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Congratulations to djpretzel and the rest of the staff of OCRemix.org. I think what you guys started 10 years ago was really unique and, for me, truly legitimized video game music as an art form.

It wasn't until I discovered OCRemix back in probably like 2003 that I realized there were other people that enjoyed listening to video game music. I haven't been that active of a member of the community but I've been popping in since the early days and I've seen the community transform. I'm very proud of OCRemix and proud to have my music up here.

Congrats again and here's to another great 10 years!


A most sincerest Happy Birthday from me. I've always loved video game music and was first shown there was a place to obtain it online back in 2001.

Without being exposed to this site or vgmusic (I actually listened to midi's first) I wouldn't even be involved with music for what has now been 6 1/2 years.

Yep, this forum account was made a mere month after I started music... and it was a few people I met through this site that helped me a great deal when I knew nothing.

Always a fan (especially of numerous musicians on this site), thanks to DJ Pretzel for not only making the site but sticking with with it, and to the community who is most responsible for OCRemix being where it is today.


I've been around here from the start (first as just a listener from before the orange ocr days and then as a remixer) and I have a lot to thank ocr for, it gives me awesome music for free, it gave me one of my favorite hobbies, and it also gave me some good friends.

Long live OCR, and /hug and big thanks to djp.

I first came around in 2001.

Made Monobrow on the forums in 2004.

I met the love of my life through this place just over a year ago. :J

So thanks for that OCR

Man. I wanna hook up with some OCR chicks. Any takers?


For the life of me, I don't understand how people can play video games without being so affected by the music. That's part of the experience, and, in my opinion, just as important as the graphics. Thank you, OCR, for all the memories and all the fun.

Happy birthday.


happy birthday, OCR :nicework:

not a regular in the forums, but definitely a regular lurker since 2001. i can honestly say that OC Remix is one of the big influences on getting plugged into video game inspired music, which plugged me into "nerdy music" and wanted to do Nerdapalooza. <3

<shameless plug>if anyone doesn't know yet, i have a podcast called "Nerdy Show" and we REGULARLY play OC Remix. it's actually the most frequent tag that i put on shows www.nerdyshow.com</shameless plug>

anywho, just wanted to send my love for all the amazing music y'all have given me over the years. :)

For the life of me, I don't understand how people can play video games without being so affected by the music. That's part of the experience, and, in my opinion, just as important as the graphics. Thank you, OCR, for all the memories and all the fun.

Happy birthday.

This, exactly and totally. It drives me crazy when people don't even attempt to listen to the music in a game and immediately turn on some other music. The music can make so many things in a game that much more memorable.

This, exactly and totally. It drives me crazy when people don't even attempt to listen to the music in a game and immediately turn on some other music. The music can make so many things in a game that much more memorable.

Yeah, like those people who play Smash Bros while listening to their CD's, or the worst... people who play handheld games with the sound off. I just about slapped my sister the other day when I caught her playing Chrono Trigger DS with the volume turned all the way down.


I can't even remember 1999 all that well. Did we even have internet back in those days? :P

I too used to record game music to make mix tapes :) I didn't even know about this remixing phenomenon untill 2005 or something 0_0;

I think the people involved with this site are doing a really good job at keeping it all together and I think that's what makes a succesful community. That, and of course the artists who provide us with great music :)


Happy Birthday OCR, and nice work indeed: a solid ten years of incredible music. I wouldn't be half the musician I am without the inspiration that came from this site almost 8 years ago and has continued to since. So, thank you to everyone who has made OverClocked Remix what it is today--you have my sincerest gratitude.


Congrats OCR! I can't believe its already been ten years.

Feels like it was just yesterday when things came together.

Plus its been a great 10 years. Hope for many more ahead, and tons of fun collaborations in the years to come.


OCReMix, a website truly dedicated to fans of gaming music everywhere.

As with many people, I owe a lot to OCReMix. It is with this site that I not only heard fantastic music, but met some of the best friends I have ever had.

Whether your feelings of this site are of hate or love, you cannot deny that without this website, none of us would have made the friends we have. Each member of this community were brought together because of this site, and whatever happens in the future can never change that fact. I cannot express how truly thankful I am for this.

Happy 10th anniversary, OCReMix, and here is to the years ahead!

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