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Why is this site so scared of actually reviewing songs?

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It's very rare to go to a song's review page and see someone saying they don't like that particular track. Why does everyone seem only give positive reviews? It can't be because all these songs are 100 A+ amazing. Hate to say it, but everything has a flaw, even these mixes. If you have an actual opinion, you should say it. If an artist sees that you didn't like something they did, that may help them to create a song that improves on that weakpoint.


Answer: Laziness. If someone doesn't enjoy a song, they don't care enough to write a negative review.

Answer 2: Respect. We all know each other here, if there's something wrong, we tell it to them rather than airing it out. All people here can be readily contacted, why scream about flaws when you can whisper them and everyone saves face?

your sarc-o-meter is either broken or unresponsive
I'm not being sarcastic.

Do not stalk my posts or you will be reported. Period.

hahahahahaha. More than the sarc-o-meter!


He wasn't saying you were being sarcastic, he was saying Skrypnyk was being sarcastic and that you didn't realize it.

Replying to your posts does not mean someone is stalking you. If you don't want people to reply, then the Internet is not for you.

I'm not being sarcastic.

Do not stalk my posts or you will be reported. Period.

What's he saying is that you missed Skrypnyk's sarcasm. You did.

As far as the original post, TheHands is correct that laziness/apathy is one reason we don't get more negative reviews. Most people need a strong reaction to comment one way or the other.

The being said, there are still plenty of negative reviews as well as positive reviews that feature criticisms. I know because I read them all as they come in. Most are from consistent reviewers, but keep an eye on OA and DragonAvenger.

Other than that, our music is A+.

I think your wrong.

all the songs on this site are perfect.

it's how you take in music that is flawed.

well, here's the thing. i believe you are contradicting yourself.

if no one can make a mistake or produce no flaws in music i.e no standard to fall below.

how can someone be wrong in their opinion? and if they can, whats the difference between the expression through notes and thoughts to words? and where does this standard fall? and who or what sets this standard of right or wrong?

so if there is no right or wrong opinions, that would mean the most ignorant racist crude person would say what believes without being wrong.

if this guy finds flaws in the music, then he is right, they don't live up to his expectations, but to say that he is wrong for thinking such a way and for you to say that they can not make flaws in music is outright contradictory.

the last two points.

1. with there are no flaws point of view (everything is subjective) you can think in contradictory ways because there is no wrong.

2. this website is based on many criteria to have your song approved. countless have been rejected. that would mean they would have flaws in them. so obviously some people feel you can fail at creating music, even if its because of some kind arbitrary standard set up.


well, here's the thing. i believe you are contradicting yourself.

if no one can make a mistake or produce no flaws in music i.e no standard to fall below.

how can someone be wrong in their opinion? and if they can, whats the difference between the expression through notes and thoughts to words? and where does this standard fall? and who or what sets this standard of right or wrong?

so if there is no right or wrong opinions, that would mean the most ignorant racist crude person would say what believes without being wrong.

if this guy finds flaws in the music, then he is right, they don't live up to his expectations, but to say that he is wrong for thinking such a way and for you to say that they can not make flaws in music is outright contradictory.

the last two points.

1. with there are no flaws point of view (everything is subjective) you can think in contradictory ways because there is no wrong.

2. this website is based on many criteria to have your song approved. countless have been rejected. that would mean they would have flaws in them. so obviously some people feel you can fail at creating music, even if its because of some kind arbitrary standard set up.

Holy crap, guys. C'mon, turn on those sarcasm detectors.

Shall we try for 3 though? Skryp's comments seem to have the staying power. :lol:


Skrypnyk, you're so totally out of the loop...wait what? Sarcasm? What's that? Seriously though, the internets needs a sarcasm button cuz most people don't pick it up very well. It's all words on a page afterall. But anyway, TheHands has it down. I know I'm less inclined to review a song if I think there's something wrong with it cuz frankly, I don't really care. I also don't have enough street cred to be critical anyway.


You are right. When I used to review songs earlier, I usually went on talking about the bad things a mix had. However, due to the desolation growing around, I decided to stop doing it. Simply restricted myself to mixes I really like.

Besides, when I see someone doing it, artists generally do not like reading this kind of comments, because they think they are perfect and their point is above everyone's else opinions. So some of those people stopped writing this posts because they're not taken seriously. Laziness is something, but it is not the core.

And now that the standards are higher, less actual feedback will come. Few people really cares about improvement; since they get posted on front page, fame is what actually matters to most.


I totally like citicism, as long as it's warranted. Not like, "This sucks becaus I hate this type of music," for examply. But, yeah, once stuff is posted, most of the obvious stuff is called out in the judges forum, so it kinda goes without saying what was meh in a mix by that point.


I lol'ed.

Especially after being warmed up by the two misdirected replies to a sarcastic post.

Personally I only 'review' songs if I feel like I really love, and would like to support the artist as a fan. For songs I don't like, I don't leave them on my playlist and that's about it. All to do with personal preference.

Then again, I don't review much anyway.


Not everyone reacts the same to negative reviews. Sometimes they're accepted or ignored, and other times, the thread blows up because one or two people didn't think it was "OMG THE BEST SONG EVER!!!1" like everyone else. That doesn't seem to happen as much as it used to, though.

Still, I just don't think it's worth the potential hassle to post negative reviews. Not that I've ever been much of a reviewer, anyway.


Not that I review that much, but when I do, I always speak my mind - I have done negative reviews in the past, but generally, my positive reviews outweigh the negatives, since, like most people, I can't be bothered. Not to mention that to do an effective review, you have to know the song/piece of music you are reviewing pretty well, and if you dislike it, your not going to listen to it enough.

The only exception with that is the judges, who seem to hate 90% of the music they review :lol: (Just kidding)

Seriously though, these forums need a sarcasm smiley or something so people don't take a joke you say seriously.

The only exception with that is the judges, who seem to hate 90% of the music they review :lol: (Just kidding)


I seem to like the majority of it. People only remix their favourite music, so you can usually tell that whoever they are, they enjoy making what they're making, and that tends to carry over to the listening experience. I don't think I've said to myself "I have something against this music", there's usually something positive you can focus on somewhere.

On topic: I only review stuff I enjoy because I can be bothered to post in every thread saying I don't really have an opinion of this/I don't like it.

The panel definitely isn't afraid to review songs.

no no no no no no no yes no no no no no no no no no no etc

Not enough "no's" in that post.

I think that most people have posted a good amount of the reasons. I used to only post in the songs that really grabbed me. The super amazing ones.

However, jumping on the review train has taught me a lot of things. I'm learning more of what to look for in mixes, and am getting better at wording what exactly I like and don't like about them(I still have a long way to go on that one though).

Also, being one of the more mediocre mixers here, I know how good it is to get a nice word here or there, or some constructive (I'll say again, constructive) criticism. It shows you how many people really do listen to your track. Reviewing other tracks helps spread the love.

If only I could keep on my 2 a day review track...

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