!! And it's stuck ever since. Quote
Darklink42 Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Obviously I'm a fan of the Legend of Zelda. I've always been a big fan of Dark Link ever since I played OoT and turned around to find him waiting under that tree. It was a cool trick in one of the most frustrating dungeons I've ever played. I thought about it at a later point, and I really liked the concept of the dark side of a hero taking on a physical form. The 42, because somebody else took the regular DarkLink handle, is tacked on there because of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Yeah, I'm a nerd, what can I say. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 As if mine needs any explaining.. other than the fact that I was 12 when I started using it (9 years ago). I've done far too much stuff to ever desire to change it. Quote
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