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God gosh... I finally had a good night's sleep! I'm sure all of your prayers worked on me too. God bless you all.

I should be going to church in a little bit. I called my pastor and he did a prayer for me over the phone. Made me teary! I'm gonna get everyone to hold hands and pray for Jordan. I hope many of you that do go to church on Sunday can send in a prayer request and do the same for Jordan. Thanks guys!


I don't know bLiNd other than as a listener. But I've found his music especially moving, and from that connection stem misgiving at his ailment and hope for a smooth recovery. I send you my best wishes bLiNd, and the same to those close to you. Keep entrancing me.


Just thought I'd add that I mentioned bLiNd when the time came for prayer requests at Sunday School. I also wanted to add him to the super duper main prayer list at my church too, but I didn't know how and just tensed up. Hehe!

Still, I've been praying for bLiNd off and on since last night and I can only hope for a speedy recovery. Stay strong, bLiNd and Jade!!!


I just heard about his condition today and I truly wish the best for bLind and that his health improves as soon as possible. His music has always inspired my own productions; in fact, I probably owe my interest in the genre entirely to him. His Extreme G remix was the first song I heard on OCRemix and one of the first trance songs I had ever heard ANYWHERE. Since then, I always jump when I see that a new bLiNd has been posted, so seeing his name in this light was dishearting. I will be sure to pray for him.

Get well soon bLiNd!


I don't post here often, but this kind of thing just saddens me and I had to stop in and offer my prayers and best wishes. BliNd was the first real experience I had with trance music, and he was one of the first artists I actually checked out on this site. I've never spoken with him personally, from the sounds of things, his personality was just as great as his music.

Best of wishes, hopefully he'll be back to doing what he does best in no time :)


I certainly hope that bLiNd will come through this safely and soundly. I will pray for his health to recover. I may have not met him before, but I feel as if I could know him through his music. Hang in there, buddy!

That sounds terrible -- I really hope that some uplifting news comes bLiNd's way very soon. I'll put in a good word with the Man upstairs for you!

From my brother's progression with this condition I learned a bit about it.

The dangerous aspect is the rapid weight loss. In my brother's case, he was lucky to have more to lose in a sense. That probably saved him a lot of issues. Once he is back on normal food, he will need some time to adjust his diet, but otherwise he will be on the way to recovery.


I remember a few days ago people wanted to make cards for bLiNd. I know I've gotten one message about mailing one. If any of you would like to, PM for an address and you shall get your wish!

Thanks to anyone who even wants to! The love you have for my boyfriend is so overwhelming.


Terrible news! I've been loving your music since I first checked out OCR (a couple years ago, I think), and I still listen to a lot of it regularly (which from me is a HUGE compliment). I've held off joining until now (I've had my reasons), but I figured if not now, then when?

You've definitely got a place in my prayers, and with all this love from everyone directed your way, this rough patch will fade in no time!

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