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This song sounds a lot like "c64vibe" by slaveone. They both have the main melody being played by 8-bittish square waves. They both also kick ass. I especially love when it kicks from the "dorky" square into the dance sections. And the panning at sections like 1:47 adds a cool little effect. I also like the majorly reverbed bongo hits at the end. Nothing really wrong with it, just a nice little diddy. Overall, good stuffs!


What? It's been how long since an Arkanoid remix? This remix is pretty cool, although a little on the bland side. It's not bad, in fact it's pretty good, but lacks originality. It feels like OCR a long time ago when everything used to be techno mixes :) I dig the tempo changes, though. Kinda neat effect. The song is sorta repetitive, but that's ok.


This needs sommore attention, so ill review it, Comet. <songplayed> Really cool stuff. The middle sections are by far the best, the breaks, the intro, and the ending could all use a bit of work, but either way, this mix is still *very* enjoyable, make sure you check it.

0:01 - The intro is a big flaw, I think. while i, personally like it, and i feel like its a good way to start the mix, the quality doesnt match the rest, even if it *is* that same instrument, so im not diggin the intro.

0:16 - boom. this part will totally change your opinion of the mix, and you'll start nodding your head almost immediately, its a very well-done building sensation and it *grabs* you. I love htis part.

1:01 - Okay stuff here, this small section needs some work, especially with the drums that instantly stop at 1:11.

1:30 I do love this next part though, its handeled very well, and best of all: it adds variety, spicin' things up: I like that.

2:08 - Again, it sounds great. but what else can ya do??

3:08 - A bit better, while I don't prefer the ending, its really not that important, the meat of this mix is what makes it so great, its really fun to lsiten to, and Certainly worth checkin' out.


Hehe! Thank's for all of the neutural feedback! I made this a couple years ago and was still learning Fruityloops. I can say that I've gotten alot better and a more unique style. I'm gonna make a remix of another song sometime and submit it! Again, thanks!


Ah, the fond memories of this soul sucking game. How addictive it was, from the first time you played it, to the moments you were drolling over all those bricks, as you've stayed up for at least 48 hours strait trying to beat the thing, to the point where you obtained carpol tunnel syndrome.(SP?)

Personally, I think this was a good remix, definately better then some of the more sketchy ones out there, as the sounds to my ear formed nice and smoothly. Although I really didnt like what happened at 00:16, It did lead up to the awesome comeback at 00:43. I give my full votes for this song...if we could vote. Even if this song wasnt good...I would still do it, just to know someone still enjoys the classics. Good job!


I thought it was great, I don't remember the original so I can't really be a judge on its originality and whatnot...but its definatly well done, simple sounds yet quite catchy


i never heard the original, but this one goes into my "favorites" folder... 8) nothing completely mind blowing, but some songs don't need anything of that sort in order to be great...this is one of them :) good job, since you said this was made a few years ago it seems like youre on a good start as it is :wink:


I like this remix, it's fun and has a catchy tune. I've played this game before I think, but don't remember this song or anything like it. It's not too complicated, but it got its parts. I can't get tired of it 8) .


Simple-yet-catchy definitely describes this one. The background bass/rhythm is solid, and the melody is relatively complex, so there's a good complimentary relationship there. The tempo change things were slightly disorienting, perhaps because I'm used to techno staying right at it all the way through. Translated well into the genre though. Worthy of a listen and a download for sure!

I don't remember the original so I can't really be a judge on its originality and whatnot.

Actually, I tried to duplicate the NES version as much as I could for the fun intro. I was basing it more off of the NES version than the c64 version. It pretty much sounds exactly like the beginning except it loops over and over! ^.^;

  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Fairly typical techno-sounding piece.. nothing outstanding, but it's pretty solid. Sounds a lot like another remix, as mentioned before, but that's not a bad thing if you like the style.

Will make my regular playlist, just because I enjoy the way it sounds.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Thanks everyone for all your comments. I have greatly improved my production quality. Although I still use Fruityloops, my stuff sounds beyond that. I still haven't made a remix of a video game tune in awhile though. Actually since this one. I was thinking about submitting my OLD remix of a Guardian Legend tune but since it's so old (even made before this one), it doesn't really portray my newer production quality.

Either way, I'm glad I submitted and will be submitting in the future with my unique hardcore style. Got some remixes in mind. ;)

  • 2 months later...

Heh, nice use of relative neo-modern minimalistic cyber-sinewaves with Roland ulatrasounds here. Not too complicated, definately something you can wiggledance to.

Yeah, but seriously, this is pretty nice. Not quite within my range of tastes, but close enough. Good job.

  • 1 year later...

Not bad. As Ari said, an interesting take on the source material. It's not so long as to get exceeding boring and repetitive, and during the three and a half minutes it manages to variate the tune enough to make it a decent remix. Nothing that really makes it stand out though.

  • 1 month later...

Hmm. Never actually played this game (Unless you consider the countless billions on teh intranet), but this is still a fun mix. I like it simply because it's all around good music; It doesn't challenge you too much. Believe me, I still love the heaps of extremely original stuff out there (You freaking ROCK, Makke!), but sometimes it's nice to have something you don't need to be in a specific mood to listen to. Overall, just a good mix in touch with its fundamentals.

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

There are some interesting and surprising tempo changes throughout that I think worked in general, as well as some cool personalized riffs, but the sound quality in general is kinda weak, with the exception of that pad. I'd love to hear what the DJComet has been up to in the past 6 years, though, as I think this holds a lot of promise.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00958 - Arkanoid "Black Block"
  • 10 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00958 - Arkanoid (NES) "Black Block"

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