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I was thinking. Everyone I talk to always buys games once they find out if they are good or not, or they end up borrowing them to try out. But does anyone rent games anymore?

I mean... I can admit to renting game accessories when I need them (Extra GH guitars, other peripherals, or old gaming systems such as a dreamcast) but I haven't rented an actual game in like... forever. Is this common?


Hmm... I'll "rent" computer games off of torrent sites to try them out, but for console games, I haven't rented anything since...

oh hell, I think Legend of Mana was the last game we rented.

Nowadays I'll go over to a friend's who has a game I want to check out.


Gamefly is a lifesaver. I rent the game, and it comes right to my house. This way, I can play a ton of games that only take 10 hours to beat, then feel proud that I spent $20, not $60. I mean, come on. Who's really going to buy Lego Indiana Jones? It's a mediocre game at best!

and youre an idiot for renting it


I see what you did there gluvr...

I don't think I've ever rented a game, however I've borrowed from my uncle from time to time; even to this day. He's got a good eye on games :)!!

Other then that source I've "borrowed" elsewhere from time to time so long as it ran on the PC.

I was thinking. Everyone I talk to always buys games once they find out if they are good or not, or they end up borrowing them to try out. But does anyone rent games anymore?

I mean... I can admit to renting game accessories when I need them (Extra GH guitars, other peripherals, or old gaming systems such as a dreamcast) but I haven't rented an actual game in like... forever. Is this common?

I rent 'em every blue moon.


Man, I haven't rented a game in a long time. The last one may have been... the Two Towers beat'em up for GameCube, and even then, that was a rare occasion.

Although with Wii control schemes being quite slipshod and a gamble, renting titles I'm interested in might be worth looking into again.


Last two I rented were MGS4 and Lair. I'm a huge dragon fanatic, but was delightfully unimpressed with Lair's linear gameplay. I'm not a huge fan of MGS4, but I enjoyed playing it more than Lair.

Honestly, I'm glad I rented, otherwise I'd have wasted $60 on a game that would have collected dust. Something like what my GTA4 is doing now in favor of my Burnout:Paradise and WoW habit. *shrug*

Honestly, renting makes sense. Especially if you don't know if you're going to like the game. Sure, some people will say "You're spending extra money on a game by renting it! zomg!" ... Uh .. no. Not really. In the long run, if the game is interesting enough that I actually play it during the week that I have it, then it stands a good chance that I'll buy it; however, if I don't play it, or worse, I return it within a day, then I've saved myself money on buying a dud. So far, the "shareware" concept works for console games.


I don't rent games much. The last one I rented was Red Steel, I knew i didn't want to buy it all and just kind of wanted to give it a shot... Glad i didn't buy it!


Wow, I didn't know so many people didn't rent games! If there's a game I'm iffy about or I want to play but not buy, I just go to Blockbusters; but not as much anymore because they've gotten more expensive.

Honestly, renting makes sense. Especially if you don't know if you're going to like the game. Sure, some people will say "You're spending extra money on a game by renting it! zomg!" ... Uh .. no. Not really. In the long run, if the game is interesting enough that I actually play it during the week that I have it, then it stands a good chance that I'll buy it; however, if I don't play it, or worse, I return it within a day, then I've saved myself money on buying a dud. So far, the "shareware" concept works for console games.

Um... you are completely ignoring the fact that if you happen to like a rental enough that you buy it, you are spending extra money on that game. This is why I don't rent games, because if I'm interested enough in a game that I'm willing to rent it I don't want to be charged out the ass for a week's trial. Of course, I'm not a huge gamer now that I'm a college student with more financial responsibility for keeping myself alive, so to me it's not life or death if I decide I'm not willing to give a game a shot with a full purchase. I'd rather not spend the, what, $7? and miss out on a decent game than wind up paying that fee on top of the cost to purchase a good game.

Besides, I usually buy my console games with a double 10% discount at Target, then work the deals to get maximum trade-in credit at a game store and buy a portable game with it, so I wind up with such low overhead in buying games that it doesn't make sense to spend money and rush through a game from a rental place.


Man I haven't rented a game since... The SNES/Genesis days. Though then again back then when I was much younger I didn't have the financial ability to really do anything but rent.

Oh wait, I remember renting Space Channel 5 for the DC at one point, and ended up buying it.


I rent when its a game Im not sure I'd buy, like COD4 and bioshock, both of which I ended up buying (not into fps games, so they where iffy for me) And games I know will blow but be fun for a few hours, like viking, N3, and.... thats about it since I rented suikoden back in the day.


You guys are lucky,at least you have an option to rent it,in my country (as for most of Europe),there is no possibility to rent a game,it is ether piracy or buy it (most of the time overpriced) :?

You guys are lucky,at least you have an option to rent it,in my country (as for most of Europe),there is no possibility to rent a game,it is ether piracy or buy it (most of the time overpriced) :?

Eh renting is fun, but its different with games then movies... That and now at blockbuster if you have a game to long they just charge you full retail for it... no good.

How much are games in europe? Its like 60 bucks us for new xbox and ps3 games


I do the little "GamePass" thing. $20 bucks a month, hang on to a game as a long as you want and swap it out any time. The rental store is just a mile down the road, so it's an easy trip and it lets me try a lot of games I'd never bother with otherwise. And it drastically reduces the number I purchase as well.


I haven't rented a game since Resident Evil 4 on the GC like 2 years back, and even then I barely did it. Thing is, Blockbusters and most video rental places I've been hitting have either shit for games or only one copy of one game that everybody and their mother wants to play and thus is gone at ALL times.

Also, since this new generation of systems usually have demos up for most of the games I want to play, I just download those.

Although I can understand why you'd just want to rent a game like an RPG as opposed to an FPS being that you could rent that game for awhile and still end up paying less than you would buying it, thus not having a game taking up shelf space that you only played through once.

I remember the good ol' days when renting games were like 3 bucks.

I haven't rented a game since Resident Evil 4 on the GC like 2 years back, and even then I barely did it. Thing is, Blockbusters and most video rental places I've been hitting have either shit for games or only one copy of one game that everybody and their mother wants to play and thus is gone at ALL times.

This is my situation. I used to rent games all the time though, but I just stopped playing my Gamecube so I don't have much use for renting anymore


The only good place to ever rent games in town was a place called Gamer's Edge. They changed hands over the years, and towards the end tried to go into general media; they got rid of some games and went more into movies, putting them in direct competition with the five video stores.

They used to be the only place that would rent Gameboy carts...


Back in the 16-bit era renting games was one of my main joys in life. There were so many throw away games back then, and for a lot of games 5 days or so was usually more then enough time to get all the enjoyment out of them. Now I don't have the option to rent anything (Japan must be like Europe in that sense), but I just pirate anything I want these days...

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