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Hi everyone. I'm very sorry to report some discouraging news. Veteran OC ReMixer bLiNd - Jordan Aguirre - was diagnosed with Colitis, a very serious inflammation of the colon, two months ago. His condition has been rapidly worsening, to the point where his girlfriend (Jade) contacted me, seeking prayers and goodwill from anyone in the community that feels so moved.

At the moment, Jordan has lost 30 pounds in two months, and may have to breathe through a machine if he loses any more. Jade's father died of this illness, so this hits awfully close to home and is a grave concern.

bLiNd is one of the most talented artists I have seen in this community. It would be a terrible loss if anything were to happen to him. Regardless of religious beliefs, I think both of them could use our thoughts and prayers right now!


I last spoke with bLiNd in early May, when he was first diagnosed - even then he said he was too sick and bed-ridden to work on music, which definitely made me worried, but I wished him well and hoped he would get better. I can't even describe the feeling I have after seeing the message his girlfriend sent, and knowing that his condition has taken a turn for the worse. I consider bLiNd to be a good friend, a confidant, and one of the most talented musicians I know.

I will be praying for his recovery.


This might sound weird, but I think of all the regulars here, past and present, as sort of an extended family. I don't take credit for the amazing talent on OCR - and no one's better at trance than Jordan - but I do like to take a little credit for getting people together, etc. So whenever something like this happens, I literally lose sleep over it.

I don't pray, but my thoughts and best wishes are with Jordan and his family, along with all the hope I have to give that he'll get better and keep schooling all of us with his mixes.


bLiNd is one of the most talented artists this community has seen. Not only that, he's really helpful. I know he's given Tweek and I pointers in the past, and he wrote up a huge essay for the Mastering/Production thread I started way back when.

You're one of the coolest guys here, bLiNd. Hang in there.


Wow... devastating. You've got a lot to live for, man, you gotta put whatever strength you've got into your recovery. Like DJP, I don't pray, but I can encourage a good recovery and a positive outcome. Hope you come out of this so you can continue to grace everyone here with your presence and your art. Best of luck to you, Jordan, hope you get better.


bLiNd is my favorite friggin' artist on this website. He'll pull through if I've got to pray every night to every damned god there is.

Good luck and no pain, man.


CT - Dream of Zeal and Zelda 2 Temple Trance are two of the oldest remixes I still listen to regularly from when I first joined OCR in '02. Zeal in particular is one of my favorites that I played over and over and over again from '02-'03. I was going through a lot of crap and mixes such as this helped me chill out, relax, and keep things in perspective.

I'm so sorry to hear he's down with this illness, but I will join in praying that this doesn't put him out.

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